SEO by Squirrly – Best AI WordPress SEO Plugin 2021 – Rank Faster With AI SEO Strategy


Squirrly SEO: the #1 AI WordPress SEO plugin

Your SEO challenges – solved.

Squirrly’s mission is Never Fail at SEO. Our AI SaaS + plugin’s users range from the auto repair shop around the corner to some of the most popular sites on the planet.

SEO continues to be one the most reliable sources of traffic. Unlike ads that stop bringing you traffic when your budget runs out, creating and implementing an SEO strategy for your WordPress site sets you up for long-term success.
But SEO can be a tough nut to crack. Unless you’re using a complete WordPress SEO plugin that was created with YOUR SEO challenges in mind.


We built Squirrly SEO to help everyone, regardless of their level of SEO knowledge and expertise, get access to ALL the SEO tools and ALL the guidance they need to take charge of SEO, optimize, and gain more traffic for their sites.


“I already have an endless list of must-solve right now to-dos. I want to have time to run my business – not spend my life doing SEO for my website. “

“I feel intimidated by SEO and its complexity. I never know if what I’m doing is making an impact. “

“I know WordPress SEO is important, but I struggle to understand all the pieces and how they work together on my own.”

“SEO is like working out. Necessary but boring and tedious. It’s tough to get motivated so SEO never gets done.”

If you can relate to any of the struggles mentioned here or if you’re simply looking for an SEO solution that isn’t just fine but actually GREAT – it’s time you met Squirrly.


Guaranteed to help you Rank Faster. Start your optimization journey to boost performance and drive more organic traffic to your site today.

“I purchased Squirrly on April 28th 2021 and as of the morning of May 19th 2021 traffic to my site has increased by nearly 10X compared to traffic for the month of April.”

Reed Floren (Online Marketing Expert at Jarvis.AI, Best Selling co-author)

Squirrly SEO is an AI-powered, all-in-one SEO suite that takes the guesswork out of search engine optimization.

Optimize your WordPress, and take the shortest path to the 1st page of Google Search with data-driven SEO goals from an A.I. consultant.

Powered by Machine Learning and Cloud Services.

  • Get the perfect WordPress SEO setup – instantly! Over 650 features for SEO pre-configured for you during install.
  • All hand-holding. Completely educational. Squirrly provides a fail-proof, paint-by-numbers way of managing and improving your site’s SEO.
  • Access customized to-dos from an A.I. SEO consultant for better rankings, plus step-by-step guidance on implementation.

Use one tool for keyword research, SEO content optimization, content analysis, SEO guidance, technical SEO, site audits, rank tracking, and more.

Optimize your entire WordPress website with Squirrly SEO.

Perfect for: small business owners, content creators, bloggers, freelancers, and agencies looking to access clear guidelines for improving their SEO.

Recommended by Thousands of Happy Users

Squirrly SEO is the Popular WordPress SEO plugin that NON-SEO Experts use to boost their search engine traffic. Offers the same level of advice as a Human consultant would, yet with greater precision and customization.

Reach SEO success by following the Daily SEO Goals and using Squirrly’s built-in SEO tools to get higher Rankings with less effort.

Join a huge community of successful users who are ranking on the first page of Google Search with Squirrly SEO.

See Success Stories from WordPress Users Who Followed Squirrly’s Advice here (click)

2021 Awards and Recognition

Squirrly SEO has been named a High Performer for Summer 2021 on G2
Gartner Digital Markets Ranks Squirrly SEO as a Top Product in SEO worldwide, among other SaaS
Squirrly SEO Listed among the Best SEO Tools of 2021 in New Capterra Shortlist Report
Product Hunt: 1st Place in all of the following categories: SEO Tools, WordPress, Virtual Assistants
Check out all the Awards of Squirrly SEO 2021
Built, Supported and Innovated by one of the Best SaaS Companies and 7,479 Subscription-paying customers

“Fantastic results using Squirrly SEO”
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

Problem: low rankings for some pages and keywords – solved.
Problem: because of low rankings, traffic was lower – solved.

Jakob Thusgaard (founder and CEO)
(testimonial source: G2)

Does everything you need it – and more. Without slowing down your site.

Squirrly SEO brings the most SEO tools under one roof – and is the ONLY software on the market right now that gives you the complete SEO funnel.


Helps you take clients searching on Google all the way through to your money-maker pages.

^^ use it to see the Complete SEO Funnel and check out key differences: Squirrly SEO vs other SEO tools.

All the important SEO Tools you can find in SEMrush, Moz, Ahrefs in Your WordPress Dashboard.

SEE our speed test. Loading time is excellent and we tested this during a live session.

“Comparable” tools don’t even come close to what Squirrly SEO offers.

From keyword research to SEO content optimization, content analysis, SEO suggestions, SEO settings, website Audits, and rank tracking – Squirrly offers the most SEO tools and functionality to cover all your SEO needs in one place.

This eliminates the need to install many different plugins and helps you optimize your workflow so that you can be more efficient with your SEO efforts.

  • Want to do keyword research and find the best keywords to target based on real data such as competition, chances of ranking, and more?

You can do that with Squirrly!

Our keyword research data is fresh, since we don’t use cached databases. Our maximum caching time is about 48 hours, not a whole year or two like you find in other tools.

As we use Google Trends and Google API and run them through our Proprietary TECH to define search volumes and more, Social Media for discussions, the data will be FRESH every time.

^^ we have our very own algorithms to offer the industry’s best data when it comes to Keyword Research. We’ve been building research algorithms since 2012.

  • Want a place to save and organize the best keywords you find?

With Squirrly, you have a dedicated place to store your keywords and quickly organize them using Labels so that you have a clear view of your SEO strategies.

  • Want an easy way to do On-Page SEO?

Squirrly’s SEO Live Assistant does content analysis in real-time and generates suggestions for your content on the fly while also checking for readability. This is the easiest, most guided way of creating SEO content that both search engines and humans will love.

  • Excellent SEO? Wondering if your pages are fully optimized to reach SEO success? Not sure whether you’re focusing on the right things or not?

Focus Pages connects the dots between many sides of SEO. It scans your content to show you page-specific tasks you need to complete to improve your chances of ranking.

The system takes into account over 113 Ranking Factors to give you a complete analysis of your pages. This is next-level content analysis.

**There’s more… **

  • Want to audit your site to see how it performs across key areas such as Blogging, Traffic, Links, and SEO?

Squirrly will analyze your site’s performance and give you a score based on what it uncovers. Plus – clear guidance on how you can improve in the areas where you’re falling behind.

SaaS + Plugin configuration allows us to crawl everything related to your site and our Proprietary Market Intelligence feature helps us score your site realistically with real performance indicators.

  • Want to know if your work has translated into higher rankings?

Squirrly answers your questions with powerful graphics, Ranking data, and success & achievements messages that allow you to see and feel your progress.

Squirrly integrates with Google Search Console to bring you powerful data right inside WordPress.

^^ however, Squirrly uses GSC data to enhance our own algorithms and proprietary technology + AI, which we developed ourselves.

This is not a Google Search Console data visualization plugin. We offer you real SEO insight based on technology owned and developed by the Squirrly Company.

  • Want to know how many people click on your listing in Search Results – and how much traffic you’re getting?

Squirrly will show you exact numbers so that you can turn data into decisions and plan your next moves with confidence.

A lot more…


“I’ve used many other SEO plugins out there: Yoast, Rank Math, WP All in One SEO, but Squirrly has outclassed them all.”

I’m a Search Engine Optimization professional with 4 years of experience and from now on this product will be my go-to when implementing SEO strategies for my clients.
It’s extremely easy to use, self-explanatory, and will definitely work great for those who don’t have much SEO experience.

Zuzanna Kruger (SEO professional)

(testimonial source: Product Hunt)

In fact, Squirrly covers everything you need to optimize and be successful with WordPress SEO.

Over 650 features pre-configured for you during install, so that you don’t have to work on configurations!

Squirrly SEO has all important settings done for you right as you start and complete the setup wizard.

No need to go back and forth between tabs to do keyword research, create SEO content, completely optimize your website and pages, and track their SEO performance.

SEO optimization has never been easier.


  • Key default SEO settings configured for you during install

  • Keyword Research
  • Keyword portfolio
  • Guided On-Page optimization
  • SEO content grading
  • In-depth SEO Content Analysis
  • Readability analysis: SEO Live Assistant makes sure your content is not just Google friendly but also human-friendly. The Human-Friendly item checks your text for semantic readability.
  • SEO Content Optimization
  • Blog post research
  • Copyright-free Images
  • Optimize for multiple keywords
  • On Page SEO METAs (including meta title and meta description)
  • Customize the META Description and Meta Title for each URL on your website using the Squirrly SEO Snippet, Squirrly > SEO Settings > Automation
  • Full control over your meta title and meta description
  • SEO Automation for Meta Title
  • Easy to define the meta description (create a unique, accurate meta description) when doing SEO so that Google will better understand what your page is about.
  • Open Graph feature allows you to control how you want your post to look like when users share your content.
  • Option to automate
  • Open Graph (Open Graph Preview, Open Graph BULK work-flow, Open Graph Automation with different rules according to different custom post types, Open Graph object Type, Open Graph and fb admin page id, Open Graph and author URL, Open Graph with VIDEO, which makes the video PLAY directly inside Facebook, Open Graph Validation)
  • Twitter Card (Twitter Card validation, Twitter Card – large, Twitter Card – summary, Twitter Card Bulk work-flow, Twitter Card Automation with different rules according to different custom post types, Twitter Card Preview)
  • Option to define custom META Lengths (for meta title and meta description)
  • Internal linking suggestions
  • Redirection features: 301 Redirect
  • Redirection features: redirect broken pages to a default URL
  • SEO Automation for 404 Pages
  • Optimize based on SEO Suggestions
  • Custom, AI-Driven SEO Goals generated for your site and pages
  • Advanced SEO Audits
  • Continuous SEO Oversight – unprecedented level of SEO Protection
  • Keyword rank tracking
  • Success messages and achievements graphics
  • Warnings against over 113 types of ranking drawbacks
  • Google Search Console integration. Squirrly SEO makes it easy to access key website performance metrics right inside WordPress by integrating with Google Search Console.
  • Google Analytics integration. Squirrly integrates with Google Analytics to bring you must-know data about your pages, making it easy to monitor performance.
  • Squirrly also shows you Traffic Data for every Page you add as a Focus Page (in the Traffic Health Section) – alongside bounce rate data and time-on-page data. All this data is retrieved from Google Analytics via the Google Analytics integration.
  • Google Analytics tracking with custom rules for custom pages
  • Google Analytics tracking fixes included with the 14 Days Journey
  • Google Analytics FULL integrations, to get accurate Traffic Data in the SEO Audit and to get accurate Google Search Engine readings for quality SEO content (as I said: we look for “quality SEO content” the same way that Google does.
  • Most advanced XML Sitemap (Pictures in XML Sitemap, XML Sitemap enhanced with Videos, XML Sitemap settings for frequency with which you add new content to the site, XML Sitemap to get you in Google News, XML Sitemap with organized sub-sitemaps, XML Sitemap with Page-Level customization options, XML Sitemap inclusions / exclusions according to rules based on Custom post Types and Automation Features)
  • Option to Remove no-index pages from the XML Sitemap at an URL level
  • Structured Data (Schema Markup)
  • Multiple types of schema org JSON-LD implementations you can make
  • Configure the JSON-LD Types in SEO Automation
  • Custom JSON-LD Schema Code implementation
  • Build and validate JSON-LD schema
  • woocommerce ++ added more JSON-LD schema features for our available implementation
  • Improve the WooCommerce Product and Orders JSON-LD Schema with the required data.
  • Add default data for JSON-LD AggregateRating, Offers, SKU, MPN when they are missing from the product to avoid Google Search Console errors.
  • Add Breadcrumbs Schema in JSON-LD
  • Select multiple JSON-LD schema types for a single post type
  • Enable Squirrly to include additional metadata fields for WooCommerce Products Inventory Section
  • SEO Automation
  • Automatic redirection features
  • Customize SEO in bulk
  • Correct the SEO for the entire website in minutes
  • Meta Robots Tags [noindex, nofollow]
  • Creating and managing Robots.txt
  • Rich Pins
  • Facebook Pixel advanced options for eCommerce
  • Set User Roles to limit access to Squirrly SEO functionality for Authors, Editors, Shop Manager, etc.
  • Translation Plugins Support — Squirrly works perfectly with popular translations plugins like WPML and Polylang.
  • Elementor SEO
  • Divi SEO
  • Brizy SEO
  • Oxygen SEO
  • WooCommerce SEO
  • Import SEO and Settings with just ONE click (safely migrate your data to Squirrly SEO from any of the following:
  • Rank Math, Yoast, All in One SEO, SEO Framework, SEO Press, SEO Pressor, Add Meta Tags Plugin, Gregs High Performance SEO, Headspace 2, Platinum SEO Pack, SEO Title Tags, SEO Ultimate Plugin.

The list of SEO tools included in Squirrly SEO, the Ultimate WordPress SEO Plugin, goes on and on ..

“When you’re new to SEO like me, some dark corners of content optimization can be hard to figure out. With Squirrly SEO’s full suite of tools, all I have to do is follow their instructions.”

It is straightforward, so anyone can use this easy-to-use tool by simply following the navigation they’re given, giving you undeniable confidence that if you put work into your site, you will get the results you want!

Masatoshi Matsumiya (testimonial source: Product Hunt)

All the Features you need to Optimize + Clear Guidance on how to use them at the BEST time

Squirrly doesn’t just offer a lot of features that you can use to optimize your entire website.

It also provides direction on how to maximize using those features to reach the 1st Page of Google Search faster.

Next SEO Goals –

Next SEO Goals shows you high-priority actions you need to take to improve the SEO of your site – and points to the exact SEO tools from Squirrly that you need to use to get the job done faster.
Everything is 100% guided. Squirrly shows you which of its features to use to solve specific, real problems that YOUR site and pages have.

By just using the Next SEO Goals feature, you ensure you discover the features from Squirrly SEO – at the best time – and use them to fix issues that hurt your chances of ranking.

Focus Pages –

Focus Pages provides in-depth content analysis to show you the fastest path to better rankings.

In Focus Pages, Squirrly takes you by the hand to show you exactly what you need to do and which features to use to turn Red Elements Green and improve your chances of ranking.

Plus, thanks to Squirrly’s Google Analytics integration, you will be able to see how your actions translate into more traffic to your pages.

14 Days Journey to Better Rankings –

This gives you a blueprint for what you need to do and which SEO tools to use to bring one of your pages up in Rankings in just two weeks.

“Before discovering Squirrly SEO, my SEO tool of choice was Yoast. But I’ve never really felt using that SEO tool well as I am not an SEO expert and don’t have the time to invest too many hours learning about SEO optimization.”
That’s why Squirrly came in to help me with that process: I like their guide and the steps explaining what to do next in order to get it working. That’s great for me!
Gabriel Santos (testimonial source: Product Hunt)

Powerful yet Lightweight – Squirrly SEO loads faster than any other SEO plugin

The Squirrly SEO plugin doesn’t impact your pagespeed – as it loads super fast with a WordPress site.
(demonstrated in the LIVE TEST below)

The advantage that enables Squirrly SEO to load faster than any other SEO plugin currently on the market:

This amazing feat is thanks to the SaaS + SEO plugin duality which is unique to Squirrly SEO.

650 Features in Squirrly SEO, but the processing and heavy lifting is done on Squirrly Limited (the company)’s private servers. That makes the WordPress SEO plugin load incredibly fast.

Also, from our tests, the Squirrly SEO plugin loads on the frontend in 0.005s if you’re not using a plugin for caching.

We integrated the Squirrly SEO plugin with the most popular plugins for caching like WP Super Cache, WP-Rocket, Autoptimize, W3 Total, and more. This way, the buffer only loads through the plugins for caching and the speed is not affected at all.

SEO feels like a dark art? With Squirrly, you don’t have to do it alone

With so many variables at play, SEO can seem blindingly complex.

Like you’re trying to solve one huge puzzle, and it’s up to you to try and make sense of how all the pieces fit together.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the breadth of knowledge and attention to detail necessary.

So many people end up putting SEO off over and over.

Not if you’re using Squirrly.

With features such as Next SEO Goals and Focus Pages, Squirrly helps you navigate today’s key ranking factors by providing you with a complete framework and step-by-step guidance for placing your pages at the top of Google Search.

It’s like having an SEO expert in your WordPress site telling you what to do next to rank higher.

” I’m new to SEO and, to be honest, it felt a bit like jabbing into the dark, having no real idea how optimized my content is (or isn’t). But with Squirrly’s content editor, it’s crystal clear what I need to do to rank.

After following its guidelines and rewriting some of my articles, one of them showed up on the first page of Google! “

It’s a small win but one that gives me absolute confidence that if I put in the work, I’ll get the SEO results I’m hoping for in due time.

Though, there is A LOT more to this tool than just the content editor. It really covers pretty much everything you need to do for on-page SEO stuff.

If you’re new to SEO like I am, I suggest grabbing this.

Victor Mutta (testimonial source: Product Hunt)

Get actionable steps for topping the search engine rankings using the power of AI

Intimidated by SEO and its complexity?

Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you could start each day with a simple set of actionable Goals ready for you to complete.

Squirrly gives you clear directions and a step-by-step approach to implementing best practices for WordPress SEO.

Furthermore, it breaks everything down for you into small chunks and actionable tasks so nothing gets overwhelming.

All you have to do is follow the guidance to solve tasks and turn as many RED elements GREEN. It’s really that simple.

” Squirrly is a great SEO plugin and I’ve tested quite a few SEO plugins, including Rank Math, SEO Press and Yoast. Their whole approach is different but somehow has the same important aspects. It works great! “

The focus feature is especially useful and I now include Squirrly on all my sites to get rankings on specific pages. Onboarding is a breeze as well and they have a step by step process to help you reach your SEO goals.

Muhammed Seitz (Web Developer)

(testimonial source: Product Hunt)

Reach the 1st Page of Google and actually have Fun getting there

You know SEO is important but just hearing the word optimize makes you want to gouge your eyes out? You’re not alone.

Even if you have a clue of what you’re doing and what you should be focusing on, Search Engine Optimization can still feel like a giant tedious ball of blah.

We wanted to change that, because if SEO feels like a repetitious chore – it’s hard to stay consistent with your efforts.

Unlike other SEO tools that simply tell you to press this and that, Squirrly gamifies the SEO experience to help you turn SEO work into an exciting habit.

Every day, you’ll get about 3 New, High-Priority SEO Goals that you have to accomplish to optimize your website – complete with step-by-step instructions on how to get the job done.

It’s almost like playing a game.

And the prize?

Better rankings and increased organic traffic to your site. Consistently.

” I had fun understanding what happens to my pages and posts. I had fun finding keywords and working with them inside the tool and the way squirrly teaches you what to improve is fantastic.”

I discovered things I never quite understood under seopress because you don’t tweak it. Results, I had a boost for 12 keywords on first page and 7 of them number 1 on google.

Jean-Pierre Michael (testimonial source: Facebook)

Learn SEO as You’re Doing it

While other SEO plugins leave you to fend for yourself, Squirrly has a strong educational component – helping you learn while doing.

Using Squirrly is like taking a beginner-friendly masterclass in SEO with all of the SEO tools you need to properly optimize your website.

You’re not just going through the moves, you’re also acquiring the knowledge and experience needed to become an SEO expert at your own pace.

By walking step by step through the Squirrly guides, tasks, and suggestions – the ins and outs of SEO will start to reveal themselves to you more and more.

With every task you complete inside the WordPress SEO plugin, you’ll make significant progress while also learning more about how SEO works, how to optimize, and why it’s important to perform certain actions.

“Highly impressed with Squirrely SEO. Having used several SEO apps and platforms in the past, Squirrly SEO stands out as a must-install. I will be deleting Yoast and installing Squirrly SEO on all my sites.”

Even while offering advanced features, Squirrely seems to be highly user-friendly and easy to use, even for those with no SEO experience. Squirrly SEO is by far the best I have seen.

The user interface is clean and informative. It educates while leading you through all aspects and features you will need to address on your website for peak SEO performance.

Simply turn red to green and your on your way to higher ranking.

Carlos Mandelaveitia (Sr Creative Director @ DIVI MEDIA)

(testimonial source: Product Hunt)

Add Precious Hours Back into Your Week

Using multiple SEO products scattered across tabs and spreadsheets doesn’t just cost you time. It also makes it harder to stay focused and advance with your SEO efforts.

Not working on the SEO tasks that will generate the highest impact, or worse, working on tasks that are no longer relevant to how search engines work today also cuts into your hours.

With Squirrly, you’ll be able to:

Do it all in one place. Squirrly covers all your SEO optimization needs, eliminating the need to juggle with a bunch of different products.

Not waste time figuring out which tools you should use for different pieces of the SEO puzzle. Squirrly’s SEO tools all work as part of one big SEO optimization mechanism that’s engineered to get you higher rankings.

Focus on the tasks that will put your site on the fastest track to improved rankings.

That means: it will be easier to optimize your entire website and get better results with less time input.

” Squirrly SEO is an AI-powered online marketing and SEO tool that finds the best opportunities for your business and delivers you high-quality backlinks, content suggestions, and website optimization tools to grow your online presence.”

It is the perfect choice for those who want to focus on achieving real business results and don’t have time to waste running around managing backlinks and content-related SEO activities.

With Squirrly SEO’s smart tool, you can finally kick the tires and drive away with business opportunities, traffic, and rankings.

You’ve worked hard to get the word out about your business. Now let Squirrly SEO do the heavy lifting and discover the most effective, the fastest path to success for your business online.

Robert Trif (SEO Specialist | Founder & CEO of BestSEO4u)

(testimonial source: AppSumo)

Innovative Features Powered by Proprietary Technology

Spending over 2 Million USD over the years allowed our engineers to build amazing proprietary technology for the Squirrly Company.
So, when you get Squirrly, you’re getting access to a set of unique features that help you optimize and that ONLY WE OFFER.
– Keyword Research
– SERP Checker Tools
– Audit
– the A.I.

all of them are built and hosted by Squirrly Limited << it’s our Intellectual Property.


✔Small business owners
✔Local businesses
✔Content creators
✔Marketing teams
✔anyone with a WordPress site

Right for all levels: both SEO experts and SEO beginners can successfully use Squirrly SEO to optimize for better Rankings.

Ability to configure Squirrly SEO for your level during onboarding;

Ability to switch between SEO beginner and Advanced Mode with a single click.

  • Switch off Advanced SEO to have the simplified version of the settings, intended for Non-SEO Experts. By switching off, you’ll let our AI select the best possible settings and to coordinate our 650 SEO features for your website.

  • By activating Advanced SEO and Tweaking all Advanced SEO settings, you can start customizing the SEO experience for every single kind of Post_Type inside your WordPress site.

Switch from automatic to manual (fine-tune and see everything under the hood – change everything based on your needs and preferences).

WordPress SEO: All SEO Tools Included for Free

With a plethora of features to optimize and the option to test them out for free, giving Squirrly SEO a try is a risk-free option that will help you unlock SEO growth for your site.

The free SEO plugin is limited in terms of feature usage (volume-based usage), it doesn’t cut features.

  • Some features might be found in the Lite version, instead of PRO, Web Dev Kit, or Business version, but they aren’t cut off.

The Free SEO Plugin can easily be used together with Rank Math SEO, Yoast, SEOPress, SEO Framework, All in One and more, in compatibility mode.

Or, as a user, you can decide to import all settings from the other SEO plugins, and use only Squirrly SEO moving forward. It’s your choice based on how you want to optimize and you can use them in any way you want.


Leading Experts in Marketing and SEO Recommend the Squirrly SEO Plugin:

  • Neil Patel
  • Brian Dean
  • Ann Handley
  • Ibrahim Evsan
  • Search Engine Watch
  • Search Engine Journal


  • Search Engine Watch
  • Search Engine Journal
  • QuickSprout
  • Backlinko
  • WP Engine
  • Business Insider
  • Kinsta
  • Elegant Themes
  • WP Mayor
  • Theme Expert
  • Tech Crunch
  • SEO Hacker
  • Forbes
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Innovation Labs
  • Delivering Happiness
  • Manage WP
  • Spotify
  • Gartner
  • EDB-GOV-Singapore

Branding Guideline

SQUIRRLY® is a registered trademark of Squirrly Limited. When writing about the WordPress SEO plugin by Squirrly, please use the following format.

  • Squirrly SEO (correct)
  • SEO by Squirrly (incorrect)
  • SEO Squirrly (incorrect)
  • Squirrel SEO (incorrect)
  • Squirrely SEO (incorrect)
  • Squirrelly SEO (incorrect)
  • Squirly SEO (incorrect)

What’s Next

If you like our WordPress SEO plugin, then consider checking out our other projects:

Need Help Getting Started?

How to Install Squirrly

First steps to set up the Squirrly SEO plugin.

How to Start Using the Non-Human SEO Consultant for Advanced WordPress SEO Marketing – play VIDEO

Complete Knowledge Base – A-Z tutorials on how to use every feature from the Squirrly SEO plugin.

Frequently Asked Questions – Find answers to common questions about the Squirrly SEO plugin.

JourneyTeam – A Facebook group where members of our community can ask questions, share knowledge, and learn from one another as they progress on their SEO Journey.

Excellent Customer Support – even on the free plan. Our dedicated support team is ready to help you with all your technical issues or questions regarding the Squirrly SEO plugin, and can be reached by live chat (Facebook Messenger), email, and support form.


Squirrly Blog. Get the latest news on Squirrly SEO.

Official Roadmap. See what we’re working on and share feedback on how we can make Squirrly SEO even better for you.

Compare. See how the Squirrly SEO stacks up against its competitors, other WordPress SEO plugins: including Rank Math, Yoast SEO, SEOPress, and All in One SEO.

Full List of Features. Complete feature list. Learn more about all SEO Tools within Squirrly SEO – the complete SEO plugin for WordPress.

We’ve truly made SEO Uncomplicated.

See an amazing User’s Manual and a lot of documentation for how to use everything in the plugin Help Center and User’s Manual.

Check our screenshots| Go to our official site | Free Version (if you install from the WP directory) OR Pricing Plans

Documentation and Notes


  • Florin Muresan – CEO at Squirrly
  • Calin Vingan – CTO at Squirrly
  • Sorel Nagy – Developer
  • Andreea Leau – VP Marketing
  • Cristina Leau – Squirrly mascot designer
  • Alexandra Nicola – COO at Squirrly
  • Teodora Vingan – SEO Analyser
  • Irina Pogor – Content Writer
  • Ana Darstaru – Chief of Customer Service
  • Lucian Nertan – VP of Agency
  • Rares Papita – CHO


  • Ibrahim Evsan, serial entrepreneur, one of the best known bloggers in Germany
  • Philipp Kandal, co-Founder and CTO of Skobbler (recently acquired for $24M by Telenav)

Many Thanks.


Squirrly is Free to use. The version from the WP directory will install the Free Version.

You’ll be able to use this seo software once you install the plugin and use your email to connect to

For higher content marketing and SEO needs, you can check our Official Site and see what the PRO Plan offers.


  • Squirrly SEO - Next Goals
  • Squirrly SEO - Keyword Research
  • Squirrly SEO - Live Assistant
  • Squirrly SEO - Focus Pages
  • Squirrly SEO - Track SEO Performance
  • Squirrly SEO - SEO Audit
  • Squirrly SEO - Blogging Assistant
  • Squirrly SEO - SEO Briefcase
  • Squirrly SEO - Progress & Achievements



Check the visual presentation of the Installation Process step by step.

  1. Download the plugin from this Page (here on the WordPress Directory) or from our site.
  2. Login to your Admin account in your WordPress Site.
  3. Click on “Plugins” in the left side menu.
  4. Now Click on “Add new”
  5. In this tab, click on the “Upload plugin” button on the top.
  6. Upload the “” file by clicking the “Choose File” button.
  7. Click on the “Install Now” Button.
  8. After the upload is finished, click Activate Plugin.
  9. Now enter your email and click “Sign Up”10.Done! Start getting Excellent SEO on WordPress11. You’ll start receiving email lessons to help you become a great content marketer. All for free.


  1. Click on the “Plugins” tab in the menu displayed on the left.
  2. Now click on the “Add New” button.
  3. In the right corner type “Squirrly SEO” and hit enter to search.
  4. Click on the “Install Now” button next to the plugin.
  5. After the Installation is done click “Activate”.
    6.Now enter your email and click “Sign Up”.
  6. Done! Start getting Excellent SEO on WordPress.
  7. You’ll start receiving email lessons to help you become a great content marketer. All for free.
    Type a keyword to the right of the screen and start using Squirrly Seo. Enjoy!


Can I use Squirrly together with Rank Math? Could I replace Rank Math altogether with Squirrly?

Yes, you can use Squirrly SEO alongside Rank Math if you want to, as Squirrly enables you to deactivate certain settings or modules so that Squirrly SEO and Rank Math can work in compatibility mode.

If Squirrly stops handling source code changes, then it works with Rank Math, SEOpress, All In One SEO SEO, Yoast, and others. Regarding whether you could replace Rank Math altogether with Squirrly SEO, this graphic linked below shows you a side-by-side comparison of Squirrly SEO vs. Rank Math.

There are around 650 features in Squirrly SEO, most of which can’t be found in Rank Math, given that Rank Math does not offer a duality between plugin and cloud services.

Can we import data from Rank Math into Squirrly SEO?

Yes, you can easily import all settings and all page optimizations made with Rank Math, using our import features. This provides step-by-step documentation on how to migrate your data from Rank Math so that you don’t lose your previous SEO optimization.

Are Focus Pages similar to Pillar Content in Rank Math?

You can search for “focus pages” on this page:

You will see there all that it offers. It is incredibly valuable for SEO and does everything required for SEO, unlike the pillar feature in Rank Math. It offers more than even Moz or Ahrefs does in terms of content analysis.

Side by side comparison: Squirrly SEO versus Rank Math

Powered by advanced cloud servers owned by the Squirrly Company, the MarketIntelligence big data analysis we do, and data sources like: Moz, Majestic, Alexa, Semrush, Google Analytics, ContentLook, crawlers owned by Squirrly: we are in a unique position that allows us to do in-depth content analysis and see each page the same way that Google’s algorithms see it.

How does Squirrly, marketing and marketshare wise, compete with SEOPress, Rank Math, All in One SEO?

We have been around since 2012 and we’ve validated over 17 products already with money paid by customers. There are few startups that could show the same results.

Get a more detailed response here.

Can the Squirrly SEO plugin be used together with Yoast, SEOPress, Rank Math, Premium SEO Pack, All in One SEO, SEO Framework?

Yes, you can use Squirrly SEO alongside other SEO plugins like Yoast, Rank Math, SEO Press, Premium SEO Pack, All in One SEO, or SEO Framework in compatibility mode.

You can learn more about how to use Squirrly SEO in compatibility mode here.

If Squirrly stops handling source code changes, then it works with Rank Math, SEOpress, SEO Pressor, All in One SEO, Yoast, SEO Framework, and others.

Basically, you can use Squirrly SEO to power up WP on top of everything that is already handled by the other WordPress SEO plugin you’re using. Of course, you can also decide to switch to Squirrly, as it offers the complete SEO funnel.

Check out these graphics

to see how Squirrly compares to other SEO plugins such as Yoast, Rank Math, SEOPress, SEO Framework, and All in One SEO.

How does Squirrly compare with plugins like SEO Framework, SEO Press, Rank Math, All in one SEO, or Yoast in terms of site speed and pagespeed?

Most of the processing, data storage, and other things that only Squirrly SEO can do, are actually things that happen on our Cloud Servers. The duality between plugin and Cloud Services (APIs, crawlers, big data, A.I., MarketIntelligence services) allows us to load the plugin’s code very fast.

The duality between SEO plugin and Cloud Services gives us an advantage over other WordPress SEO plugins like SEO Framework, SEO Press, Rank Math, All in One SEO, Rank Math, and Yoast.

More about this here.

Does Squirrly SEO Have a Redirection feature?

Yes, Squirrly does provide redirection functionality. Squirrly SEO has a 301 Redirect option. The 301 Redirection Option can now be found in All Snippets in the Visibility section of Squirrly SEO.

Snippets in All Snippet – Bulk SEO
Snippet when Editing Page
Snippet on the Front-End

It’s a new way of doing re-directs and complements our automatic redirection feature.

Is there a Way to Remove the no-index Pages from the XML Sitemap?

Yes, you can use Squirrly SEO to remove the no-index pages from the XML sitemap.

You can do this by post type using the SEO Settings > Automation functionality. Simply select the post type and switch off: “Include In XML Sitemap”.

More details about how to remove no-index pages from the XML sitemap can be seen here.

Or you can remove the no-index pages from the xml sitemap at an URL level by editing the SEO Snippet and then selecting “Visibility”.

More details about this xml sitemap option can be seen here.

Does WordPress SEO Plugin by Squirrly Have an Option for submitting new URLs to Google Search Console to be Indexed?

Yes, Squirrly has an option that helps with submitting new URLs to Google Search Console, namely the: Ping New Posts to Search Engine option.

More details about this here.

What Special Features Does SEO Plugin by Squirrly Offer for Local SEO?

Squirrly provides Schema for Local Business. Coordinates, hours, menus, etc. are available. You can learn more about this here.

Meta Data for GEO and Location – Especially helpful for Local SEO and Knowledge Graph

Add Coordinates for Local SEO and add the address of your main location.
This will be used for your Organization and for Publisher details within your WordPress site.

Schema for Local SEO can now be built directly from WordPress – Squirrly – SEO Settings – JSON-LD.

For multiple locations, you can build the Schema using the Editor we give access to and the Custom Code option for Schema.

We’ve even added KML files recently so you can easily add your local business to Google Earth and our integration actually works.

What Dedicated Features Does Squirrly Offer for News Websites?

  • Build XML Sitemap for Google News (you can learn more about this here)
  • XML Sitemap Settings: Blogging Frequency. You have the option to select Every Day as your blogging frequency or even Every Hour.
  • Ping New Posts to Search Engines. Pinging is a process by which Squirrly SEO can notify search engines that your xml sitemap has been updated.
  • Open Graph Type for Google News – NewsArticle
  • Schema for Google News

With Squirrly, can specific pictures for social media shares of pages and posts be used?

Yes, you can customize the Open Graph and Twitter Card image for every page and post using Bulk SEO or the Squirrly SEO Snippet.

You can learn more about these features here.

How is Squirrly Addressing the Core Web Vitals SEO Scoring Method?

Squirrly is addressing them with Focus Pages.

Page experience has been one of the main reasons we’ve created Focus Pages and it goes a little beyond just pagespeed and coding propriety.

Time on page, bounce rates, number of pages visited are also very important and we’re getting clear signals that their importance is shifting.

We already address pagespeed and https and give resources to our users, so they are prepared for the update.

What is the advantage of using Squirrly’s keyword research tool instead of using an external tool for this?

Squirrly’s built-in keyword research tool allows you to perform keyword research without leaving WordPress.

Furthermore, Squirrly also provides access to features like Briefcase, which means you can not only find keywords but also organize them into tighter groups for a better strategy. Furthermore, our keyword research data is fresh, since we don’t use caching (cached databases).

Maximum caching time is about 48 hours, not a whole year or two years like you find in other tools.

As we use Google API for search volume, Social Media for discussions, the data should be fresh every time and this is why it is different from others – and also why the data we show is different from what you may find in other keyword research tools who use caching for their data. (caching time can be extremely high for some of those tools).

Can you guarantee SEO results?

If you follow what we outline here, then yes. We will guarantee (please read the following resource):

Why is Squirrly Keyword Research better than Google Keyword Planner for SEO strategies?

Because our tool focuses on the information your need to better rank on Google not to get your Ads in front of more people. Google Keyword Planner is a great research tool if you are creating Adwords campaigns. For SEO our keyword generator tool is better.

I can’t log into the WordPress with my user. Get the message ‘An error occured.’ What can I do?

I see that your host server is not letting you access our remote API.
Please tell your webmaster to add the IPs and in the white-list for remote access and it should work.

100% green in Squirrly Live Assistant but I’m not getting traffic yet

Sometimes we receive emails with this question and I want to help everybody have the correct image of Squirrly Live Assistance. The article bellow answers in detail this question.


September 26, 2021
I mean.. What can I say. This tool is on a whole new different level that makes other tools look like boy scouts. I highly recommend this tool to anyone who is serious about SEO and wants to have an advantage over the competition.
September 23, 2021
The plugin keeps getting better and better, they are listening to the community and adding features that are required for good SEO practice. It covers many of the features other plugins don't. So after using other plugins, I thought I'll try SEO by Squirrly and after the first 30 days, I felt it was a keeper. I encourage you to give it a try You won't be disappointed. Cheers
September 22, 2021
This software is excellent for the value it provides and the suite of tools at your disposal. I enjoy the extensive library of "how To's" and the knowledge base they must get user's up to speed quickly. The platform is hosted on the cloud making it nimble and a platform setup for success with continuous improvements and product development. I feel comfortable using the platform to tackle all my SEO objectives and their corresponding goals. Take a chance and you won't be disappointed.
September 22, 2021
I am a beginner in wordpress and don't have advanced SEO knowledge. I was looking for a best seo plugin which will guide me to analyze competitors and help me rank my website. I am glad to say that squirrly does this work perfectly. Squirrly SEO offers complete SEO suite with its cloud servuces+ wordpress plugin. Its the pocket friendly pricing and good support which made me switch to Squirrly Seo. Value for Money !
September 22, 2021
Squirrly SEO makes your life easier when you're doing SEO. It has tons of features, integrates with pretty much everything you could think of, and is constantly being updated. It's the one of best SEO plugins for WordPress I have used so far.
Read all 524 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“SEO by Squirrly – Best AI WordPress SEO Plugin 2021 – Rank Faster With AI SEO Strategy” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“SEO by Squirrly – Best AI WordPress SEO Plugin 2021 – Rank Faster With AI SEO Strategy” has been translated into 4 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “SEO by Squirrly – Best AI WordPress SEO Plugin 2021 – Rank Faster With AI SEO Strategy” into your language.

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Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


11.1.09- 09/13/2021

Update – Compatibility with WP 5.8.1
Fix – Google Analytics & Google Search Console connections when the URL can’t be identified
Fix – Category SEO Snippet in frontent to not show the first post

11.1.08- 09/06/2021

Update – Compatibility with Oxygen Plugin when the Current Post is not loaded correctly on init
Update – Compatibility with TranslatePress plugin to load all translations correctly
Update – Show the GA tracking code on Property list
Update – Compatibility with Squirrly – No Categories plugin to hide Category Base for Woocommerce
Fix – Save when empty fields are added for UPC, GTIN, MPN fields in Woocommerce
Fix – Update the Connect To Cloud option on plugin activation process
Fix – Error setPost missing in SEO Snippet & Bulk SEO
Fix – Hide the Account Info only when Dev Kit specification for Dev Kit support

11.1.07- 08/05/2021

Update – Added compatibility with UiPress plugin
Update – Add Google Analytics property option select in Squirrly SEO plugin
Update – Added the mark for frontend Elementor editor
Update – Compatibility with WP 5.8
Fix – Author URL warning in the profile page
Fix – Remove Noindex and Nofollow for empty terms as it doesn’t work on all situations. Will be added as a plugin option on the new UX.

11.1.06- 07/13/2021

Update – Compatibility with Divi and Fusion plugins
Update – Update Readme file and plugin description
Update – Remove access from Squirrly Research and Bulk SEO if the user doesn’t have enough capabilities
Update – Add the option to not load the Live Assistant or Snippet when: add_filter(‘sq_load_snippet’, function(){ return false; });
Update – Connect the Cloud and the website by token to avoid optimization loss when the domain name is changed
Update – Removed the Trending Column as we can’t support that anymore
Update – Added compatibility with Swis Performance plugin
Update – Compatibility with Deep PRO plugin
Update – Check the DevKit subscription every time the plugin connects to Squirrly Cloud
Update – Force the Sitemap to load faster

11.1.05- 06/22/2021

Update – Compatibility with Oxygen Gutenberg plugin
Update – Let Visibility setup in SEO Snippet while WordPress is in “Discourage Search Engines from Indexing this Site”
Update – Remove the Memory Limit option in Squirrly SEO
Update – Automatically add ‘noindex’ to empty Tags and Categories
Update – Added option to exclude from Sitemap the noindex pages
Update – Added new Social button patterns in SEO Audit to identify Social Share buttons
Fix – Word count in Focus Pages for some Page Builders like Divi, WP Bakery
Fix – Timeout while doing Keywords backup from Briefcase
Fix – Prevent Posts and Pages duplicate in Sitemap XML while WPML plugin is active
Fix – Correct the Categories SEO Import from Rank Math
Fix – Hide Features from All Features when they are deactivated in Dev Kit
Fix – Slug change support for Quick Edit while in Post List
Fix – Remove the error count notification when the Next SEO Goals are hidden
Fix – Pattern replace with case insensitive {{Title}} = {{title}}

11.1.04- 05/27/2021

Update – Add the Multilingual Support option for non UTF8 encodings
Update – Compatibility with Weglot plugin
Update – Archive patterns and Custom Post Types Archive in SEO Automation
Fix – Canonical Link for the blog page when pagination is on
Fix – SEO Snippet PHP warning when JSON-LD is not loaded for the post type
Fix – SEO Snippet data update when LIVE Assistant is not loaded on a post type
Fix – Product Custom Fields update when LIVE Assistant is not loaded on a post type
Fix – Remove the auto setup for SEO Links on onboarding
Fix – Set the Article and NewArticle Schema Headline correctly

11.1.03- 05/06/2021

Update – Do not track the traffic for Squirrly crawlers
Update – Add in Dev Kit the options to hide the Research, All Snippets, Live Assistant menu items
Update – Integrate Focus Pages with the SEO Links domain exception in the Outbound nofollow links report
Update – Compatibility between Live Assistant & Thrive Architect
Fix – Add a patch for the Oxygen builder to not show 500 error when editing the templates
Fix – Web Dev Kit to work with the Wp Mutisite for the custom plugin name
Fix – Fixed JSON-LD compatibility with the lastest version of WooCommerce

11.1.02- 04/30/2021

Update – Add the option to import the SEO Snippets from SEO Press (Patterns, SEO METAs, Open Graph, Twitter Card, 301 Redirects, Noindex)
Update – Add the option to import the Settings from SEO Press (Social Media, JSON-LD, Webmasters)
Update – Add the option to import the SEO Snippets from Rank Math (Patterns, SEO METAs, Open Graph, Twitter Card, Noindex)
Update – Add the option to import the Settings from Rank Math (Social Media, JSON-LD, Webmasters)
Update – Add the option to import the SEO Snippets from SEO FrameWork (SEO METAs, Open Graph, Twitter Card, 301 Redirects, Noindex)
Update – Add the option to import the SEO Snippets from All In One SEO (Patterns, SEO METAs, Open Graph, Twitter Card, Noindex, Nofollow)
Update – Add the option to import the Settings from All In One SEO (Social Media, JSON-LD, Webmasters)
Update – Added import for Profiles & Archives from Yoast SEO plugin
Update – Added the option to import the WooCommerce SEO from Yoast SEO
Update – Added the option to import the JSON-LD from Yoast SEO
Update – Added default Open Graph Image for URLs without Feature Image
Update – Added default Twitter Card Image for URLs without Twitter Card Image
Update – Show Primary Category option in JSON-LD only when there are multiple categories selected for a Post/Page
Update – Breadcrumbs for WooCommerce Post, Products & Custom Posts to get the primary chosen category
Update – Added MPN, ISBN, EAN (GTIN-13), UPC (GTIN-12), GTIN option for WooCommerce Products
Update – Load the JSON-LD for each WooCommerce product custom field
Update – Added Brands select for WooCommerce Products
Update – Added the Slovenia country in Google Rankings > Settings
Update – Compatibility with BuddyPress plugin for User Activity page
Update – Added the 301 Redirect option in SEO Snippet
Update – Added Patterns support for double and single delimiter like %%title%% and %title% if importing from other SEO Plugins
Update – Added 2 new patterns for the Products: {{product_price_with_tax}} {{product_brand}}
Update – Added the patterns {{plural}} and {{single}} for the Custom post Type label
Updated – Open Graph Support for the WooCommerce products
Update – Compatibility with ACF plugin to add a custom video URL in sitemap by using the field _sq_video
Update – Video Schema in JSON-LD to work with embed video or the ACF _sq_video field
Update – Added archive for custom post type in SEO Automation
Update – Add compatibility with Oxygen plugin to check the content optimization in backend
Update – Add URL identification for German language e.g. für => fuer
Update – Added the default redirect URL in SEO Automation > 404 to redirect the broken URLs when no valid permalink is found
Update – Make Squirrly highlight the text in WP Bakery, Elementor, Block Editor when using Live Assistant
Fixed – Add the product sitemap in robots.txt when Ecommerce is detected
Fixed – Layouts in Squirrly SEO Settings for tiny windows
Fixed – SLA to remany minimized when no keyword is entered yet
Fixed – Show Custom Company logo and name for Web Dev Kit in Menu and Admin Toolbar
Fixed – Show Custom Company logo for the Live Assistant and SEO Snippet
Fixed – Download remote images multiple times into Media File from Squirrly Bloggin Assistant
Fixed – Show correct value format in Rankings for Share Counts
Fixed – Sitemap pagination limit for custom post type to show all the posts and not only a part of them
Fixed – Load $wp_filesystem through WordPress function
Fixed – Don’t call the post save hook if the Live Assistant is not loading for that Post Type
Fixed – Corrected the JsonLD priceValidUntil markup to reflect the offer price
Fixed – Keywords backup limit from Briefcase to backup all the Briefcase keywords
Fixed – current_user_can when an user has multiple roles with different capabilities and limits
Fixed – Compatibility with Oxygen Builder to not load Squirrly METAs while editing with Oxygen Bulder
Fixed – JSON places markup to not show for the Organization
Fixed – Markup servesCuisine to include multiple cuisine types when separated with comma in JSON-LD Local SEO
Fixed – “Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in SQ_ACTIONS”

11.1.01 – 04/04/2021

Update – Added the option to reactivate the ignored success messages
Update – Make the Local SEO feature more visible while active
Update – Add the KML download option in GEO Settings
Update – Add more infos about the Sitemap XML for each post type
Update – Knowledge base based on each section
Fixed – Corrected the KML file for Local SEO
Fixed – Show all keywords link in Briefcase if no keyword is found on search

11.1.00 – 03/29/2021

Update – Added SEO Links feature in Squirrly SEO
Update – Improved UI for Squirrly SEO Settings
Update – Added All Features categories in Squirrly with the option to activate/deactivate features
Update – Make Woocommerce Products Categories and Woocommerce Products Tags more evident in SEO Automation
Update – Add help sections in all Squirrly SEO setting pages
Update – Load Facebook Pixel events for Woocommerce last version
Update – Add the option to change the main keyword in Focus Page
Update – Load the Dev Kit option in Squirrly SEO
Fixed – Improve UX and Support for each Squirrly feature
Fixed – Post Type default search for Focus Pages and Audit Pages
Fixed – Post Type default search for Bulk SEO to include drafts
Fixed – Don’t load Assistant columns if the assistant is disabled for a post type
Fixed – Improve UX in Audits and Focus Pages
Fixed – Visibility status in Focus Pages

11.0.04 – 03/08/2021

Update – Add Json-LD types for Automation and Snippet
Update – Add new data in Json-LD Organizaztion like: Geo Location, Address, Country
Update – Option in Json-LD to force the Json-LD author/person in all pages
Update – Add Device Option (desktop, tablet, mobile) for Google Ranking check for each keyword
Update – Add Google Language option on Ranking check for each keyword
Fixed – Keyword Research javascript issue on Firefox browser
Fixed – Decode URL for Json-LD to prevent invalid URLs
Fixed – Deprecated functions and number of parameters
Fixed – Small bugs

11.0.03 – 02/26/2021

Fixed – Optimized layout for smaller screens to include all SEO elements
Fixed – getimagesize warning when the image path is not found
Fixed – Focus Pages dissapear on applying filters
Fixed – Snippet transparency on frontend reload
Fixed – Add all custom taxonomies in the SEO Automation

11.0.02 – 02/17/2021

Update – Added the option to delete keywords from Keyword Suggestion
Update – Changed the Ranking column in Briefcase
Update – Added a new menu in Ranking Page for Keyword Sync with GSC
Update – Show more results in Keyword Research Tool
Update – Select up to 3 keyword suggestions in the Research Process
Update – Make the main keyword more visible in the Focus Page section
Update – The limit for Google News to match the number of Posts per Page from Sitemap XML
Update – Add the NewsArticle OG in Squirrly SEO Open Graph
Update – Change Json-LD Validation link in SEO Snippet with the new Google Validation link
Fixed – UI in Briefcase to look more friendly
Fixed – Already in SERP Checker button to show when a keyword is already added in Rankings
Fixed – Make sure to save the optimizations for all keywords in Live Assistant > Briefcase
Fixed – Corrected te Article Word Count with Readability in Focus Pages
Increased plugin security and update compatibilities

11.0.01 – 01/19/2021

  • Update – Compatibility with PHP 8
  • Update – Verify the local SEO Snippet in Focus Pages
  • Update – Show all the optimimzed keywords for a Focus Page
  • Update – Change the minimum optimization score for the main keyword to 75% in the Focus Page
  • Fix – Fixed small style bugs in the Focus Pages
  • Fix – Label edit and delete on secondary pages

10.2.05 – 12/28/2020

  • Update – Squirrlt SEO Snippet load in the main side of post editor
  • Update – GA loads the correct javascript based on the received GA code (UA- or G-)
  • Fixed – Small CSS bugs

10.2.03 – 12/02/2020

  • Fixed – Keyword Suggestion to show find more keywords every week
  • Fixed – Focus Page image to check all the images from the article over the main keyword
  • Fixed – Compatibility with AMP for WP plugin
  • Update – The cumulative subscriptions limits
  • Fixed the compatibility with WP 5.6

10.2.02 – 11/26/2020

  • Fixed – Sitemap Google News language
  • Fixed – SERP Checking on Google Search Console keyword sync
  • Fixed – UI in Keyword Research for keywords that are already in Briefcase
  • Fixed – Dashboard Widget Squirrly Logo style

10.2.02 – 11/11/2020

  • Update – The links are made more visible in the plugin
  • Update – More details for Google Search Console and Google Analytics
  • Update – Detailed steps for Manual Index Request on Google Search Console
  • Update – Daily SEO Goals are now called SEO Goals to prevent the daily pression
  • Update – Add 14 Days Journey notification to make sure the user gets all the help he needs to rank better
  • Update – Notify the option to remove Squirrly data on plugin uninstall
  • Fixed – Show only the slow loading pages in Audit Speed Task
  • Update – Compatibility with WordPress 5.5.3
  • Fixed – Small bugs in Focus Page > Keywords

10.2.01 – 11/06/2020

  • Update – Added Uganda country in the Keyword Research
  • Update – Weekly Performance by email with all the Ranking, Focus Pages, Audit progress
  • Update – URL Inspector with Duplicate META Title, Description, Open Graph and Twitter Card information
  • Update – Compatibility with WordPress 5.5.2
  • Fixed – CSS and UI small fixes

10.2.00 – 10/21/2020

  • Update – Keyword Research Algoritm get better results with the last Google Algorithm upgrades
  • Update – Bulk SEO and Focus Pages works with keywords having special chars
  • Update – Keyword Research, Briefcase and Live Assistant work with special chars and all languages
  • Update – Show in Briefcase the posts where a specific keyword was used
  • Update – Show in Briefcase the search volume for a keyword if exists
  • Update – The user experience in Focus Pages when the page is indexed
  • Update – Added the option to disconnect and send feedback on plugin deactivation
  • Update – Sitemap XML works with special chars in title, description and keywords
  • Update – Squirrly SEO tracking tool supports Google Analytics 4
  • Fixed – Escaped all translations and variables in the plugin to prevent errors on plugin translation
  • Fixed – Corrected all the numbers format in Focus Pages, SEO Audit, Briefcase, Rankings
  • Fixed – Show the decoded arabic URLs on all the plugin places
  • Fixed – Compatibility with plugins like Polylang, Woocommerce

10.1.07 – 09/25/2020

  • Update – CSS change to be more permisive with other plugins CSS and JS
  • SEO Fix – Show the correct number of words when using apostrophe in snippet
  • Fix – Onboarding and Focus Pages when Javascript error
  • Fix – Remove notifications for Dev Kit users

10.1.06 – 08/25/2020

  • Fix – Editor permission for Ajax Save in settings page
  • Fix – Popup Window for the Assistant tasks
  • SEO Fix – Live Assistant Highlight in the Block system
  • SEO Fix – Live Assistant Title detection for the last WordPress version
  • SEO Fix – Audit Links menu to scroll on click
  • SEO Fix – Robots.txt task in the Audit page
  • SEO Fix – Google Analytics and Google Search Console detection for Arabic languages
  • SEO Fix – Show the correct number of words in the articles for Divi Landing Pages

10.1.05 – 08/19/2020

  • Update – Correct Notification Bar for all users
  • Update – Add more help in the Keyword Research page
  • Fix – Keyword Research waiting time
  • Fix – Fixed the style in Research History

10.1.04 – 08/13/2020

  • Update – Compatibility with WordPress 5.5
  • Update – Disable WordPress Sitemap if using Squirrly SEO Sitemap

10.1.03 – 07/28/2020

  • Update – Added import from SEO Framework in Squirrly SEO
  • Update – Compatibility with SEO Framework
  • Update – Compatibility with Woocommerce plugin (last version)
  • Fix – Small CSS bugs

10.1.02 – 07/14/2020

  • SEO Update – Update Focus Pages Robots report
  • SEO Update – Force SEO Check after the Settings are saved
  • Update – Compatibility with Absolutely Glamorous Custom Admin
  • Update – Compatibility with Admin Menu Editor
  • Update – Compatibility with Flink App Builder
  • SEO Fix – Fix Focus Pages for SEO Image when it contains special chars
  • SEO Fix – Bulk SEO METAs when keywords contain special chars
  • SEO Fix – Show the correct number or words in Focus Pages
  • Fix – Force to load the Media View in Squirrly SEO Settings

10.0.11 – 06/30/2020

  • SEO Update – Official Release of Squirrly SEO Plugin
  • SEO Update – Added Google Egypt in Squirrly > Rankings
  • SEO Update – Squirrly Briefcase Keywords sort
  • SEO Update – Focus Page Words Length check based on Readability algorithm
  • SEO Update – Request a new SEO Check on settings changed to make sure the goals are updated every time
  • SEO Fixed – Small SEO Check warnings when the communication with Squirrlu Cloud is not working
  • SEO Fixed – SEO Image task in Focus Pages for RTL languages
  • SEO Fixed – JSON-LD identifier in SEO Audit
  • SEO Fixed – Corrected the UI in SEO Audit regarding Open Graph and Twitter Card
  • SEO Fixed – Corrected the Page Loading Speed in SEO Audit to not include JS files

10.0.10 – 06/18/2020

  • SEO Fixed – Focus Page Words Count
  • SEO Fixed – Focus Page SEO Image
  • SEO Fixed – Goals tasks for SEO Image, SEO in METAs, Robots and Sitemap
  • SEO Fixed – Google charts error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘arrayToDataTable’ of undefined
  • SEO Fixed – Load Squirrly.js in body for Live Assistant

10.0.09 – 06/15/2020

  • SEO Update – SEO compatible with WP 5.4.2
  • Update – Compatible with Custom Post Slug plugin
  • Update – Compatible with Hummingbird plugin and Cachify plugin
  • SEO Update – Added Inspect URL option on each Focus Page and Audit Page
  • SEO Update – Added help in Focus Page > Add new page
  • Fixed – Small CSS issues

10.0.08 – 06/08/2020

  • SEO Update – Right To Left (RTL) Support in Squirrly SEO
  • Update – Reduce the plugin archive size by removing dev files
  • Fixed – Show the Goals on first load without ajax
  • Fixed – Remove sq_nonce duplicate ids in HTML
  • Fixed – Iconv error if the PHP iconv extension is not installed
  • Fixed – Remove the bootstra map link from js
  • Fixed – The CSS bor both RTL and LTR support
  • Fixed CSS for Dashboard when the offer is visible

10.0.06 – 06/01/2020

  • SEO Update – Inspect URL when the Audit can’t be made
  • SEO Update – Add all the Features Categories in the Overview
  • SEO Update – Added the icons for all features
  • Fix – Better detection on URL crawling
  • Fix – Compatibility with cache plugins like Hummingbird and Cachify
  • Fix – Small CSS bugs and PHP notifications

10.0.05 – 05/29/2020

  • Update – Edit the Blog URL in your Squirrly Cloud
  • Update – Dev Kit with Squirrly SEO 2020
  • Update – Create random collors on new Briefcase Labels
  • Fix – Hide Account information for editors
  • Fix – Show Daily SEO Goals for Editors and Squirrly SEO Editor role
  • Fix – Setup Audit custom email in Squirrly Cloud
  • Fix – Setup Ranking custom country in Squirrly Cloud

10.0.04 – 05/25/2020

  • Fix – Audit Term ID in the Audit Page returned an error if post ID wasn’t found
  • Fix – Focus Pages audit info to show data in case not all the Focus Pages have valid audits
  • Fix – Show the Google Search Console connection button in Focus Pages when needed
  • Fix – Show the Google Analytics connection button in Focus Pages when needed
  • Fix – Keyword Research speed and increased the number of keyword results
  • Fix – Keyword Research competition info to show it every time
  • Update – Tooltip messages in the Bulk SEO and Focus Pages

10.0.03 – 05/19/2020

  • Update – Compatibility with 404 Redirect plugin
  • SEO Update – Show Focus Pages content on Javascvript error
  • SEO Update – Show SEO Audit content on Javascvript error
  • Fix – Show Posts Optimization in Posts List
  • Fix – Fixed CSS compatibility with Flatsome, MainWP

10.0.02 – 05/11/2020

  • Update – Compatible with Perfect Woocommerce Brands
  • Update – Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-on
  • Update – Compatibility with Woocommerce

10.0.01 – 05/07/2020

  • Update – Added googlebot & bingbot metas in Squirrly SEO
  • Update – Added the Woocommerce Support option in JSON-LD
  • Fix – Upgrade Database Table on upgrade
  • Fix – Minor bugs

10.0.00 – 05/07/2020

  • Squirrly SEO 2020 (Smart Strategy) features are here!
  • New Dashboard in Squirrly with Progress & Achievements and Daily Goals
  • New Focus Pages experience with daily Progress & Achievements
  • New SEO Audit Pages experience with daily Progress & Achievements
  • Add pages in SEO Audit and compare the SEO Audits between them
  • New Squirrly Live Assistant for Elementor
  • Introducing Squirrly Private SEO Consultant and Squirrly Machine Learning system
  • and more …

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