Assistant – Every Day Productivity Apps


Assistant is a new way to work with WordPress. It’s an every-day productivity tool that lets you navigate your WordPress site and handle quick tasks without needing to go to the WordPress Admin area. For example, you can quickly find a page or post and update its title or featured image. You can upload media and navigate to attachment pages. You can moderate comments. You can even run plugin and theme updates. Assistant is organized as a collection of «Apps» for different kinds of tasks. You’ll see more apps coming to Assistant in the future.

Assistant is an open source project from the same team that makes Beaver Builder. It’s free and being developed in public. Try it and come join us in helping make it!

Assistant Features

  • Access the Assistant UI from any frontend page (post, archive, term, etc…)
  • Get a glance of your recently edited posts on the home screen.
  • Search WordPress directly from the frontend.
  • Quickly find posts, pages, and custom post types with the content app.
  • Upload media to WordPress media library by dropping files on the Media app.
  • The Comments app lets you quick reply, approve, mark as spam and trash comments.
  • Keep an eye on plugin and theme updates with the Updates app.
  • Add custom labels to posts or pages to help organize your site while you work.

You can also try Assistant on a demo site here.


  • Home App - Get a quick info about the current screen and recent posts. Quickly jump into search, the WP Admin or other Assistant apps.

  • Content App - The Content app can help you find posts and pages and quickly navigate to them.

  • Post Details - Get more details on a page or quickly change metadata like Title or Featured Image.

  • Media App - Find media fast, get more details, or drop new files to upload.

  • Attachment Details - update metadata like Title and Alt Text. Navigate to attachment pages.

  • Comments App - Sort through comments, reply, approve, mark as spam, and trash.

  • Pin the panel to whatever edge or corner of the screen you prefer for quick access. Collapse it to a slim toolbar or hide it entirely.


  1. Install Assistant via the WordPress plugin directory or by uploading the files to your server at wp-content/plugins.

  2. After activating Assistant on the Plugins screen, navigate to the front end of your website.

  3. Assistant will be open. You can dismiss it using the x icon in the top right corner.

  4. A small pencil icon will appear in the bottom right corner. Clicking it will show Assistant.

  5. Use the icons across the top of the panel to navigate between the different apps.


Is Assistant Free?

Yes! All of the core Assistant features are free and will remain so.

Does Assistant require Beaver Builder to work?

No! Assistant is a standalone plugin and can be used with any WordPress 5.0+ installation. Assistant does compliment Beaver Builder and integrates with it nicely.

Does Assistant provide a public API for developers to create new apps?

Coming Soon! Our API for creating new apps and extending the existing ones is in development and we’ll be talking more about it as we near v1.0. We’ll be sharing more details about that as we get closer to that milestone.


7 de noviembre de 2020
I've been a fan of Beaver Builder since I figured it out - which was fairly easy. It's been an incredible boon to my website building. I recently added Beaver Builder Assistant to my workflow, and it kills it! Made everything so much faster - Thank you, thank you, thank you! No charge, works super fast and makes things SO much more accessible. You BB engineers made my life better, more fun and more profitable.
2 de septiembre de 2020
Thanks to the Beaver Builder team. When it is a standalone plugin, I did not see much value in the plugin as editing post content not possible with both BBuilder and assistant at the same time in the past. However, with recent integration, it made the post creation and editing a bliss.
14 de julio de 2020
It works great so far! Being able to edit from the front end is really nice.
18 de junio de 2020
Great plugin, first I didn't see the potential but when working with it, it is a GREAT time-saver. Also great to see that the BeaverBuilder team is innovating WordPress!
16 de junio de 2020
I can see me (and my clients) using this more and more as it develops. Super fast, well thought through and a real time saver, life simplifier. Cheers BB team. H
Leer todas las 14 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

«Assistant – Every Day Productivity Apps» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.


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¿Interesado en el desarrollo?

Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.

Registro de cambios ( 2021-09-01 )

  • Updated Assistant Pro cloud URLs to production. ( 2021-08-16 )

  • Fixed fatal error on user profile page with PHP 8.
  • Fixed fatal error when exporting theme settings to Assistant Pro. ( 2021-07-28 )

  • Fixed fatal error with PHP 7.0.33 and below. ( 2021-07-27 )

  • Fixed various PHP warnings. ( 2021-06-23 )

  • Fixed conflict with jQuery AJAX requests. ( 2021-06-08 )

  • Fixed fatal error when updating user profile settings. ( 2021-05-26 )

  • Fixed error in the content app.

0.7.0 ( 2021-05-20 )

  • Panel Size – The panel can now resize to give you more space!
  • New Home App – Things are more easily glanceable on the new home screen.
  • You can now drop media directly on the «Media» home screen section to upload.
  • Labels App – Labels is no longer a separate app. You can now manage your labels from the Settings app.
  • Fixed issue where screen goes blank after disabling an app
  • Libraries App (beta) – Coming Soon: Assistant Pro will let you create libraries to share templates and assets across all your WordPress sites. Contact us if you’re interested in beta testing Assistant Pro!

0.6.0 ( 2021-01-28 )

  • Enhance media uploading UI
  • Improve drag performance of the UI frame.
  • Refine overall visual appearance
  • Style hardening against Twenty Twenty-One theme
  • Add ground work for upcoming Assistant Pro features
  • Various bug fixes

0.5.1 ( 2020-06-05 )

  • Fix issue where sidebar shows incorrect number of app icons
  • Add item marks & actions to recent content widgets
  • Add link to «View All» from recent content widgets
  • Fix issue with home tooltip

0.5.0 ( 2020-06-02 )

  • All New Home + Search app
  • All new comments app – reply to comments right in the list
  • Apps now load their UI on-demand
  • Drag the apps to reorder them
  • Apps now remain hidden or visible between page refreshes instead of auto-hiding
  • Numerous performance enhancements

0.4.2 ( 2020-05-15 )

  • Fixed Beaver Builder edit links not showing in the content app.

0.4.1 ( 2020-05-12 )

  • Fixed Assistant not loading on hosts with heartbeat disabled (such as WP Engine).
  • Fixed media library scripts loading while logged out.

0.4.0 ( 2020-04-17 )

  • Added access to all public post types inside content app
  • Refined post detail screen layout
  • Added ability to query posts by label
  • Added ability to query attachments by label
  • Fix showing publish bar when favoriting a post
  • Added notice bar and removed confirmation alerts
  • Added ability to export post from post detail screen
  • Refined labels picker control
  • Added calendar control to edit publish date

0.3.1 (2020-03-27)

  • Harden form control styles
  • Remove Assistant button from Beaver Builder toolbar (too soon!)
  • Fix updates list not loading correctly in some situations
  • Enhancement – Made publish bar more prominent
  • Fix attachment alt text field displaying title

0.3.0 (2020-03-25)

  • Complete ground-up rebuild
  • All new apps for working with Content, Media, Comments & Updates
  • Add custom labels to posts and pages to help you organize your site

0.2.2 (2019-04-16)

  • Fix «Show Dashboard App» button not working
  • Edit actions on dashboard now open in same tab

0.2.1 (2019-04-15)

  • Dramatically reduce js bundle size
  • Style Hardening
  • Improve Error Handling
  • Fix date archives showing «Untitled» in Dashboard app
  • Fix first time experience for Dashboard app
  • Fix user list for multisite admins

0.2.0 (2019-04-12)

  • Overall design iteration
  • Added ability to stub new posts, pages, categories and tags.
  • Added Update detail screen.


  • Initial Public Build