Plugin Nova Poshta for WooCommerce (WordPress)


With our plugin’s help, you will have full integration of Nova Poshta with e-commerce on WooCommerce. Appreciate your time and choose the only quality product that our team offers.

Features of the Lite version

  • The Nova Poshta shipping method for WooCommerce
  • Smart fields for the shipping method that help you find the needed city and warehouse
  • You can choose the location of shipping fields
  • Multi-language support
  • Updating of the customer profile
  • Ability to create internet documents
  • Best support

Features of the Pro version

  • All features from the lite version
  • Cash on delivery payment
  • Courier delivery
  • Bulk managing of orders
  • Free delivery when more than some total price. (Optional)
  • Calculation of shipping cost for the courier delivery
  • Calculation of shipping cost for the warehouse delivery
  • Premium support

Became Pro


  • /assets/build/img/screenshot-1.png


  1. Upload shipping-nova-poshta-for-woocommerce folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


How to get a API key?

You need to enter your personal account

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Tab a Security
  3. Press button Create a key
  4. In popup you click to Create
  5. You need a copy key with the service Business cabinet

Visual guide

How to change a recipient city or warehouse?

  1. Go to Edit order page
  2. Check what you order status On hold or Pending.
  3. In shipping method item click to Edit in the right top corner.
  4. Update current recipient information
  5. Save changes

How to create an internet document?

  1. Go to Edit order page
  2. You need to check what in shipping method item has a recipient city and warehouse.
  3. a) In order actions In select choose a create internet document for Nova Poshta.
    b) Change order status to processing.
  4. Check internet document in shipping method item.

How to enable shipping cost?

  1. Go to plugin settings page.
  2. Checked option “Enable shipping cost”
  3. Fill in the calculation formulas
  4. You can also fill out formulas for calculation in categories or products

How to change the plugin?

Please do not change the code, otherwise it will be lost during the next update. Use hooks instead. We have written documentation for you with examples. If there is no necessary hook for you, then create a task and we will do it in the near future.


July 22, 2021
Разработчик отвечает моментально, даже поздно вечером. Помог с настройкой на моем сайте. Даже написал отдельный код CSS для установки на мой сайт для правильного отображения с моими плагинами. Огромное спасибо!
February 4, 2021
Плагин очень понравился, делает как раз то, что от него требуется. Разработчик отвечает моментально и постоянно дорабатывает плагин.
August 8, 2020
Крута реалізація, якісна підтримка. Є весь необхідний функціонал. Заводиться з полутика. Все рулить і бібікає. Дякую за витрачений час.
Read all 25 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Plugin Nova Poshta for WooCommerce (WordPress)” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Plugin Nova Poshta for WooCommerce (WordPress)” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Plugin Nova Poshta for WooCommerce (WordPress)” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


* Fixed error for COD

  • Fixed error for COD
  • Improved license activation
  • Increased WordPress compatibility version
  • Increased WooCommerce compatibility version

  • Added compatibility with PHP8
  • Improved error handling for interned document creating
  • Improved compatibility with popular themes
  • Increased WordPress compatibility version
  • Increased WooCommerce compatibility version

  • Added filter shipping_nova_poshta_for_woocommerce_is_required_field that allow making shipping fields non required
  • Increased WordPress compatibility version
  • Increased WooCommerce compatibility version

  • Fixed API get cities error
  • Increased WordPress compatibility version
  • Increased WooCommerce compatibility version

  • Fixed error handling for internet invoices.
  • Removed Middle Name from the internet invoices.

  • Improved translates

  • Fixed save shipping fields

  • Fixed create invoices


  • Added courier shipping method
  • Free shipping if total price more that
  • Updated design
  • Added ability to choose fields location.

  • Fix show notices
  • Fix notices markup

  • Improved a plugin description
  • Added a advertisement notices
  • Added invoice column to the WooCommerce order list table
  • Added “Exclude shipping cost from the total” options
  • Added Page for the Quick shipping manage(Beta)


  • COD Payment

  • Update a support of the WooCommerce version.

  • Fix 500 error in shipping method.

  • Update plugin description and support of the WooCommerce version.


  • Improved cache work
  • Improved first UX
  • Added notices for internet document creating


  • Rename select2 for no conflicting with other plugins
  • Calculate shipping cost
  • Formulas for shipping cost
  • Improved city search
  • Improved activate/deactivation plugin


  • Add translates of select2


  • Fix default city for the Ukrainian language
  • Add translates of select2
  • Fix js ajax complete


  • Clear cache after deactivate plugin
  • Delete plugin tables after deactivate plugin
  • UX enhancements upon plugin activation


  • Update documentation
  • Add hooks


  • Update translates
  • Auto detect user language


  • Initial release