Support » Everything else WordPress » Website sometimes does not open in first attempt

  • Hi there,

    I hope this is the right forum and someone can help me.

    Since some days I am facing the issue, that my website does not open in the first attempt (I only get a white screen). I have to reload the page and then everythin works. In the past the website was always opening in the first attempt.

    This issue occurs on every sub page as well – dont know what to do..

    Thanks in advance and have a good day.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Hey @davide1991, your site is loading for me on the first try. Does this happen to you on other browsers too, like on your phone? If you have another browser on your computer it might be good to check there too.

    Hello @davide1991,

    I see that you use both Autoptimize and W3 Total Cache.

    Do you have a minification process enabled in both plugins or just in Autoptimize?

    Incorrect settings for the script minification may lead to such issues you are experiencing.

    As a first step towards resolving this issue, I would advise you to temporarily disable the Autoptimize plugin and see if that resolves the issues.

    If that is the case, you may want to revise your Autoptimize plugin and exclude your theme/plugins from the minification process.

    pro-tip; you can disable Autoptimize on a per-request basis by adding ?ao_noptimize=1 to the URL.

    if the problem is not there at that point, some autoptimize (re-)configuration might be needed to fix this. there are troubleshooting tips and info on how to exclude in the AO FAQ.

    hope this helps debugging,
    frank (ao dev)

    Thread Starter davide1991


    Hi Igor, Hi Optimizing Matters,
    does the error occur for you as well?

    So it means best would be to just use one of the two plugins, or can I use both? Any suggestion from your side? I am pretty new to wordpress, sorry for my questions.

    First I was just using only autoptimize but my seo analysis showed that my files needs to be minifyed. Therefore I installed the W3 total cache. Afterwards I deactivated autoptimize and then I checked my website performance. With autoptimize my perfomance was better. Thus I installed it again and my performance was better in the tests.

    Happy that you help me.

    Thanks so much.


    Yes, the site did open for me without issues. You can use W3TC & AO together, just make sure the CSS & JS options in W3TC are off.

    hope this clarifies,

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