• Resolved dirkmittler



    I’d like to begin by admitting, that I’m using a very old WordPress version, that being 4.1.33 – Extended Long-Term Support under Debian Linux, and that therefore, the latest Akismet versions are no longer compatible.

    However, I feel safe using this old WordPress version, as well as my current Akismet version. I have a paid account.

    Which was the latest version of Akismet, still compatible with WP 4.1.33?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter dirkmittler


    I should explain how this situation arose.

    For some strange reason, and, in breach of several rules, the Debian Repositories used to offer an Akismet version, that was bundled with the package-manager installed version of WordPress, and, as if Debian Maintainers did not know at the time, that Akismet requires a paid subscription to use.

    I have a Debian-installed WordPress version, which I modded, to be able to accept plugins from WordPress.org.

    WordPress.org’s plugins repository used to offer me Akismet versions that were higher, than what the package manager offered, and I upgraded to the higher versions.

    But, it used to be, that every time Debian / Jessie received an update to WordPress via the package manager, this would also downgrade my Akismet version.

    This never caused me any problems before, because immediately after a Debian downgrade, my WordPress blogging engine just offered me the upgrade to the latest Akismet version again, so that the downgrade was quite brief.

    However, at some point in time, I was not reminded to re-upgrade Akismet, because at some point in time, the latest version was no longer compatible with WordPress 4.1 . Hence, I lost track of these downgrades and/ or upgrades at some point in time.

    In any case, I’m on Akismet version 4.0.8 presently, and am under the impression that this is also the best version for WordPress 4.1 .


    Plugin Support csonnek


    Happiness Rocketeer 🚀

    Hi there:

    Could you reach out to our support team with your account information and a link to this thread so we can take a closer look?



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