
Each year, on the third Thursday of May, millions across the globe come together to acknowledge and celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), an initiative started by Joe Devon and Jennison Asuncion. Devon and Asuncion created the day with the intention for people to gather and “learn about and experience digital accessibility.” Back in November […]

Have you ever noticed how easy it can be to overlook small problems in everyday life? Some things start off as imperceptible but slowly intensify over time, and just like the apocryphal frog in boiling water, we acclimate. In pathological cases, we don’t recognize what’s happening until the issue has grown way out of hand. […]


Whether you are well-versed in UX Design or new to the field, you have likely heard the term “wireframe.” A wireframe is a low-fidelity visual representation of a website, application, or product that allows us to define the structure of the page, hierarchy, and placement of elements, and ultimately helps us plan the layout and […]

We’ve been quiet on here since last summer. We wanted to take some time to reflect on our engagement with the Black Lives Matter movement, and to advocate for it through various channels. As we prepare for the year ahead in the midst of white supremacist uprisings, we’d like to share our commitments to honoring […]

Many people in the web development community, including many of us at Bocoup, were drawn to the web because it appears to be a diverse and inclusive technology platform. But, when we look around the room at who is working on web standards like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, it is mostly a narrow group of […]

In 2018, we began contributing to ecosystem infrastructure for ARIA, the accessibility API for the web platform, with a project focused on regression testing for example patterns in the ARIA Practices Guide (APG). Since then, we’ve been working on writing new guidelines for the APG directly, which we continue to maintain with funding from Facebook […]

We’ve had a very productive year making web standards more open, predictable, and inclusive. As our standards liaison, my job is to spot opportunities for us to do that work externally, and to see where more support is needed. We still have a lot to do, but it’s nice to reflect on our accomplishments over […]

We are excited to announce support for report embedding on, along with a new MDN collaboration to bring up-to-date information about ECMAScript feature conformance to MDN Web Docs. Starting today, you can view test results from Test262 Report, updated daily and embedded directly on MDN pages for the newest ECMAScript features where interoperability and […]

Did you know that in the process of standardizing JavaScript, TC39 publishes notes for each of their regular meetings? Every other month, over 50 “delegates” convene to discuss the future of the language, and the minutes they publish provide an incredible view into their discussions. Here’s what you can expect to find: a list of […]


Introduction We’re excited to introduce sb-util, a new JavaScript library that makes it easy to query Scratch projects via .sb3 files. This npm library allows developers (or even teachers and students) to parse and introspect Scratch projects for a range of purposes, from data visualization to custom tooling. Previously, working with Scratch project files required […]