Support » Plugin: Akismet Spam Protection » Akismet & Learnpress

  • Hi,

    I’ve got a page with CourseBuilder theme and Learnpress plugin from Thimpress. I’ve linked the support thread here, you need to be logged in to view it. My website is

    I’m having an issue where a user is unable to leave a review or view past course reviews, and cannot view course content after completing a course.

    The developer seems to think it is Akismet. Reviews are managed through the comments and need to be reviewed before being posted, that’s fine. I understand the link to Akismet there. I don’t see how Akismet would interfere with users loading the ability to view course content and reviews once a course is complete, since it doesn’t stop them seeing this prior to completion.

    This has been going on for sometime now and I feel like I’m at the end of my tether with them as you may notice through my messages, however I’m trying to stay in control but I feel like I’m dealing with idiots.

    According to my understanding it’s not possible to simply disable akismet, which they are asking me to do. They have asked me twice now to delete or disable the plugin and have told me to reach out to Akismet directly.

    I’m pretty sure Akismet isn’t the issue here, but I don’t know what else to do.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter jojoclayton



    Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    Hi Jo,

    You’re right — Akismet wouldn’t interfere with viewing course content, and it appears that your site has never made a request to Akismet’s API, so I don’t think it is preventing users from posting reviews either.

    You are welcome to ask the developer to contact us at [email protected] directly so we can work out why they think that Akismet is the problem.

    Thread Starter jojoclayton


    Hi Christopher,

    thank you so much for your response and offer of assistance for the LearnPress team.

    Through random chance and a fluke, I believe I have identified the issue – within their own theme – however they don’t seem inclined to believe me, and I don’t actually think they grasp the actual issue I’m seeking to resolve. I have linked them this forum post, they may still reach out to Akismet.

    At this point nothing surprises me. Thanks again for getting back to me, much appreciated.

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