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WordPress-specific xprofile (meta) fields not saving

  • maelscuttle


    I’m trying to allow users to edit certain WordPress metadata fields on the frontend, namely contact and social information such as website, twitter link, etc. This functionality is outlined e.g. here, however it only partially seems to work.

    I’ve added 4 custom fields to the profile:
    – Bio [type: Biography]
    – Website [type: WordPress Text Field: Website]
    – Twitter [type: WordPress Text Field: Twitter]
    – Twitter [type: WordPress Text Field: Instagram]

    When I fill them out on the frontend, only Bio and Website are correctly stored to the user-meta table, Twitter and Instagram content seems to be lost. I can however edit them in the WordPress backend and they get correctly displayed on the front-end profile.

    I’ve managed to synchronize them by updating them manually via code using update_user_meta() on save, but I feel like this defeats the point or shouldn’t be the way to go if the functionality is there on the admin menu.

    Or am I doing something wrong here?

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  • schuerich


    I have the same problem with Twitter saving. Backend works but frontend not! It’s a bug as I think!

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