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MailChimp for WordPress
What I Like and What I Don't (2 posts)

4 stars
  1. seanimler
    Posted 1 year ago #

    1. That the html is provided for you right in the interface which you can modify to your heart's content right from admin. No mucking about thru the php.
    2. I also really liked that you can add the checkbox for submission to registrants and commenters so it's an all-in-one solution from one interface.
    3. The settings are easy to find and use.

    Things I would improve:

    1. Make it so that when the form is submitted, the fields disappear. It looks rather like something went wrong or just isn't elegant when the form fields are still sitting there after the form's been completed.
    2. Figure out a way to validate the email address by sending it and checking the header to make sure the email was delivered before confirming the submission.
  2. Danny van Kooten
    Plugin Author

    Posted 1 year ago #

    Hi there,

    Thank you for your positive review! Much appreciated.

    I've added your improvement suggestion #1 to the plugin in version 0.8.1. #2 is somewhat harder as the confirmation e-mail is not sent by my plugin but by MailChimp.

    Thanks again!



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