Chris Quinn  


🇨🇦Husband, father, runner, retired district leader/classroom teacher, including Kindergarten (ON), podcast host,

Ontario, Canada
Unit: març de 2008


Has blocat @ChrisQuinn64

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @ChrisQuinn64.

  1. Tuit fixat
    12 de gen. de 2019

    So many of the students we serve and support need us to share their “stories of hope” really believe in them and have the courage to help them unfold new stories!

    , , i 6 més
  2. fa 11 hores

    It’s time for ! 😊 Let’s help to inspire other educators! ++++++++++ Why do you remain dedicated to being a professional educator, despite ongoing challenges? ++++++++++ Please speak to your heart-felt passions & add . Tag others, if you don’t mind!

    , , i 7 més
  3. fa 15 hores
  4. fa 15 hores
  5. ha retuitat
    fa 20 hores

    Check out the topic and questions for October 26th at 1 pm EST. We are also looking for student input on the topics for the year.

    , , i 2 més
  6. ha retuitat
    fa 22 hores

    Join us tonight, Sunday, October 17th @ 9pm EST/8pm CST for as we learn and share about having A Powerful Voice. Hope you can be there.

    , , i 7 més
  7. fa 23 hores

    Our priority, as educators, is the whole child! Transformational learning can happen when students feel raised up, valued and respected! Knowing who they are and supporting who they are becoming go hand-in-hand!

    , , i 6 més
  8. ha retuitat

    🙌 Educators continue to inspire others, be agents of change, & never give up, even when faced with seemingly impossible challenges, (like pandemic teaching)! 🙌

    , , i 7 més
  9. ha retuitat
    16 d’oct.
  10. 16 d’oct.

    The wonder and joy of teaching…

    , , i 7 més
  11. ha retuitat
    15 d’oct.
  12. 15 d’oct.

    Raising our children to treasure the gifts of life and to raise up others!

    , , i 7 més
  13. 15 d’oct.
    , , i 7 més
  14. ha retuitat
    14 d’oct.

    MS and HS teachers! Looking to level up your classroom? Check out the free Epic Workshops this month: 🎮 Fortnite Creative Level 1 (10/16) 🎮 Unreal Engine in the Classroom (10/19 & 10/26) 🎮 Fortnite Creative Level 2 (10/23) ➡️

    , , i 7 més
  15. 15 d’oct.
  16. ha retuitat
    14 d’oct.

    Today, In 1964 an incredible man won the Nobel Peace Prize. He spoke of love for humanity, of educating with kindness, of equality and equity. He had a dream and we are STILL fighting for that dream today.

    , , i 7 més
  17. 14 d’oct.
  18. 14 d’oct.

    You are an influencer! 😊 Continue to be intentional, authentic, positive and committed so that your influence remains transformational…in big or small ways!

    , , i 7 més
  19. ha retuitat
    11 d’oct.

    “PAUSE—for Practice Awareness and Understanding Self Exercises—can create calm in the classroom and life amid the chaos.” Simple stretching exercises or breathing breaks can help you and also help your class to be more relaxed and ready to learn.

  20. ha retuitat
    12 d’oct.

    Wait for the smile. Pure joy...

  21. 13 d’oct.

    Especially now…


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