
Comment Reply via Email

There’s no need for an extra trip from your email client to your site just to reply to a comment. Your account gives you the ability to respond directly from the comment notification email.

To reply to comments by email, make sure that in your site’s Discussion Settings, the Email me whenever anyone posts a comment toggle is turned on.


For replies via email to make it through to your comment section, they must contain the quoted comment notification message; alternatively, add “!END” on its own line at the end of your email.

Most email clients will include the original message in an email reply. scans the body of the email looking for this quoted section and strips it out (along with anything below the quoted reply). If your message does not include a quoted section, you’ll need to add the following on its own line at the end of your reply:


When reads !END (on a line by itself), it will use it as a marker and ignore everything below that line. Everything above !END will become a comment on your site. This allows you to use email commenting even if you have quoting turned off in your email client.

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