Developers » Community Messages
Community Messages

To technical documentation

1. API Features
2. Widgets for Sites
    2.1. Community Messages
    2.2. Contact Us
    2.3. Allow Community Messages

Community Messages is a simple and convenient service which allows users connect companies through mobile apps or VK web version.

It's conveniently for your clients. No need to search feedback form, to register, to reply via e-mail — no extra actions.

It's conveniently for you. With the message you receive all required data about its author. You can handle typal requests automatically and reply messages instantly using the bot.

Millions of users prefer to communicate with friends, relatives and business partners on With community messages you can become nearer to your clients and maintain the close connection in their familiar ambit.

Community messages work in desktop and mobile VK versions and in all of our official apps: user can connect with your company on any platform.

1. API Features
All actions in this service are available also via API. This means that you can use your own program solutions to work with community messages. With API you can create such client system that would correspond to your business' purposes.

Examples of solutions to deploy:
  • integrations with CRM and HelpDesk systems;
  • mobile applications for VK communities administrating;
  • keeping a dialog when the user has leaved a company's website;
  • automated requests processing — text analysis, typal answers, requests distribution.

Read more about API using for community messages in our technical documentation.
2. Widgets for Sites
We created some widgets so that you can use this approach for clients who want to send messages from your website.

2.1. Community Messages
With the help of "Community Messages" widget you can create a fast tool for communication with VK users and add it to your website. This lets you answer the user even if they are offline – all your messages will be sent on behalf of the Community.

Further description and widget's constructor can be found at this page.

2.2. Contact Us
With "Contact Us" widget you may add a quick and handy contact button for a site in 5 minutes.

You can use the link[community address] also.

Further description and widget's constructor can be found at this page.

2.3. Allow Community Messages
With this widget your clients can subscribe to your community's messages right on your website.

Further description and widget's constructor can be found at this page.