Support » Plugin: Akismet Spam Protection » Show Useragent Info on Comment Editing Page in Admin Area

  • YAWP



    I have a feature request! Can Akismet show Useragent information for comments on comment editing page in WP Admin area?

    Useragent info is stored for all comments in database so it’ll be easy to retrieve the info.

    At least show Useragent info on spam comments page near IP address and email ID.


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  • Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    Can you elaborate on how the user agent would be helpful information when viewing comments in the WP admin?

    Thread Starter YAWP


    While checking spam comments, I have observed a few similar patterns/words used in their Useragent string which are generally not used in normal web browser’s useragents. I can use those patterns or particular words to block those spam useragents from accessing my website using .htaccess or other mechanism.

    At the moment, I have to use phpMyAdmin to access the database and check useragent strings used by commentators in WP tables.

    If the plugin can show useragent information directly in WP admin area (at least for spam comments), it’ll be very easier to check the useragent string used by them.

    That’s it.

    Thanks. We’ll think about it, but user-agent strings could be tricky to display in wp-admin, for multiple reasons: length, potential for XSS, etc.

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