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Displaying 1 - 50 of 309418
Project Title Status Priority Category Version Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Drupal core Add tests for Fast404ExceptionHtmlSubscriber Needs review Normal Task 9.3.x-dev 10 3 min 13 sec 4 months 1 week
Crossword Unsolved clue on solved crossword Needs work Normal Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev 11 5 min 31 sec 2 weeks 15 hours
Project Browser Only show projects compatible with the current site Active Major Feature request 1.0.x-dev 6 17 min 34 sec 1 week 13 hours
Radix Layout Builder 'Choose a block' items are empty Active Normal Bug report 5.0.x-dev 14 21 min 11 sec 1 week 1 day
Radix No contextual links Fixed Normal Bug report 5.0.x-dev 6 23 min 27 sec 19 hours 41 min
Drupal 7 to 8/9 Module Upgrader _access key 'true' in lowercase letters not granting access Active Normal Bug report 8.x-1.7 2 24 min 10 sec 2 weeks 1 day
Drupal core Fix \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\destination\EntityConfigBase::updateEntity() to not trigger deprecations in PHP 8.1 Needs review Critical Task 9.3.x-dev 24 59 min 15 sec 1 week 5 days
Advanced Varnish Add new static files formats (woff2, svg & webp) Fixed Normal Feature request 4.0.3 4 1 hour 4 min 4 hours 42 min
Menu Trail By Path Performance issues when having high amount of menu items Needs work Normal Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev 22 1 hour 15 min 4 years 2 weeks
Paragraphs Usage Add a report page which list all paragraphs and theyr usage Active Normal Feature request 1.0.x-dev 2 1 hour 15 min 1 hour 19 min
Drupal core lookupDestinationIds() gives confusing error if first lookup value is NULL Needs review Normal Bug report 9.3.x-dev 19 1 hour 16 min 1 week 4 days
Commerce Mautic commerce_mautic project open to new maintainer applications on 30 Sep, 2021 Fixed Normal Support request 8.x-1.x-dev 3 1 hour 23 min 3 weeks 1 day
Reverse Entity Reference Automated Drupal 9 compatibility fixes Needs review Normal Task 8.x-2.x-dev 6 2 hours 10 min 1 year 4 months
DrupalPod Improve UI and explanations in browser extension Active Normal Task 1 2 hours 14 min 2 hours 14 min
Drupal core MigrateExecutable should add details for the migration & destination property to exceptions that cause a row failure Needs review Normal Task 9.3.x-dev 70 2 hours 37 min 3 years 4 months
Project Browser Streamline "teaser" (card) view of projects Active Normal Task 1.0.x-dev 6 2 hours 46 min 1 week 13 hours
Request data conditions Plan a release ? Fixed Normal Feature request 8.x-1.x-dev 3 3 hours 5 min 2 years 2 months
Request data conditions Capitalize the name of the module in .info.yml file Fixed Normal Task 8.x-1.x-dev 9 3 hours 13 min 2 years 11 months
Request data conditions Automated Drupal Rector fixes Fixed Normal Task 8.x-1.x-dev 11 3 hours 14 min 1 year 4 months
Entity API Deprecate notices in tests for accessCheck Needs work Normal Task 8.x-1.x-dev 4 3 hours 39 min 21 hours 30 min
Gin Admin Theme Add Arabic language support to toolbar Needs review Normal Feature request 8.x-3.0-alpha34 9 3 hours 43 min 2 months 1 week
Entity API Deprecated notices for EventDispatcher Needs work Normal Task 8.x-1.x-dev 11 3 hours 43 min 4 months 2 days
Slick Carousel [Slick Views] Slick Optionsets with Responsive Breakpoints Broken in Views Blocks After Upgrade Active Major Bug report 8.x-2.4 28 4 hours 13 min 1 day 2 hours
Acquia Content Hub service "acquia_contenthub_common_actions" has a dependency on a non-existent service "entity.dependency.calculator". Active Normal Bug report 8.x-2.29 1 4 hours 19 min 4 hours 19 min
CAPTCHA Reuse captcha session is broken while it is not a submission by ajax. Needs review Normal Bug report 8.x-1.2 4 5 hours 10 min 5 hours 50 min
Commerce Custom Shipping By Weight Error with newer version of commerce_shipping Active Critical Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev 1 6 hours 10 min Fool2 6 hours 10 min
Entity Export CSV Allow to use entity export csv configuration in the form export Active Normal Task 8.x-1.x-dev 10 6 hours 14 min 1 year 1 month
THX rules documentation? Active Normal Support request 8.x-1.0-beta1 1 6 hours 16 min 6 hours 16 min
Drupal core Views does not support computed bundle fields Needs work Normal Bug report 9.3.x-dev 76 6 hours 38 min 3 years 3 months
Drupal core Convert EntityViewsDataTest from a unit test to a kernel test Reviewed & tested by the community Major Task 9.3.x-dev 16 6 hours 39 min joachim 1 year 7 months
farmOS User 1 cannot use the refresh_token grant type Fixed Normal Bug report 2.x-dev 7 6 hours 48 min 9 hours 40 min
Entity API Fix D9.3 test failures - "Role label is expected to be a string." Needs review Normal Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev 3 7 hours 7 min 7 hours 41 min
Drupal core MTimeProtectedFastFileStorage crashes with concurrency. Needs work Major Bug report 9.3.x-dev 18 7 hours 16 min 5 years 6 months
Drupal core Layout builder filter leaves blank space Needs work Normal Bug report 9.3.x-dev 19 7 hours 29 min 3 months 1 day
Drupal core Plugin definitions with no class trigger deprecations on PHP 8.1 Reviewed & tested by the community Critical Task 9.3.x-dev 11 7 hours 49 min 3 days 13 hours
Commerce Migrate Update D7 fixtures using updated db-tools command in 9.3 Needs work Normal Task 3.1.x-dev 44 8 hours 6 min DamienMcKenna 1 month 3 weeks
Drupal core Forbid view/edit/delete in ContactMessageAccessControlHandler Needs work Normal Task 9.3.x-dev 21 8 hours 20 min 4 years 4 months
Webform Radios or Checkboxes inside Composite not saved Needs review Major Feature request 8.x-5.x-dev 36 8 hours 23 min 4 months 1 week
Cloud Fix the UI of AWS Cloud Instances (1.1) (Form Elements) Needs review Normal Task 4.x-dev 9 8 hours 29 min TamakiFujino 2 weeks 1 day
Entity API Fix D9.3 test failures - "Failed asserting that two arrays are equal." Needs review Normal Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev 3 8 hours 30 min 8 hours 51 min
Notification Message Message cacheability is lost if a message is not active on a page Active Normal Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev 2 8 hours 35 min gabesullice 8 hours 53 min
Owl Carousel Allow loop feature in settings Active Major Feature request 8.x-2.x-dev 2 8 hours 43 min 2 months 5 days
Recurly Recurly unauthorized API Active Normal Bug report 4.0.0-alpha1 2 8 hours 43 min 8 hours 53 min
Notification Message Code cleanup Fixed Normal Task 8.x-1.x-dev 4 8 hours 48 min 9 hours 4 min
Notification Message \Drupal\notification_message\EventSubscriber\NotificationMessageEventSubscriber::onRequest is called on every request and loads entity data from the database, even on anonymous, cached requests. Active Normal Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev 2 8 hours 48 min 8 hours 51 min
Commerce Point of Sale (POS) commerce_pos project open to new maintainer applications on 5 Oct, 2021 Fixed Normal Support request 8.x-2.x-dev 2 8 hours 53 min 2 weeks 4 days
SAML Authentication Enable support for FriendlyName Attributes Needs review Normal Task 7.x-1.x-dev 3 8 hours 56 min 2 weeks 1 day
Commerce Point of Sale (POS) Not working in d9 Fixed Major Task 8.x-2.x-dev 14 9 hours 9 sec 10 months 1 week
farmOS Depend on drupal/subrequests Fixed Normal Feature request 2.x-dev 5 9 hours 2 min 13 hours 32 min
Bibliography & Citation Missing blocks with condition on References pages Active Major Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev 2 9 hours 7 min 9 hours 45 min


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