Support » Plugin: Gutenberg » A Real Disappointment

  • Not user-friendly at all. I had faith in Gutenberg even at the time that everyone was saying negative things about it, but I guess the naysayers were right.

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  • Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Hey @mwalek, how are you feeling about Gutenberg these days? Any feedback or issues I can pass on to the editor team?

    Thread Starter Mwale Kalenga


    Hi @melchoyce ,

    I didn’t use it long enough to provide much constructive criticism. But I think the issue might have been being able to easily select containers and change the layout of the page, not sure.

    I had to use Gutenberg again some weeks ago and found it to not be as bad as I thought, so I guess the biggest issue is a learning a curve (not to say that there aren’t other issues).

    The time I wrote this review I had used Gutenberg only once, for a couple of hours, trying to create a simple layout. I got far (didn’t manage) but that was after hours, and for someone who’s worked with many page/layout builders for a long time, that’s not good, what will happen to a new WP user 🙂 ?


    Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Thanks @mwalek, that’s great feedback. Do you have a page builder you like to use that you think handles layout the best?

    Thread Starter Mwale Kalenga


    I like SiteOrigin Page Builder and Elementor, Divi is okay too 🙂 .

    Moderator Mel Choyce-Dwan


    Awesome 👠Anything from those builders you think Gutenberg needs to adopt?

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