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Portal Systems

Results 1-11 of 11
WebAPP NE: Web Automated Perl Portal Networks
The latest WebAPP (WebAPP V. 1.0 SE) offers many robust, interactive features, including: Articles archive, with unlimited categories Forum, with unlimited categories and nested message boards Private Messaging, offering folder management and flexible user filing Who's Online, with quick links to IM and Profile info Memberlist, sortable with links to IM, Profile and Email Download and Link sections, with descriptions, list of latest entriesand user rating Stats, offering extensive details regarding site and user demographics Site Administration, offering browser-based admin control of most site functions About, Contact and Help pages, fully integrated and easily customized Custom Welcome messages for both guests and registered members. Additional editable areas called Blocks can be created as needed (or mothballed) as needed. Special attention given to site security and the latest HTML protocol compatibility.
(30 ratings)
A community portal and content management system written in Perl. Includes forums, links directory, downloads directory, articles, gallery, handheld format, xml feed, profiles, instant messaging, and more all the time. Based on the old (WebAPP Web Automated Perl Portal) system. Ongoing updates with download of newest or all files from the CVS. Version set as date at time of download.
(6 ratings)
fx-APP is a Practical Perl Content Management System and portal written in Perl/CGI. fx-APP is up to par with Web standards so that it is more usable and multi-browser friendly. Includes forums, downloads, links, mods, plugins/addons, user ability to change themes and languages, etc. fx-APP utilises a flat file, so SQL database is not necessary. Easy to use and setup in a matter of minutes. fx-APP is Open source, licensed under GNU/GPL and free to download and use. Open source, free. GNU/GPL. Built on the original CMS.
(9 ratings)
SoftSite Pro
SoftSite Pro is a powerful and easy-to-use software portal solution written in Perl with full SSI (Server Side Includes) support. SoftSite Pro can be used in both the Windows and Unix/Linux environments and is remarkably easy to set up since it contains a built-in installer that automatically detects and configures the correct paths/URLS and installs the script for you. Almost everything in SoftSite Pro is completely automated saving you valuable time and money.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
WebAPP, stands for Web Automated Perl Portal, allows you to set the site up, and requires minimal work to maintain it. It was built to be used for a news site, stories, personal, etc. Included are topics, forums, instant message, who's online, download section, link section, wireless and palm pilot support, integrated newsletter, complete site administration, FAQ administration, modular, md5 encryption of passwords, multiple theme and language support, numerous modifications and add-ons.
(58 ratings)
Perl on all Site
PoaS (Perl on all Site) is a lightweight web portal system written in Perl. All client output is valid HTML 4. Main features include: newssystem, forum, user management, link database, site stats, theme selection, block administration, banner rotating and many more.
(10 ratings)
YaWPS is Yet another Web Portal System for medium- or small-sized websites. YaWPS features webbased administration, news system, backend/headlines generation, forums, link database, calendar, fulltext search, customizable blocks and pages, detailed statistics, multilanguage and theme support. YaWPS is written in Perl and uses a flatfile database as a backend. All client output is valid HTML4. It works on most common UNIX platforms as well as on Windows platforms.
(13 ratings)
Noink was designed as a web-based image server to power the online comic strip site, It is, however, general enough to be used as an abstract information server (allowing for indexing and archiving of images, text-based content, content external to the server, and other types of data). It can be configured via simple markup-like files, and has a fairly strong emphasis on security including password encryption. It has a simple forum feature built-in with moderator utilities, as well as a rich administration system which includes automated site archival. It is written in Perl, and uses several *nix specific utilities.
(0 ratings)
Metadot Portal Server
Metadot Portal Server is a Perl/MySQL-based open source portal server that provides content and community management user customizable news page dashboard like My Yahoo. Users can have their own public website area to share information. Includes built-in features like files management, discussion, calendar, poll, HTML editor and XML/RSS syndication, user & group management and monitoring tools, look and feel customization (CSS and templates). It can be extended in functionality by adding Metadot Gizmos plug-ins.
(46 ratings)
Community Portal (CommPortal)
CommPort is a "Community Portal" generator based on Perl and MySQL that can be tailored for any location. Each user gets a personal portal page to which they can add their own "channels" or select from a growing list of pre-prepared local, national and international content. This allows any individual to always have a page of their own personal favourites in front of them. Channels may be either "active" with continually updated content such as weather or news headlines or "passive" with collections of links. Features: User customizable portal page, Imports standard RSS files for use as channels, Automatic export of channels as RSS, Multiple user access levels, and Internationalization.
(12 ratings)
Auto-HomePage provides your members with the ability to custom-design their own start page on your site within minutes. This software modules pulls in data from various sources and creates an internal portal page for your site. Auto-HomePage also includes an Address Book, ToDo List, Email Reminders, Bookmarks and much more. You can also include targeted daily/weekly news and content to keep your visitors up to date. Auto-HomePage shares an integrated backend - account management, billing, advertising, templates and administration - with over 25 other pluggable software modules. You can add grow your site as your needs expand all using a single integrated suite. No more multiple logins and inconsistencies.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.00
Results 1-11 of 11