Comment Link Remove and Other Comment Tools


All in one solution to fight blog comment spammers and improve comment quality. Tired of deleting useless spammy comments from your WordPress blog posts? Comment Link Remove WordPress plugin removes author link and any other links from the user comments among other features.

If you run a blog or WordPress website with comments enabled, there is no getting away from comment spammers. Captchas help with bot spamming. But how do you prevent a human who is willing to put in a moment to pass the captcha and write a spam comment just to push a link in your website?

Support, Bug Report, Feature Requests | Pro version Live Demo | Upgrade to Pro!

Upgrade to the pro version and Increase Interactivity with features like adding a Voice record to the comments or Upload files, Images and Videos. Ability to Subscribe to newsletters, UpVote/DownVote comments or send eMail notifications and reminders to your commenters grow relationship with your users.

Usually the comment spammers’ main goal is to get a do-follow or no-follow link from your website. Comment Link Remove WordPress plugin empowers you with the options to remove author website hyperlink and cleaning up any links from the comment itself. The URLs will still be visible but they just won’t be hyperlinked. This will greatly discourage comment spammers. You can individually choose to turn on/off the following options to discourage and comment spams or take actions against spammy comments:

  • Remove WEBSITE Field from Comment Form
  • Remove hyper-link from comment AUTHOR
  • Disable turning URLs into hyper-links in comments
  • Remove HTML Link Tags in comments
  • Disable Comments Globally
  • Hide Existing Comments
  • Open Comment Links in New Tab
  • Delete pending comments with one click
  • Delete all comments with one click
  • Delete All Spam Comments in One Click
  • Display post update date in blog post

Everything you need to discourage spammers from leaving useless comments in your precious blog posts.

Install the wordpress plugin and go to the settings page. (Settings –> QC CLR Settings). Select the necessary options and save the settings. Check the effects in front end of the website.

Empower Your Blog Comments with Comment Tools Pro

Comment Tools Pro adds an arsenal of practical tools for your WordPress Blog’s comment section.

Increase Interactivity with features like adding a Voice message record to the comments or Upload files, Images and Videos. Ability to Subscribe to newsletters, UpVote/DownVote comments or send eMail notifications and reminders to your commenters to grow relationship with your users.

Increase quality of the comments by reducing spammy and low quality comments. Export commentator eMail addresses as CSV or Integrate with Zapier and MailChimp. Analyze the sentiment of a Comment – discern and moderate commentator’s emotion automatically.

Collect eMails and grow eMail List for Your Newsletters!

Get more out of your blog users. They love your blog and leave comments on your articles. Why not give them the option to subscribe to your newsletter while they are leaving a comment? You can do just that with Comment tools pro.

Subscribed users’ name and emails can be exported as CSV or you can directly integrate with a MailChimp List! You can also use Zapier to integrate with almost any major mailing List platform! Create new Zap on your Zapier Account and connect with this plugin.

Improve and Moderate Comments Automatically

Enable Comment Sentiment setting to Show the commentator’s Emotion with icon. Filter comments by Emotion (positive, negative or neutral) in the Front and Backend! Auto moderate comments for profanity by setting a threshold for negative comments! Commentator will be shown warning message you define and asked to rephrase her comments to adhere to the community rules!

View Demo of Comment Tools Pro Version

All Pro Version Features for WordPress Comment Tools Pro

Comment Tools

⭐ Remove WEBSITE Field from Comment Form
⭐ Remove hyper-link from comment AUTHOR Bio
⭐ Disable turning URLs into hyper-links in comments
⭐ Remove HTML Link Tags in comments
⭐ Disable Comments Globally
⭐ Hide Existing Comments
⭐ Open Comment Links in New Tab
Delete or Mark Comments as Spam from the front end (for users with Privilege)

Voice Recording Message with Comments
⭐ Enable option to Record a Voice Message with each comment
⭐ View and listen Voice records in the WordPress dashboard
Change all languages

Discourage Spam Comments

Remove WEBSITE Field from Comment Form
⭐ Remove hyperlink from comment AUTHOR
⭐ Disable turning URLs into hyperlinks in comments
⭐ Remove HTML Link Tags in comments
⭐ Open Links in Comment on New Tab
Minimum Time Between Comments ( Set Time Interval Required Between Comments by same user to Avoid Spamming )
⭐ Custom Message for too quick comments

Prevent Bot and Spam Comments
Comment Tools Pro provides an advanced feature to completely prevent commenting by Spam Bots by adding a stylesheet or image to the source code. When a Human loads your blog in a browser that stylesheet or image a cookie is added. If that user then leaves a comment the cookie is checked. If the cookie does not exist the comment is marked as spam by Bots.

Auto Moderate Comments with keywords or keyphrases. Define a list of keywords. When any new comment include any of these keywords, it will be automatically marked as Spam or Deleted

Get eMail Subscriptions from Comments

eMail subscription opt-in checkbox in comment field
⭐ Edit subscribe Language
⭐ List of subscribed users in the plugin back end
Export subscribed user list as CSV file
Integrate with your MailChimp account and add emails directly to your mailing list
Integrate with your Zapier account and create new zap for all major mailing platforms like aweber, drip, getresponse, contact contact etc. and dozens more!

Image, Video, Document Attachment with Comments
Comment Tools Pro allows your visitors to attach images, videos, audios, documents and other files with their comments. They will also be able to automatically embed links from Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and other services in the comment text.

⭐ Limit the maximum file upload size.
⭐ Make an attachment required.
⭐ Specify whether the attachment will be embedded or displayed as a link.
⭐ Enable/Disable autoembed links (like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in the comment text.
⭐ Select an attachment image size from thumbnails available in your WordPressl.
⭐ Link a thumbnail to a full-size image with lightbox plugins support
⭐ Open a full-size image in a new tab or link thumbnail to the attachment page.
⭐ Enable/Disable multiple upload.
⭐ Combine images to gallery.
⭐ Select an attachment image size for the images gallery.
⭐ Restrict attachment file types.
⭐ Decide who will be able to upload attachments: all users or only logged users.
⭐ Manually moderate comments with attachments.
You can also:

⭐ Add, replace or delete an attachment from a comment on Edit Comment screen.
⭐ Attach an unlimited number of attachments to the comment in the admin panel.
⭐ Delete an attachment on Comments screen.

Discourage Low Quality Comments

⭐ Define Minimum Length of Comments ( Avoid Low Value Comments )
⭐ Alert Message for Minimum Comments Length
Maximum Length of Comments – (Prevent lengthy copy pastes)
⭐ Define Alert Message for Maximum Comments Length

Sentiment Analysis to Prevent Spams and Improve Quality

Sentiment and Emotion analysis for English Language
⭐ Show Comment Sentiment Icons by each comment
Filter comments by Sentiment (positive, negative or neutral)
⭐ Automatically prevent comments with Profanity or too many negative words based on a score you define
⭐ User Upvote/Downvote a comment
⭐ Comment emotion and score display in the backend for admin

Improve Interactivity with Your Followers

⭐ Notify a user when their comment is approved by email
Redirect First Time Commenters to a Page for a special offer or thank you message
⭐ Send a private email to an individual commenter from Dashboard

⭐ A button in the WP toolbar to email all the commenters on a post
⭐ Option to Notify All Commenters of a Post when there is a New Comment on that post

Notify All Users of the site when there is a New Comment on Any Post

Bulk Manage Your Comments

⭐ Disable Comments Globally
⭐ Hide Existing Comments
Show All Comments on a single page with a convenient shortcode.
Delete all pending comments with one click.
⭐ Delete All Spam Comments in One Click.

Other Features

⭐ Sidebar Widget to Display the Top Commenters
⭐ Add Vertical scroll in recent comments widget
⭐ Enable Read More option in Comments (show more comments at once)
⭐ Set rel UGC, “follow” , “nofollow” to Comment Links
⭐ Display post update date in blog post.

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  1. Download the plugin zip file. Extract and upload the folder to your wp-content/plugins folder.
  2. From the wp-admin panel goto plugins and activate “Comment Link Remove”
  3. Tune the plugin settings from (Settings –> QC CLR Settings)
  4. You are done.


  • Settings Page with new option to Delete All Comments OR Delete All Pending Comments Delete OR Delete All Spam Comments in One Click
  • Front end result


  1. Download the plugin zip file. Extract and upload “comment-link-remove” in your wp-content/plugins folder.
  2. From the wp-admin panel goto plugins and activate “Comment Link Remove”
  3. Tune the plugin settings from (Settings –> CLR Settings)
  4. You are done.


It is not working for me

Comments tools plugin works with default WordPress comment feature with standard theme conventions. If you are using 3rd party tools for your blog comments or if your theme is not coded properly, it will not work.

How can I upgrade from free version of Comment tools to Pro version?

  1. Download the latest pro version of the plugin from website
  2. Log in to your WordPress admin area and go to the Plugins management page.
  3. Deactivate and Delete the old version of the plugin (don’t worry – your data is safe)
  4. Upload and Activate the latest pro version of the plugin
  5. You are done.

Pro version Live Demo | Upgrade to Pro!


26 març 2021
If comments are an important part of your website, this plugin is well worth the try. I use the premium version, which is very affordable. It comes with many improvements that really should be in WordPress core, but also nice additions like email notifications, integration with Mailchimp, Upvote/Downvote, etc. Cool stuff! I only wish that the look and feel of the settings page were unified with that of WordPress, but sadly that's an issue with many WordPress plugins. Support was quick and helpful.
12 novembre 2020
Exactly what I needed. I wanted to allow both members and guests to post comments on my sites, but I don't want a bunch of human spammers posting their links either. I'm not running an Internet-based billboard, after all. This plugin is the perfect solution. Removes all hyperlinks from comments automatically and even removes the website field and link in author bios if wanted. Eliminate the opportunities to spam and you eliminate spam. Also, if any spam does get through, this plugin even allows me to delete them all with one click. Great job, developer! I highly recommend this plugin.
27 setembre 2020
I installed it on my site and after trying every limited option that comes in free version it doesn't remove links at all. Really useless plugin
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Update to pro feature


Fixed a php warning


Added voice recording message with comments


UI improvements


wp_verify_nonce added for Delete comments.


Added extra hook to remove author link


Added extra filters for website field remove


Fixed some typos


Fixed a bug with website field


Informational update


Improved UX and overall coding


More pro features


More pro features


Removed some unused coding


Initial version of Comment Link Remove


Added option: Disable Comments Globally

Added option: Hide Existing Comments

Added option: Open Comment Links in New Tab