Support » Plugin: WP Media Category Management » All categories forced on post save @ Multisite with WPML + Elementor

  • Raul Illana



    On our setup, Multisite with WPML + Elementor, when you update a post or page with Elementor, your plugin makes all the categories part of it on post_save.

    This is because attachment_fields_to_edit is not restricted just to attachments post type.

    I fixed it by adding this to /wp-media-category-management/include/class-wp-mcm-plugin.php#L530

    if( 'attachment' !== $post->post_type ) {
    	return $form_fields;

    Can you please take a look as if this makes sense?

    If you have a GitHub repository we are more than likely to PR this changes for further testing on both sides before releasing a patch.

    Have a nice week!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author DeBAAT


    Hai Raul,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    You’re suggestion certainly looks to make sense.
    Give me some time to try it myself and I’ll update the plugin shortly.

    Have a nice week too.


    Thread Starter Raul Illana


    Howdy Jan!

    Any news on this?

    Kind regards.

    Plugin Author DeBAAT


    Hai Raul,

    This should be fixed now in V1.9.4.

    Hope it helps.

    Thread Starter Raul Illana



    Will upgrade tomorrow at work.

    Thanks for the fast work!

    Best regards.

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