Successful software authorship de-anonymization has both software forensics applications and privacy implications. However, the process requires an efficient extraction of authorship attributes. The extraction of such attributes is very challenging, due ...
As many vulnerabilities of one-time authentication systems have already been uncovered, there is a growing need and trend to adopt continuous authentication systems. Biometrics provides an excellent means for periodic verification of the authenticated ...
The malware analysis and detection research community relies on the online platform VirusTotal to label Android apps based on the scan results of around 60 antiviral scanners. Unfortunately, there are no standards on how to best interpret the scan ...
Data-oriented attacks manipulate non-control data to alter a program’s benign behavior without violating its control-flow integrity. It has been shown that such attacks can cause significant damage even in the presence of control-flow defense ...
Recent work has shown that adversarial Windows malware samples—referred to as adversarial EXEmples in this article—can bypass machine learning-based detection relying on static code analysis by perturbing relatively few input bytes. To preserve ...
Tweens are avid users of digital media, which exposes them to various online threats. Teachers are primarily expected to teach children safe online behaviours, despite not necessarily having the required training or classroom tools to support this ...
Remote attestation consists of generating evidence of a system’s integrity via measurements and reporting the evidence to a remote party for appraisal in a form that can be trusted. The parties that exchange information must agree on formats and ...
In this article, we provide the first comprehensive study of user-chosen four- and six-digit PINs (n=1705) collected on smartphones with participants being explicitly primed for device unlocking. We find that against a throttled attacker (with 10, 30, ...
Drones are becoming increasingly popular for hobbyists and recreational use. But with this surge in popularity comes increased risk to privacy as the technology makes it easy to spy on people in otherwise-private environments, such as an individual’s ...