WordPress Meetup West: 15th Anniversary Edition


UPDATE: The Meetup will now be Monday, June 4th due to a scheduling conflict and the 4th Monday of May landing on Memorial Day. We hope to see everyone out to celebrate 15 years of WordPress!

WordPress will be 15 years old May 27th, 2018!

On Monday, June 4th we'll be having our meetup at the normal time and place, but instead of sitting and listening to a presentation, we're going to celebrate 15 years of WordPress.

You're invited! We're providing a cake and some light refreshments, but we encourage you to bring a snack to share with the group! There will also be special 15th anniversary swag available during the event. We'll be sharing our party photos and love for WordPress with the rest of the world via the hashtag #wp15.

Don't forget to spread the word, let's make this WordPress birthday memorable :)