A new Feedback Button Block

Ok, this is a bit meta: Writing on a feedback P2 about a new feedback block. 😉

But what should you do? Say hello to our new block for WordPress: The Feedback Button block!

It’s a floating button, it stays in place when your site visitor scrolls. That means it’s always visible, and super easy for your users to reach out to you. To make sure it fits in with your site design, the button is fully customisable and can be placed in any corner of your site.

After clicking the button your site visitors can leave a message and share their email address so you can get back to them.

Easy to add to any WordPress website

Adding the feedback button takes seconds. No code snippets, no complicated process – just search for ‘Feedback Button’ in your block library, add it to your page, and you’re done.

More than just feedback

We called it a Feedback button, but with just a few clicks you can make it your own. Change the button label, customize the form content, and you can ask your site visitors anything you’d like to learn, in any way that works for you.

What do you think? Is such a button helpful? Anything missing? We are super curious … let us know in the comments below!

Launching Our New NPS Block


The Crowdsignal team is very excited to give you a first look at our new NPS block. 💪

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is one of the most widely used scoring/management tool nowadays.
The strength of the NPS approach is that it substitutes a single question for a complex customer satisfaction survey. You can collect in a very simple way timely data that your team is able to act on immediately.

It serves as an alternative to traditional customer satisfaction research and is claimed to be correlated with revenue growth.

Wikipedia – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_Promoter

NPS Block Features

If your site is running on WordPress.com you can start playing with it, no installation required:

  • Block styling is based on your theme by default, though fully customizable
  • Both questions can be edited
  • Labels can be edited
  • Define after how many visits the block should be shown to your users
  • Displays nicely on mobile
  • Emojis can be used in labels 🙂
  • And it comes with a results dashboard optimized for the NPS block:

What do you think? Any questions?

Read more about it in our blog.

More easy login options for…

More easy login options for Crowdsignal (email, phone, Google) that aren’t through WordPress

Hi, I thought that Crowdsignal is a great tool, but that it is lacking some other login options apart from WordPress.com. Other tools such as JotForm let you get started after a simple email verification which does not involve linking accounts.

For example, The login options could be Continue with WordPress, Continue with Email, Continue with Google.

I am awhere that it is possible to login with Google/Apple via the WordPress.com login, but I think that some people would preper being able to use apps like Crowdsignal without creating an entire WordPress profile (including Gravatar page) and instead having a stand-alone account.

I understand that people need to be able to login to save their surveys, but I think that some simple login options like “Sign in with email magic link”, “Sign in with phone number”, etc… would make more people come to Crowdsignal, and that it would be better if there was the odd login method (such as simply verifying an email address) that didn’t involve WordPress.com signins.

I just think this would be a great idea for the future, particulthearly as some people might like the option to not have their Crowdsignal and WordPress accounts/profiles permanently linked together. You could have WordPress.com as an option (a bit like you can use Apple to login to several websites) instead of the only method.

Log-ins for small groups

If I could ask for one thing with Crowdsignal it would be: make it easier for a small group to share a log-in or allow log-ins from a team. Yes, I know you have a Team pricing plan, but it’s $29/month/user, so the least expensive option is $1044/year! That’s… well, it’s just too much for a lot of small companies.

In most services, there is a log-in that a small informal team can share without too much trouble. But because Crowdsignal is based on the WordPress login, that makes it hard/uncomfortable to share. Perhaps that’s your business plan, and I get that, but… too much.

I’m happy to pay for the Annual Premium account, but I really wish I could share the account with my very small team.

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