WordCamp Jabalpur Official!

Indian WordPress lovers get ready. WordCamp Jabalpur is offical. The dates are final and set to Oct. 15-16th, 2011. Thanks a lot to Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur for donating us auditorium as venue for the event.

We are trying hard to make WordCamp equally exciting for both developers as well as newbies. It will be a multi-track event with unconference and workshop going hands on hands.

  • Location: A/V Hall, BSNL Telecommunication Training Center, B.R.B.R.A.I.T.T.
    Ridge Road, Jabalpur
  • Dates: Oct. 15-16th, 2011
  • Attendee Registration: Registration have begin, book your spots now. Visit this page for more information. Online registration are available via Ayojak. Else contact [email protected] for offline booking of your seats.
  • Speaker Registration: We are accepting speaker registrations. For online registration visit this page. Else you can also contact us here at [email protected] for offline booking of your seats.
  • Sponsor Support: Thinking of sponsoring us? Beware, after event you will be showered with so much love from WordPress Community that will be hard to manage.

We are pressing hard to make WordCamp reach as many people as we can across India. To make this event affordable to high number of users and developers we need to keep tickets at low and affordable prices. To make this happen we need support from companies like you who love WordPress as much as we do.

If you are ready to help us in fostering WordPress growth across country, please read our media kit to get further details. When you are ready to support, choose your sponsorship level and shoot us a mail at [email protected]

To stay tuned, subscribe to our feeds, like us on facebook and follow us on twitter.


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Speaker: S H Mohanjith

Moha is a developer in WPMU DEV with an eye across a whole heap of projects, providing excellent support and an aim to be the quickest coder in the, erm, east. He’s based just outside Colombo in Sri Lanka and loves gadgets and interested in all things open source.

At WordCamp, Mohanjith would be speaking on “WordPress for E-commerce“.

  • What motivates you most to use WordPress?
    Well designed architecture and beautiful code got me hooked on to WordPress the it was the community that made me stay and contribute more and more. WordPress community is friendliest I have come across so far.
  • What are your thought about WordPress Community in India?
    I hardly know anyone. From my interactions with Gaurav and WordPress communities in general, I’d guess friendly and enthusiastic 🙂
  • Topic on which you are speaking?
    WordPress for E-commerce
  • Why you decided to be a part of WC Jabalpur?
    Contribute something to south east asian WordPress community and make sure there are more people in the region are interested in WordPress.
  • What are you mostly looking forward to during this WC Jbp?
    Meeting Gautam Gupta and anyone awesome 🙂
  • Who in WP community inspires you most and why?
    Matt Mullenweg and Barry Getty
  • A one line advice you would like to give people about WordPress.
    Code is poetry, keep on coding 🙂


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Speaker: Joshu Thomas

Joshu Thomas is a professional blogger from Kerala, who quit his day job to pursue interests in blogging. He runs his blogging network as Orangecopper Solutions Ltd. His website NapIncome.com is a famous blog built around the idea to teach bloggers the tips and tricks to monetize their blog and gain maximum from it.

At WordCamp, Joshu would be speaking on “strategies to monetize your Blog Traffic.“.


  • Tell us a bit about yourself.
    Hey! Am Joshu Thomas, A professional Blogger from the Gods Own Country – Kerala. I run Orangecopper Solutions Ltd – A network of Blogs and Websites build on the foundation of unique and quality content.
    As an initiative to giving it back to the tech community, I share my insights and tips through a Webmaster Community Blog called OrangeCopper and Blogging Strategy website called NapIncome.
  • What motivates you most to use WordPress?
    Why not ask me what does not motivate you? Well that’s easier! WordPress is my all time favorite blogging CMS as I have tried and tested several other industry leading platforms. Even though there are several reasons to back WordPress, I am much impressed by the of the WordPress framework because of the:

    • Neat code
    • Excellent scalability
    • Impressive Search Engine algorithms friendliness


  • What are your thought about WordPress Community in India?
    I am really equally happy and excited about the fact that some great minds loving WordPress are taking their blogging activities and publicizing offline in India as well. It is very important that a country with such huge potential unleashes its power of publishing through an excellent medium like blogs. I am a big fan of Offline meet-ups like WordCamp.
  • Topic on which you are speaking?
    Various strategies to monetize your Blog Traffic: Building blogs and sharing great content through your blogs is a great idea. Have you explored the opportunities that could convert your blog traffic into real money? I will be explaining the technical and strategy aspects of planning, analyzing and converting your blog traffic into money.
  • Why you decided to be a part of WC Jabalpur?
    It was always my dream to attend and support an event driven by the WordPress community itself. It never gets better when it is hosted in your own country, I am really looking forward to attend the WC at Jabalpur and meet / learn / share with all the attendees.
  • What are you mostly looking forward to during this WC Jbp?
    I am looking forward to meet / learn and share the idea and feel the pulse of WordPress and blogging in India.
  • Who in WP community inspires you most and why?
    Matt Mullenweg continues to inspire me – If this Big Daddy of WordPress and team had not come out with such a great platform, the Internet would have had half the information it has now and yet to come!
  • A one line advice you would like to give people about WordPress.
    Successful blogging is not a game won overnight – It needs loads of passion and patience, stay focused and enjoy the bliss of sharing through such a splendid CMS.


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Speaker: Jaydip Parikh

Jaydip Parikh has assumed many roles Web Entrepreneur, Internet Marketing Consultant, and an Active Blogger in his professional life. He is Co-Founder of www.diim.in and Tej SolPro.

At WordCamp, Jaydip would be speaking on “Content Soup of your Blog.


  • Tell us a bit about yourself.
    Hey Reader, I am Jaydip from Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Founder of TejSolPro & DIIM, Entrepreneur, Internet Marketing Consultant, Blogger, Speaker & Trainer, SEO-SMO Adviser. I am playing versatile roles in my Entrepreneur life. DIIM is Gujarat’s First & Only Internet Marketing Training Institute and Tej SolPro provides solutions which help our clients to gain more web authority and more business.
  • What motivates you most to use WordPress?
    Well I must say WordPress is Powerful CMS, Best blogging platform I had ever seen yet, SEO Friendly, Highly customizable. Apart from this all that are larger community which help wordpress users with free themes, free plugins too.
  • What are your thought about WordPress Community in India?
    Compare to other part of the world we still have lot many option for improvement. WordPress is still limited to bloggers & Designers. They are plenty of opportunity with basic E-Commerce site, Review sites, for SME sectors.
  • Topic on which you are speaking?
    I am going to talk all about Content, as we all know “Content is KING” and we will discuss it in King size. 😉
  • Why you decided to be a part of WC Jabalpur?
    I learn lot many things and now it’s time to give back / share / gain knowledge about WordPress. Apart from this I will learn few more things from other Expert Speakers too.
  • What are you mostly looking forward to during this WC Jbp?
    I am hardcore WordPress lover and I love to meet other WordPress fellows and sure I will grab my free T-Shirt too.
  • Who in WP community inspires you most and why?
    If we talk about Themes then I must say, R. Bhavesh, Templatic. For bloggers I like Harsh Agarwal, Ruchi Parikh, Amit Agarwal, Pradeep Kumar etc. Apart from this there are various Sites, Communities are helping wordpress community.
  • A one line advice you would like to give people about WordPress.
    Stay away from WordPress else you will fall in love with WordPress.


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Speaker: Ravi

RaviWhen it comes to SEO no one can beat Ravi. An SEO guy since college days and a wordpress user since 2007 has slowly blended it as his passion. Founder of RaviDreams is an active participant of Tamil WordPress community and wants to curate Tamil Wikipedia.

At WordCamp, Ravi would be speaking on “WordPress SEO“.

  • Tell us a bit about yourself.
    I am a WordPress consultant living in Hyderabad, India. I had an interest in SEO since college days and started blogging using WordPress since 2007. This slowly turned in to a passion for anything WordPress. I followed WordPress developments and actively participated in the Tamil WordPress community. Now, we are a small team of passionate WordPress developers working together at Ravidreams.com. Besides WordPress, I have an interest in Tamil Wikipedia development where I contribute regularly and participate in meetups.
  • What motivates you most to use WordPress?
    Being FOSS, easy to use, choice of themes and plugins, vibrant community and flexibility.
  • What are your thought about WordPress Community in India?

    Actually I couldn’t see a community yet. WP meetups are rare. There are also very few WP based companies. I hope WordCamps like these will help to see more community activity in the future. My sincere thanks to the WordCamp Jabalpur team for organizing this.
  • Topic on which you are speaking?
    I will be speaking on WordPress SEO. WordPress is the best CMS out there that is already well optimised for search engines. But, people tend to complicate their approach for SEO while ignoring simple and basic steps that they should take care of. I will be providing a review of essential SEO strategies and tools available in a WordPress environment.
  • Why you decided to be a part of WC Jabalpur?
    I missed the last WordCamp in India and always longed about the frequent WordCamps happening in US. There is no way I can miss this. This is a good opportunity to exchange ideas, learn new stuff and find people with whom we can work together.
  • What are you mostly looking forward to during this WC Jbp?
    Networking with WordPress designers and developers.
  • Who in WP community inspires you most and why?
    Matt Mullenweg: For his business sense and strong philosophical views on WP.
    People like Yoast, Vladimir Prelovac: For giving excellent insights and plugins for WordPress SEO.
    WPCandy: For covering community news with a personal touch.
  • A one line advice you would like to give people about WordPress.
    WordPress is like a perfect date. You will fall in love instantly and make it do anything for you.


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Speaker: Sathish Nagarajan

Sathish Nagarajan, CEO of SNR Technologies is a web developer by profession loves to work on open source technologies. He rather loves to call himself WordPress Evangelist and see it to be a strong development in near future.
At WordCamp, Sathish would be speaking on “WordPress as a Application development framework.“.

  • Tell us a bit about yourself.
    I run a web consulting firm, SNR Technologies (http://www.snr-technologies.com). I also run a event ticket sales portal (1008events.com) for event managers. I am web developer by experience with hands on experience building web applications and working with open source technologies. I would like to call myself as a WordPress Evangelist as I see it to be a strong development framework in near future.
  • What motivates you most to use WordPress?
    Simplicity of the platform and excellent support from the community.
  • What are your thought about WordPress Community in India?
    WordPress awareness among developers has grown to a greater extent since I started working with WordPress and community is yet become strong.
  • Topic on which you are speaking?
    WordPress as a Application development framework.
  • Why you decided to be a part of WC Jabalpur?
    Connecting with WordPress developers / user will definitely be a thrill. It should be a learning curve and I can also transfer some knowledge that I have acquired to the newbies which will strengthen the community.
  • What are you mostly looking forward to during this WC Jbp?
    Looking forward to meet like minded (WP minded) people.
  • Who in WP community inspires you most and why?
    If I point one, it will be an injustice to others :). Actually many as I have been using WP for a longtime.
  • A one line advice you would like to give people about WordPress.
    Just give WP a try, Awesomeness will be the result.
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Speaker: R. Bhavesh

Bhavesh Radadiya is CEO and founder of Templatic.com and cssace.com. In WordPress community, templatic is a name known for providing best quality themes. With a simple motto to help business and bloggers make their online presence easy, quick and affordable, templatic and Bhavesh are scaling new heights every day.
At WordCamp, Bhavesh would be speaking on “Build any kind of site using WordPress.“.

  • Tell us a bit about yourself.
    Hey everyone. This is Bhavesh Radadiya from Surat, Gujarat and I founded templatic.com 3 years back. I enjoy helping businesses & bloggers make their online presence quick, easy and affordable.
  • What motivates you most to use WordPress?
    • Perfect user interface.
    • Search engine friendliness.
    • Easy of use.
    • Very strong community
    • Solid platform that makes building any kind of site possible.


  • What are your thought about WordPress Community in India?
    We are far behind compared to the WordPress community in USA. But things like Jabalpur WordCamp is happening which is a nice sign.
  • Topic on which you are speaking?
    Build any kind of site using WordPress.
    In this talk, I wish to focus on the true hidden potential of WordPress.
  • Why you decided to be a part of WC Jabalpur?
    For us Indians, this is one rare event. I wish to connect with like minded people and hopefully, attract some smart WordPress talent to work for templatic.com
  • What are you mostly looking forward to during this WC Jbp?
    Connecting with WordPress aware people of India is my number one goal. Also it’d be great to be at THE place where the second ever WordCamp is happening.
  • Who in WP community inspires you most and why?
    Actually the WWW world inspires me. In WordPress world, our customers at templatic, Collis Taeed of Envato and some other competition keeps us going.
  • A one line advice you would like to give people about WordPress.
    Try it once and you’d never go back to those junk CMS again.


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Speaker: Soumya Pratihari

Soumya Pratihari, is a professional blogger with over 25 blogs running in his network. Being a creative person its tough to tie Soumya in limits and he hosts TV Shows, own a C&F firm and just founded a production house to produce movies. An avid WordPress lover, his whole blogging network relies on WordPress and in his words “I cannot even imagine running my blogs on any other platform“.

At WordCamp, Soumya would be speaking on “WordPress blogging after Google Panda“.


  • Tell us a bit about yourself.
    I am Soumya Pratihari, a professional blogger who is running his own blogging network with over 25 blogs. Apart from blogging I am into TV shows hosting, own a C&F firm and just founded a movie production house to produce movies. Being a creative person I cant help but try hands on random things and that’s what I enjoy doing.
    I basically blog on TechCular that covers latest tech news.
  • What motivates you most to use WordPress?
    WordPress is easy, powerful, highly configurable, SEO friendly, and comes for free. The large database of themes, plugins, regular updates, and friendly community is priceless. I cannot even imagine running my blogs on any other platform.
  • What are your thought about WordPress Community in India?
    Are you kidding me? Is there any community that actually exists? Today WordPress is mostly used by bloggers only and bloggers are always the best competitors to each other. Wearing a fake smile on the face, bloggers tend to be very conservative when it comes to spreading the “inside” knowledge. I have already stopped taking advice from bloggers since last couple of years as many times the “gyaan” you get is completely nonsense. [sorry.. but its the fact]
    As far as the WordPress geeks are concerned, all of them are now busy in bidding on projects on several freelancing sites. Earlier I used to see very useful plugins from these WP geeks, but now they have even stopped providing updates for them. And the only reason behind this is that they are earning handsomely by doing freelancing stuffs and do not want to work for free.
    To summarize, the open source WordPress is now having fully commercialized people around.
  • Topic on which you are speaking?
    Over 50% of blogs are affected by this Panda update. Even the official Google Webmasters Blog does not focus much light on how to recover from this disaster. Actually there are a couple of ways to get out of Panda within a couple of weeks.
    I will be speaking on how a blogger can recover his blog from Google Panda effects.
  • Why you decided to be a part of WC Jabalpur?
    Ummm… three reasons are there actually. I can meet many WordPress lovers and it would be great to interact and mingle with them. I have never spoken anywhere before (yes, I have hosted many TV shows before, but that’s completely different from what I am going to do at Jabalpur). Finally I love to visit places and I have never been to Jabalpur 😛
  • What are you mostly looking forward to during this WC Jbp?
    • Free meal, snacks, soft drinks, and tea.
    • Free goodies like T-shirts, certificates, etc.
    • A healthy meet up with great exchange of ideas.
  • Who in WP community inspires you most and why?
    Everyone. All are unique in their own way.
  • A one line advice you would like to give people about WordPress.
    Beware, this is very addictive!


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Speaker: Ameet

Ameet, a full time freelance web developer from Ahmadabad and known for his kick ass designs and hard core php stuffs. An avid PS3 player when asked what he loves most, replies “give life to designs and make them talk with the web surfers” When not freelancing, Amit loves spending time with his 14 months old brat.

At WordCamp, Ameet would be speaking on “HTML to WordPress Conversion“.


  • Tell us a bit about yourself.
    Hi, I am Amit Sinha. I am full time freelance web developer and avid PS3 player. I give life to designs and make them talk with the web surfers. When not freelancing i spend time with my 14 months old brat.
  • What motivates you most to use WordPress?
    The actual core of wordpress is written with simplicity in mind unlike other CMS. They have a great documentation, excellent support, awesome community and above all very small learning curve. I love PHP from its inception and i think anyone who knows PHP wordpress comes with ease.
  • What are your thought about WordPress Community in India?
    Haven’t got chance to interact with wordpress community in India much but overall the global community is awesome and thats a big plus for any Open Source CMS.
  • Topic on which you are speaking?
    HTML to WordPress Conversion.
  • Why you decided to be a part of WC Jabalpur?
    Because i want to interact with the developers and budding freelancers in India, share my knowledge whatever i have gain in the past 3 years and gain from them like their views, understanding and approach.
  • What are you mostly looking forward to during this WC Jbp?
    A chance to interact with other freelancers from India.
  • Who in WP community inspires you most and why?
    can’t single out a single person…they all are good (sounds diplomatic, but its true)..its like some kind of family going on…
  • A one line advice you would like to give people about WordPress.
    Follow your instincts and explore the power of wordpress…you will be amazed how much you can achieve from it..its not just blogging tool, its platform to dream 🙂



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Speaker: Mohit Pawar

Mohit Pawar is the CEO of New Media Consulting Group. He is also part of the worldwide street team of Seth Godin’s The Domino Project, powered by Amazon.com. Pawar thinks of internet as a big social unifier and is a firm believer in its ability to inform, educate and entertain. His associates know him as a go-to person for start-up advice and using technology for strengthening brands. He spends his leisure hours spinning music and writes a widely read blog at www.mohitpawar.com.

He loves to build and nurture communities. Brought BarCamp to Mumbai back in 2006. Started Bootstrap Network Hyderabad. Hosted some of earliest blogger meet ups. Currently curates TEDxGurgaon.

At WordCamp, Mohit would be speaking on “How to Super Charge Your Career with Blogging“.

  • Tell us a bit about yourself.
    I have done bunch of start-ups. Started as a teenage entrepreneur. In recent times, founded New Media Consulting Group in 2008, http://www.freshresume.net/ in 2009. Avid blogger. I blog at http://mohitpawar.com/. I also run a Blog Idea newsletter at http://www.blogideas.in/, which has subscribers in various countries.
  • What motivates you most to use WordPress?
    The amazing community of users, hyperactive developer community, ease of use and huge range of plugins.
  • What are your thought about WordPress Community in India?

    It is growing well, with young bloggers taking ahead what early users have started.
  • Topic on which you are speaking?
    How to use blogging to supercharge your career.
  • Why you decided to be a part of WC Jabalpur?
    WordCamp is a great opportunity to hangout with and learn from people who live and breathe WordPress; add to it the idea of supporting a WordCamp in India (I know how important community support is for such gathering- having organized bunch of them) and I have never been to Jabalpur before so that’s more fun.
  • What are you mostly looking forward to during this WC Jbp?
    Amazing people and interesting insights.
  • Who in WP community inspires you most and why?
    Friends like Wille Jackson, an authority on WordPress Speed Optimization and Hussain of Chugs Design, who is one the earlier proponents of clean and usable design on WordPress. People like Sadish Bala who were earlier contributors of themes to WP theme repository from India. I am also excited to see great work youngsters are doing.
  • A one line advice you would like to give people about WordPress.
    With WP you can focus on creating content and leave the rest to software and community.


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WordCamp Says: Promote us!

WordCamp Jabalpur 2011 will highly appreciate if you promote our efforts to make India’s Second WordCamp reach to even more people and benefit all those who are still not knowing about it or can’t make to reach Jabalpur due to several constraints in day to day life.

You can promote us in myriad ways you can think of, we are listing a few here. Ideas and suggestions as usual are welcomed 🙂

  1. Blog about “WordCamp Jabalpur” and link back to us.
  2. Tweet about us and promote @wcjbp
  3. Use #wcjbp for all WordPress related conversations on twitter.
  4. Like us on facebook and share with your friends.
  5. Flaunt the badge relevant to you on your website, blog, social media account etc.



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