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Development Tools

Results 1-12 of 12
blender export to webgl
Allows you to export the polygon and normal data of selected objects from blender 3D to webgl. Place this in your addon folder, and activate it in your user preferences, under the import-export category.
(3 ratings)
Sentry - Realtime Event Logging Platform
Sentry is a realtime event logging and aggregation platform. It specializes in monitoring errors and extracting all the information needed to do a proper post-mortem without any of the hassle of the standard user feedback loop. The Sentry package, at its core, is just a simple server and web UI. It will handle authenticating clients (such as Raven) and all of the logic behind storage and aggregation. That said, Sentry is not limited to Python. The primary implementation is in Python, but it contains a full API for sending events from any language, in any application.
(10 ratings)
Maris Source Maker
Geared toward creating Perl, Python, PHP, C, C++, and C/C++ header files. But can just generate any type of file source with comment block templates.
(6 ratings)
DITrack is a free, open source, lightweight, distributed issue (bug, defect, ticket) tracking system using a Subversion repository instead of a backend database. It is written in Python and runs in UNIX environment (*BSD, Linux, MacOS X). DITrack is a major rethought of the issue tracking system paradigm. The main difference is that instead of sticking to the centralized model (one database, one web interface, one mail integration machinery), DITrack treats underlying Subversion storage as a versioned distributed file system which enables benefits of truly distributed operation mode.
(9 ratings)
NLP Part-of-Speech Tagger
Based upon Eric Brill's work. This is a port of Mark Watson's C# Part-of-Speech tagger. It's a simple and straightforward tool to tokenize and tag sentences and find the corresponding parts-of-speech. There are other Python taggers like Monty Tagger and NTLK, but this one is simple, sleek and easy-to-implement
(0 ratings)
C to C++ Converter
Scripts to convert automatically in six steps, your C project to C++. GNU GPL licence. Manual included.
(9 ratings)
IP2Location Geolocation Web Service using Python SOAP
IP2Location Geolocation XML Web Service allows instant lookup of Internet visitors geographical locations by IP address. The web service returns country, state, city, latitude, longitude, zip code, ISP and domain name information. Developers can integrate the web service using SOAP protocol and no database installation or update required. Free sample codes available in several programming languages such as ASP, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, PHP, Perl, Python, ColdFusion and VBA. Please visit ip2location.aspx for more information.
(6 ratings)
Karrigell is a simple web programming solution, including a web server and a relational database (gadfly). It was designed for web sites with moderate traffic, such as personal sites running on a home computer. Allows execution of Python scripts and of pages mixing Python and HTML (PHP-like). Easy handling of authentication and sessions, internationalization features. A file content or the output of a script can be included in another script.
(12 ratings)
SPYCE is a webserver plugin that supports simple and efficient Python-based dynamic HTML scripting. Those who like Python and are familiar with JSP, or PHP, or ASP, should have a look at this engine. It allows one to generate dynamic HTML content just as easily, using Python for the dynamic parts. Its modular design makes it very flexible and extensible.
(9 ratings)
Wasp is an platform-independent HTML preprocessor. It's like PHP or ASP, except with the powerful Python language at your fingertips. You can add Python code to your pages, expand boiler-plate text, etc. Wasp may be run in three ways. In client mode, your files are processed in a batch to produce HTML -- no server required. In CGI mode, you get a complete web application framework with cookie and session support, activity logging, error handling (with e-mail notification), a remote debugging utility and more. In server mode Wasp runs its own threaded web server with all the CGI features embedded. In all these cases you get the simplicity of the standard URL = file paradigm. You don't need to write page classes and the like unless you wish to. Your own Python routines can be easily installed as plugins. There are no dependencies on outside libraries. Wasp is designed to be fast, robust and extensible.
(0 ratings)
Webware for Python
Webware for Python is a suite of software components for developing web-based applications that are multi-threaded, object-oriented and cached. The suite uses well known design patterns such as servlets and server pages (as found in ASP, PHP and JSP). It includes the following components: WebKit that provides Python classes for generating dynamic content from a web-based, server-side application; Python Server Page (or PSP), an HTML document with interspersed Python instructions that are interpreted to generate dynamic content, similar to PHP, ASP and JSP; CGI Wrapper, a CGI script used to execute other Python CGI scripts; WebUtils, a basic set of functions for common web related programming tasks such encoding/decoding HTML, etc.
(33 ratings)
Zope is an Open Source application server and portal toolkit used for building high-performance, dynamic Web sites. Zope consists of a number components which work together to provide a complete yet flexible application server package. Zope includes an internet server, a transactional object database, a search engine, a web page templating system, a through the web development and management tool, and comprehensive extension support. Zope's open support for web standards such as XML-RPC, DOM, and WebDAV allows you unparalleled flexibility and interoperability.
(3 ratings)
Results 1-12 of 12