Support » Plugin: Gutenberg » Some pages not showing on designated menus

  • I am relatively new to WordPress, but am having issues with select pages not showing on the menus I have added the pages to. For example, two pages I have created, ‘Public Works’ and ‘Employment Training’, show up in the Primary Menu (sidebar) under the parent page ‘Programs & Services’ where it should, but not under the parent page when navigating using the images on the homepage (by clicking on the Programs & Services image – bringing you to the overview page with image cards for all of the sub pages (sub items).

    I have double checked the two pages in question and they have the correct attributes as default templates under the parent page ‘Programs & Services’. The pages appear in all menus under ‘customize’ and ‘menus’.

    Any ideas to resolve this issue? Thanks.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by dudley2020.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Isabel Brison


    Hi there! How is the list of pages in the Programs & Services overview page generated? Are you using a plugin for it or does it perhaps have to be updated manually? It might be best to contact the website builder for more info, they should be able to help you out with this.

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