Support » Plugin: Genesis Blocks » CSS gb-button* conflicting with GeneratePress + GenerateBlocks styles

  • Resolved reelism


    My applied gb-blocks styles with GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks conflict with your plugins css, so had to deactivate genesis.

    Couldn’t find any options to change anything whatsoever in your plugin, or deactivate the css.

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  • Plugin Contributor Phil Johnston


    Hey there,

    There might be a fews ways to deal with this that don’t require deactivating the plugin altogether,

    The first would be to dequeue the Genesis Blocks CSS styles using the wp_dequeue_style function:

    However, that would likely be too heavy-handed, as you’d want some of the styles for other blocks.

    I am wondering if your custom CSS could be crafted to be more specific, so that the browser uses your custom styles over the styles from Genesis Blocks.

    Are you able to share what you are using for your custom styles?

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 4 weeks ago by Phil Johnston.
    Thread Starter reelism


    That sounds the definition of “too hard basket”.

    Wouldn’t it be in your interest to not conflict with a very popular Themes/Plugin CSS?

    Thread Starter reelism


    To be clear – it’s not *my* css that’s conflicting – it’s the default css from GeneratePress Theme &/or GenerateBlocks plugin.

    Plugin Support Luke Carbis


    @reelism Thanks for letting us know about the conflict! Definitely it’s something we’d like to avoid, but as I’m sure you can imagine, it’s hard to keep track of what other plugins and themes are doing, and keeping up with that.

    Having said that, I think a sensible path forward could be to add an option to Genesis Blocks to automatically dequeue the styles as suggested by @johnstonphilip. That could be a good catch-all solution for if there are ever any conflicts.

    I’d have to run the idea by the team, but what do you think?

    Thread Starter reelism


    Yep, sounds good.

    Could it be dequed by default, load styles as necessary, when whatever-element is used?

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