Support » Fixing WordPress » “convert to regular blocks” not working since update

  • Resolved janschattling


    I am a heavy user of reusable blocks and use them as templates that I include in my site and then “convert to regular blocks” with the option from the menu.
    Since the new version, the option is its own button instead of being in the menu.
    Unfortunately clicking on this button does nothing and my reusable blocks can’t be converted anymore.
    Can anybody please help? I can’t keep working without that. 🙁

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  • Hi @janschattling, do you see any text in the Developer Console when you click the Convert button? If you need, here’s how to view the Developer Console for each browser.

    Thread Starter janschattling


    Thanks for your reply.
    I get following error:

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: e.substr is not a function
        at b (block-serialization-default-parser.min.js?ver=1768ef183a4597932a52df4c355129c1:2)
        at p (block-serialization-default-parser.min.js?ver=1768ef183a4597932a52df4c355129c1:2)
        at s (block-serialization-default-parser.min.js?ver=1768ef183a4597932a52df4c355129c1:2)
        at Yr (blocks.min.js?ver=65abb57f00d1d2ab3d3b16331cbbf560:3)
        at O.CONVERT_BLOCK_TO_STATIC (reusable-blocks.min.js?ver=d969baba471ea99a0d94fb9fd94d284c:2)
        at redux-routine.min.js?ver=8ec41c688c5daad1d264d85374a1c8b0:2
        at redux-routine.min.js?ver=8ec41c688c5daad1d264d85374a1c8b0:2
        at Array.some (<anonymous>)
        at e (redux-routine.min.js?ver=8ec41c688c5daad1d264d85374a1c8b0:2)
        at redux-routine.min.js?ver=8ec41c688c5daad1d264d85374a1c8b0:2

    This may be a plugin or theme conflict. Please attempt to disable all plugins, and use one of the default (Twenty*) themes. If the problem goes away, enable them one by one to identify the source of your troubles.

    If you can install plugins, install and activate “Health Check”:

    It will add some additional features under Tools > Site Health. On its troubleshooting tab, you can Enable Troubleshooting Mode. This will disable all plugins, switch to a standard WordPress theme (if available), and allow you to turn your plugins on and off and switch between themes, without affecting normal visitors to your site.

    There’s a more detailed description about how to use the Health Check plugin and its Troubleshooting Mode at

    Thread Starter janschattling


    It was a conflict with a plugin that added additional features to the gutenberg blocks.
    I deleted the plugin and now everything is working as usual.
    Thanks a lot for your help. 🙂
    I will make sure to use the “Health Check” plugin if I ever encounter another problem.
    It made testing and looking for the problem really easy.

    What name plugin? Have same problems.

    Thread Starter janschattling


    It was “Ultimate Blocks”.


    Having the same issue…

    Problem is: if you’ve created reusable blocks from the Ultimate Blocks plugin, then after disabling Ultimate Blocks, those reusable blocks are no longer valid because Gutenberg doesn’t recognise them…

    Here it was Ultimate Blocks too. Took my loss and removed the plugin.

    I don’t use this plugin Ultimate Blocks. And i seem to be getting this issue now. Can not convert to html nor Classic block. The buttons do not react.

    I am using the Twenty Twenty one theme and trying to add class ” has-extra-small-font-size” to a button’s component.

    i’ve the same issue, but there is no blocks’ addon installed.

    The console gave me a hint about errors in “wp-tinymce”, but I havent installed the Advanced-editor-tools (tinymce).
    But i’m using the official “Classic Editor” (, which gives a hint for TinyMCE in the description.

    But … the classic-editor should not prevent to use the block conversion.
    Any tipps?

    Screenshot Console-message:

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