Earning Money from your site, Embedding content, Site Tutorials, Tools

Video Tutorials: Add Payments Features to Your Site with Our Guides

Payments features on WordPress.com allow you to make money from your site in many ways. Here are a series of video tutorials created by the WordPress.com team to help you get up and running with payments features on your site specific to how you want to use payments features.

Table of Contents

Making Money with Payments Features Overview (Video)

Before you dive in and add payments features, it might make sense to think about how you’d like to make money with your site. Here’s an overview of all payments features at WordPress.com, covering a number of ways you might consider to start making money on your site:

eCommerce 101

In this recorded Webinar, we discuss setting up your new eCommerce business for success.

Selling on your Site Quick Start

In this shorter recorded Webinar, we briefly cover the different options for selling products and services on your website.

Case-Specific Payments Tutorials

How to Create a Premium Membership Blog (Video)

If you’d like to add a premium membership to your blog, you can start making money and building community amongst your readers:

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How to Create a Premium Membership Website (Video)

If you’d like to build a membership-supported website, WordPress.com payments features allows you to fully customize this experience:

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How to Create a Paid Subscription Newsletter (Video)

If you’d like to engage with your followers with a paid newsletter to their email inboxes, you can build this into your site:

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How to Run a Crowdfunding Campaign on Your Site (Video)

If you’d like to add a crowdfunding campaign as a part of your website, this guide will walk you through it with WordPress.com payments features:

Adding Payments Features to Your Site

All of the video above highlight specific cases where you can use WordPress.com’s payment blocks to start making money with your site. There are many ways to use these payment blocks even beyond what is shown in the video below. Learn to use each of the payment blocks so you can add payments on your site in a way that works for you.

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How to Use the Payments Block (Video)

The Payments block is one of WordPress.com’s payment blocks that allows you to accept credit and debit card payments for one-time, monthly recurring, or annual payments on your website. In addition to the below video, we have a text-based support document with step-by-step instructions on how add the Payments block to your site.

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How to Add Memberships with Payments and Premium Content Blocks (Video)

The Premium Content block allows you to accept credit and debit card payments for one-time, monthly recurring, or annual payments in order to access premium content and/or newsletters. In addition to the below video, we have a text-based support document with step-by-step instructions on how add the Premium Content block to your site.

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How to Use the Donations Block (Video)

The Donations block allows you to accept credit and debit card payments for one-time, monthly recurring, or annual payments to support you, your organization, your site, etc. In addition to the below video, we have a text-based support document with step-by-step instructions on how add the Donations block to your site.

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WooCommerce Quick Start

A quick overview of adding WooCommerce products and features to your website in this recorded Webinar.

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