Unbiased Open Source Database Experts

Percona is a leading provider of unbiased open source database solutions that allow organizations to easily, securely and affordably maintain business agility, minimize risks, and stay competitive.


Eliminate Vendor Lock-In

Don’t be trapped into contracts without options! Percona provides unbiased, best-of-breed expertise so you can maximize your multi-vendor open source database environment!


Embrace the Cloud

Get agile, get in the cloud! Let Percona experts help you reduce your monthly bills, prevent outages and improve MTTR by over 300%!


Optimize Database Performance

Is your database environment optimized for your applications? We provide best practices for productivity and innovation learned from 3000+ satisfied customers!


Reduce Costs and Complexity

Struggling to maximize the value of open source databases? We’ll help you lower your operational and infrastructure costs and increase your ROI!

An unbiased, trusted partner, Percona provides single-source expertise in multi-vendor environments that eliminates lock-in, increases agility and enables business growth.

Customer Logos

Learn how Madwire uses Percona to optimize their AWS cloud database architecture for better application performance.
See how Pepper.com uses Percona managed services to oversee their database in order to make sure customers can instantly access retail deals.

Percona reduces risk and operational costs by providing best-of-breed enterprise-class solutions for open source databases in on-premises and cloud environments.

Percona Open Source Database Experts Blog

08 Oct

Disaster Recovery for MongoDB on Kubernetes

by Sergey Pronin

As per the glossary, Disaster Recovery (DR) protocols are an organization’s method of regaining access and functionality to its IT infrastructure in events like a natural disaster, cyber attack,...

08 Oct

MySQL 8: Random Password Generator

by Brian Sumpter

As part of my ongoing focus on MySQL 8 user and password management, I’ve covered how using the new dual passwords feature can reduce the overall DBA workload and streamline the management...

07 Oct

Using the Range and the New Multirange Data Type in PostgreSQL 14

by Matt Yonkovit

Don’t miss the great overview of PostgreSQL 14 that Umair Shahid recently put together, PostgreSQL 14 – Performance, Security, Usability, and Observability! Range data types have been in...

  Upcoming Webinars

October 13, 2021 - 12:30pm New York
by Michał Nosek, Will Fromme
October 14, 2021 - 1:00pm New York
by Bruce Momjian, Umair Shahid

  Upcoming Events