Support » Fixing WordPress » Font not working on Mobile Devices

  • Resolved redazione1



    I’ve just changed fonts on my website through the CSS customizer. I added this: `/* font */
    * {font-family: IBM Plex Serif}
    a {font-family: IBM Plex Sans}
    span {font-family: IBM Plex Sans}
    time.entry-date.published {font-family: IBM Plex Sans}
    h2.widget-title {font-family: IBM Plex Sans}
    .tg-site-menu–default a {font-size: 16px}
    .entry-meta {font-size: 14px}
    .tg-top-cat .cat-links {font-size: 14px}
    .tg-author-box .tg-author-meta {font-size: 14px}`

    All changes perfectly work on dessktop, but they don’t on mobile phone. On my Samsung it is dispalyed a standard Sans-serif font, whereas on a Iphone I checked it is displayed another standard serif font. What can I do?

    • This topic was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by redazione1.
    • This topic was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by redazione1.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @redazione1 – The font needs to be available to the browser to be displayed. You probably have the IBM Plex fonts installed on your computer, but not on your phone. You can provide the font by using Google Fonts, and adding the following to your Custom CSS:

    @import url('');
    @import url('');

    Thread Starter redazione1


    Yes, thank you, that was the problem. Now it works,

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