The Mentoree


The Mentoree is a community that promotes professional learning and efficacy through mentorship. Mentor + Mentee = The Mentoree.

כאן מאז אוקטובר 2018


חסמת את @TheMentoree

האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה להציג את הציוצים האלה? הצגת הציוצים לא תגרום לשחרור של @TheMentoree

  1. ציוץ נעוץ
    1 ביולי

    July Newsletter - A Year in Review from The Mentoree- Taking in the year it's been

  2. צייץ מחדש
    5 ביולי
    משיב ל- ו-

    Way to go, Noa. Those of us who muster the courage to follow through like that, and blow past preconceived paradigms, are living life -maybe not as financially able; but certainly with much more satisfaction and dare I say Peace.

  3. צייץ מחדש
    5 ביולי

    4 yrs ago, I left my school, my tenure, and my seniority. After 21 yrs, I started from 0 as a supply teacher while beginning to develop my consulting practice. It was hard to walk away, but I’m not sorry for walking toward a life with more autonomy and integrity

    , ‏, ועוד 7 נוספים
  4. צייץ מחדש
    5 ביולי

    It's been quite a Year! Take a look at all the amazing things we've been able to accomplish with the support of our incredible community!

  5. צייץ מחדש
    1 ביולי

    Learn more about what we’ve been doing at The Mentoree and the way we’re able to support educators through different forms of Mentorship including: 1:1 Mentorship Conversations to Build Capacity (), weekly podcast, and .

  6. צייץ מחדש
    28 ביוני

    1/4 I struggle with the phrasing of ‘resilient problem solvers.’ We don’t know what it takes for many of our students to even get to school, let alone trying to work through a task and if (when) they struggle, being encouraged to be resilient.

    , ‏, ועוד 6 נוספים
    הצג שרשור זה
  7. צייץ מחדש
    30 ביוני
    משיב ל- ו-

    Model curiosity. Pose and answer questions, thinking aloud with your students. Be fluid; express wonderment; respond in the moment; show adaptability as you let curiosity guide you rather than setting and sticking to a fixed plan.

  8. צייץ מחדש
    26 ביוני

    Coaching thought of the day …

  9. 28 ביוני

    Being curious has been an essential tool this year. How can we do this? How can we help ourselves and each other so our Ss can learn despite the challenges of this year? How can we keep them and ourselves moving forward? Our curiosity and determination drove us.

    , ‏, ועוד 7 נוספים
  10. צייץ מחדש
    26 ביוני

    Thanks to , this episode of is ready for listening: . There were many great Mentorship stories shared. Thank you to our panel of , (happy retirement🎉) and who also picked up the mic 🎙 to host.

    , ‏, ועוד 7 נוספים
  11. צייץ מחדש
    26 ביוני
  12. צייץ מחדש
    26 ביוני
    משיב ל- ו-

    Great episode on mentorship and the importance of building trust in relationships.

  13. צייץ מחדש
    26 ביוני

    From my first interaction with Dr. Karnad-Jani, I knew her scholarship and wisdom would guide and mentor anyone is her orbit. 🙏 and , thank you for building community for this necessary work.

  14. צייץ מחדש
    26 ביוני

    It was such a great episode. Even with my wifi issues and having to hand over the mic, the show was a tribute to the impact of Mentorship on education. As we say at The Mentoree: We all have something to teach, and we all have something to learn.

  15. 26 ביוני

    Thanks to , this episode of is ready for listening: . There were many great Mentorship stories shared. Thank you to our panel of , (happy retirement🎉) and who also picked up the mic 🎙 to host.

    , ‏, ועוד 7 נוספים
  16. צייץ מחדש
    25 ביוני

    By highlighting diverse figures in history and using different global contexts, students see themselves reflected in their mathematical learning — a key factor in developing students’ sense of self — and the multiple ways mathematics exists in all aspects of the world.

    , ‏, ועוד 7 נוספים
  17. צייץ מחדש
    25 ביוני
    משיב ל- ו-

    Ou team is 💯 Love the work we get to do with the help of our fantastic community! I hope everyone has an opportunity to decompress and refresh! There’s so much to come this Fall!

  18. צייץ מחדש
    25 ביוני

    These images are by and are free to use for non commercial purposes.

    הצג שרשור זה
  19. צייץ מחדש
    25 ביוני

    From Conversations to Build Capacity (C2BC), Mentorship modules for The MEHRIT Centre (), partnership with , launching , and supporting educators through various forms of Mentorship, collaborating with & and the community is 🤩

  20. צייץ מחדש
    25 ביוני
    משיב ל- ו-

    Well done, Rolland, for stepping right in to that moderator space! Great to 're-connect' with you, David, Noa & Stephen! Reminds how small the ed world is! I learned tons from today's conversations!


מסתבר כי הטעינה לוקחת זמן־מה.

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    ייתכן שגם ימצא חן בעיניך
