Blog | Developers

Bots Long Poll API and PHP SDK

Bringing you twice the happiness today.
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Stories API

We've opened access to VK Stories API to all developers and would like to show how it looks and works.
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HTML5 Games on the VK Platform

Today we are introducing Direct Games, a new game platform based on HTML5. With the games being able to be launched inside the mobile VK applications, downloading and installation will no longer be necessary.
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Streaming API

We present a new tool for the public VK data analysis.
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Regular Payments in Applications on

Today VK launches a new payment tool in applications — regular payments, commonly known as a subscription.
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We have fantastic news for those who work with posts, dealing with advertising metrics or simply hate really long links.

We have overhauled, our service for shortening links. Now it can track statistics regarding redirects and send information through the API.
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VK Hackathon

On November 26th and 27th, the VK team will host a 24-hour hackathon in St. Petersburg using open data provided by features of VK API and partner companies.
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Community Apps

Over the past few years, VK communities transformed from groups based on shared interests to a convenient tool for media, business and arranging events. It's now time to make life even more convenient.
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Subscribing to Community Messages

Since the launch of our community messaging service, almost a whole year has passed. During this time, we have supported this tool in our API, created community widgets for sites and implemented Callback API to manage community events, including receiving new messages. 
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JSON Schema and Java SDK

Good news for app developers using VK API. 
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