Announcing Sajari AI powered search for Drupal

Posted by Morpht - 6 hours 7 min ago
Those of you who work with Drupal, you are probably familiar with the combination of using Search API with a search backend such as MySQL or Solr. A pluggable architecture makes Search API a good choice for indexing content in Drupal.

Call for speakers is due 29th October and Event Contribution Opportunities are open!

Posted by DrupalCon News - 8 Oct 2021 at 09:52 UTC

Do you have Drupal experiences or knowledge to share? Speaking at DrupalCon is a great way to not only share your expertise, but also to build your network and connect with others. Contributing your voice drives Drupal’s continued success. This will be our first in-person conference since 2019 and we could not be more excited to see you all in-person!

Recapping our experience from DrupalCon Europe 2021

Posted by Blog - 8 Oct 2021 at 09:35 UTC
DrupalCon Europe 2021 recap cover

DrupalCon Europe took place this week. In this post, we revisit some of our favorite moments from the event.


Drupal 8 end-of-life is just around the corner, what’s your next step?

Posted by OpenSense Labs - 8 Oct 2021 at 02:53 UTC
Drupal 8 end-of-life is just around the corner, what’s your next step? Maitreayee Bora Fri, 10/08/2021 - 08:23

Drupal 8 was launched on November 19, 2015 to support the Drupal community with advanced features and functionalities. But now there is only three months left for it’s end-of-life (EOL) since we already have the end date fixed i.e. November 2nd, 2021. Well, what does Drupal end of life mean? End of life basically is the official date after which Drupal Community stops supporting a certain version of Drupal. This article can be considered as a guide where we will be able to clear all our queries in regards to Drupal 8 end-of-life (EOL). 

Illustration diagram describing the end of life of Drupal 8
When’s Drupal 8 going to be End-of-life

As we have discussed above, Drupal 8's end-of-life is just a few months away, so are we making our necessary plans for migrating to Drupal 8’s later version? Let us get into a little more detail about Drupal 8’s end-of-life as it will help you in taking any major decisions about the migrating process. So, basically, after November 2nd, 2021, the end date of Drupal 8 version, no security patches will be available to you and along with that you won’t be receiving any vendor extended support program for Drupal 8. 

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How Drupal's Preview Works

Posted by Brian Perry - 8 Oct 2021 at 01:28 UTC

I've been thinking quite a bit recently about Drupal's options for decoupled preview with other JavaScript front ends. As part of some related experimentation, I found myself needing to understand more about how Drupal's standard preview functionality works. To be specific here - I'm talking about when you're editing a node and click on the preview button to see a full rendering of the page you're currently editing.

I realized I had never really had any reason to think about how that actually happens. Like many things on the web, it just kind of magically does.

How to Schedule a Publication in Drupal? Scheduler Module

Posted by Droptica - 7 Oct 2021 at 16:49 UTC

When creating content for a website, it is sometimes necessary to plan its publication later down the line. However, taking care of it manually can be both time-consuming and inconvenient. This is when Scheduler comes in handy – a Drupal module that will help you automate this process. Using it will allow us, among other things, to schedule the publication of content for a specific date and time.

Scheduler module - dates

The module was released on 23 July 2006, and its latest update was pushed on 19 July 2021. Scheduler has versions for Drupal 7 and 8. What is more, the latest update is compatible with Drupal 9 as well.

Module popularity

The module is currently used on more than 85 thousand websites. About 44 thousand of them are running Drupal 7, and more than 37 thousand are on Drupal 8.

The usage statistics of the Scheduler module aimed for scheduling publication on a Drupal website


Module developers

Scheduler was originally published by Eric Schaefer. However, the list of people working on its development to date is very long and impossible to establish – we don’t know all the users who contributed to its development.

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Best Drupal Modules for Government Websites

Posted by Promet Source - 7 Oct 2021 at 10:29 UTC
Those of us who have a strong conviction that Drupal is the optimal CMS for government websites are in good company.

Thursday 7 October: Highlights of the day

Posted by DrupalCon News - 7 Oct 2021 at 06:20 UTC

Globant Tech Insiders - Drupal Content Staging and Deployment - Best Practices Deliberated!

Posted by - 7 Oct 2021 at 05:36 UTC
Globant Tech Insiders - Drupal Content Staging and Deployment - Best Practices Deliberated!

 At Globant, on my team, we have been exploring multiple content staging and deployment strategies. The observations from some of which can be found in my earlier posts here and here.

Next Tuesday, Makbul and Rahul from my team are presenting a consolidation of our findings, and a refined strategy that we use in our enterprise projects to create, stage and deploy content across environments using a robust process that increases our productivity significantly.

Sign up for the webinar @

image 18

tanay Thu, 10/07/2021 - 00:36

Wednesday 6 October: Highlights of the day

Posted by DrupalCon News - 6 Oct 2021 at 06:34 UTC

Announcing the Calendar Links Token module

Posted by Morpht - 6 Oct 2021 at 01:54 UTC
Calendar Links Token is a simple module for displaying calendar invites via Tokens in Drupal.

How to Improve Drupal Website Performance

Posted by Ben's SEO Blog - 5 Oct 2021 at 14:28 UTC
How to Improve Drupal Website Performance Surprising Marketing Benefits of Increased Web Page Loading Speed Ben Finklea Tue, 10/05/2021 - 09:28 Getting faster page load speeds isn’t just about increasing your Google rankings. It’s also about improving customer satisfaction and gaining new revenue. drupal 8 drupal websites Planet Drupal

Config Split at DrupalCon Europe 2021

Posted by Nuvole - 5 Oct 2021 at 13:25 UTC
Slides from the DrupalCon session on Config Split.

This morning was the session on Config Split 2.x. It introduced the new features of Config Split 2.x and why they are relevant for the planned new core module.

Attached are the slides of the presentation. We will update the blog post once the recording is available.

Tags: Drupal PlanetDrupalConAttachments: PDF icon Config Split at DrupalCon Europe 2021

How to Migrate Content from XML files to Drupal 8 (or 9)

Posted by Specbee - 5 Oct 2021 at 11:11 UTC
How to Migrate Content from XML files to Drupal 8 (or 9) Maithri Shetty 05 Oct, 2021

Pulling data from different sources to your Drupal CMS is what migration is all about. Your migration source can be anything – a database, another CMS, CSV, XML files. Drupal always gives you the flexibility to migrate data from anywhere into the CMS. We have written extensively on Drupal migrations before like migrating from a database source, migrating multilingual content from CSV, from an SQL source, a complete how-to-guide to migrations and more! If you are looking for a guide to migrating data from XML files to Drupal 8 or Drupal 9, you have arrived at the right place as that is what we are going to discuss about here!

If you’re looking to import external feeds to your Drupal 9 website using the Drupal Feeds module, check out this article.

XML to Drupal MigrationDrupal 8/9 Migration Modules

Here, we will be using the whole set of Drupal migrate modules

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Optimizing the comment functionality on your Drupal website

Posted by - 5 Oct 2021 at 08:54 UTC

If you want commenting to be a nice experience on your Drupal website then follow these tips making commenting easy, setting up comment notifications and learn how to fight SPAM.

Politician commenting to journalists

Tuesday 5 October: Highlights of the day

Posted by DrupalCon News - 5 Oct 2021 at 05:52 UTC

Talking Drupal #314 - Dev to Owner

Posted by Talking Drupal - 4 Oct 2021 at 20:22 UTC

Welcome to Talking Drupal. Today we are talking about Transitioning from a Developer to an Owner with Nathan Dentzau.

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Announcing Group Scheduled Transitions module

Posted by Morpht - 4 Oct 2021 at 06:44 UTC
Both the Group and Scheduled Transitions are powerful modules in the Drupal ecosystem. Group Scheduled Transitions brings them together.

Welcome to DrupalCon Europe 2021!

Posted by DrupalCon News - 4 Oct 2021 at 06:31 UTC


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