Law of attraction (New Thought)

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In the New Thought spiritual movement, the Law of Attraction is a pseudoscience based on the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life.[1][2] The belief is based on the ideas that people and their thoughts are made from "pure energy" and that a process of like energy attracting like energy exists through which a person can improve their health, wealth, and personal relationships. There is no empirical scientific evidence supporting the law of attraction, and it is widely considered to be pseudoscience.

Advocates generally combine cognitive reframing techniques with affirmations and creative visualization to replace limiting or self-destructive ("negative") thoughts with more empowered, adaptive ("positive") thoughts. A key component of the philosophy is the idea that in order to effectively change one's negative thinking patterns, one must also "feel" (through creative visualization) that the desired changes have already occurred. This combination of positive thought and positive emotion is believed to allow one to attract positive experiences and opportunities by achieving resonance with the proposed energetic law.

Supporters of the Law of Attraction refer to scientific theories and use them as arguments in favor of it.[3][4] However, it has no demonstrable scientific basis.[5] A number of researchers have criticized the misuse of scientific concepts by its proponents.[6][7][8][9]


The New Thought movement grew out of the teachings of Phineas Quimby in the early 19th century. Early in his life, Quimby was diagnosed with tuberculosis. Early 19th century medicine had no reliable cure for tuberculosis. Quimby took to horse riding and noted that intense excitement temporarily relieved him from his affliction. This method for relieving his pain and seemingly subsequent recovery prompted Phineas to pursue a study of "Mind over Body".[10] Although he never used the words "Law of Attraction", he explained this in a statement that captured the concept in the field of health:

the trouble is in the mind, for the body is only the house for the mind to dwell in, and we put a value on it according to its worth. Therefore if your mind has been deceived by some invisible enemy into a belief, you have put it into the form of a disease, with or without your knowledge. By my theory or truth, I come in contact with your enemy and restore you to your health and happiness. This I do partly mentally and partly by talking till I correct the wrong impressions and establish the Truth, and the Truth is the cure.[11]

In 1877, the term "Law of Attraction" appeared in print for the first time in a book written by the Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky, in a context alluding to an attractive power existing between elements of spirit.[12]

The first articulator of the Law as general principle was Prentice Mulford. Mulford, a pivotal figure in the development of New Thought thinking, discusses the Law of Attraction at length in his essay "The Law of Success",[13] published 1886–1887. In this, Mulford was followed by other New Thought authors, such as Henry Wood (starting with his God’s Image in Man,[14] 1892), and Ralph Waldo Trine (starting with his first book, What All the World's A-Seeking,[15] 1896). For these authors, the Law of Attraction is concerned not only about health but every aspect of life.[16][17]

The 20th century saw a surge in interest in the subject with many books being written about it, amongst which are two of the best-selling books of all time; Think and Grow Rich (1937) by Napoleon Hill, The Power of Positive Thinking (1952) by Norman Vincent Peale, and You Can Heal Your Life (1984) by Louise Hay. The Abraham-Hicks material is based primarily around the Law of Attraction.

In 2006, the concept of the Law of Attraction gained renewed exposure with the release of the film The Secret (2006) which was then developed into a book of the same title in 2007. The movie and book gained widespread media coverage.[1][18][19] This was followed by a sequel, The Power in 2010 that talks about the law of attraction being the law of love.[20] The revived and modernized version of the Law of Attraction is known as manifestation.


Proponents believe that the Law of Attraction is always in operation and that it brings to each person the conditions and experiences that they predominantly think about, or which they desire or expect.

Charles Haanel wrote in The Master Key System (1912):

The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment, and experiences in life, corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude.[21]

Ralph Trine wrote in In Tune With The Infinite (1897):

The law of attraction works universally on every plane of action, and we attract whatever we desire or expect. If we desire one thing and expect another, we become like houses divided against themselves, which are quickly brought to desolation. Determine resolutely to expect only what you desire, then you will attract only what you wish for.[22]

In her 2006 film The Secret, Rhonda Byrne emphasized thinking about what each person wants to obtain, but also to infuse the thought with the maximum possible amount of emotion. She claims the combination of thought and feeling is what attracts the desire.[23] Another similar book is James Redfield's The Celestine Prophecy, which says reality can be manifested by man.[24] The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, says readers can achieve seemingly impossible goals by learning how to bring the mind itself under control. The Power by Rhonda Byrne, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle are similar. While personal testimonies claim the secret and the law to have worked for them, a number of skeptics have criticized Byrne's film and book. The New York Times Book Review called the secret pseudoscience and an "illusion of knowledge".[25]

Philosophical and religious basis[edit]

The New Thought concept of the Law of Attraction is rooted in ideas that come from various philosophical and religious traditions. In particular, it has been inspired by Hermeticism, New England transcendentalism, specific verses from the Bible, and Hinduism.[26][27][28][29][self-published source?][30][31]

Hermeticism influenced the development of European thought in the Renaissance. Its ideas were transmitted partly through alchemy. In the 18th century, Franz Mesmer studied the works of alchemists such as Paracelsus[32] and van Helmont.[33] Van Helmont was a 17th-century Flemish physician who proclaimed the curative powers of the imagination.[33][34][35] This led Mesmer to develop his ideas about Animal magnetism which Phineas Quimby, the founder of New Thought, studied.[33][36]

The Transcendentalist movement developed in the United States immediately before the emergence of New Thought and is thought to have had a great influence on it. George Ripley, an important figure in that movement, stated that its leading idea was "the supremacy of mind over matter".[33][37]

New Thought authors often quote certain verses from the Bible in the context of the Law of Attraction. An example is Mark 11:24: "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."[38][39][40]

In the late 19th century Swami Vivekananda traveled to the United States and gave lectures on Hinduism. These talks greatly influenced the New Thought movement and in particular, William Walker Atkinson who was one of New Thought's pioneers.[41][42]


The Law of Attraction has been popularized in the early 21st century by books and films such as The Secret. This 2006 film and the subsequent book[43] use interviews with New Thought authors and speakers to explain the principles of the proposed metaphysical law that one can attract anything that one thinks about consistently. Writing for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, Mary Carmichael and Ben Radford wrote that "neither the film nor the book has any basis in scientific reality", and that its premise contains "an ugly flipside: if you have an accident or disease, it's your fault".[44]

Others have questioned the references to modern scientific theory, and have maintained, for example, that the Law of Attraction misrepresents the electrical activity of brainwaves.[45] Victor Stenger and Leon Lederman are critical of attempts to use quantum mysticism to bridge any unexplained or seemingly implausible effects, believing these to be traits of modern pseudoscience.[7][8][9]

Skeptical Inquirer magazine criticized the lack of falsifiability and testability of these claims.[44] Critics have asserted that the evidence provided is usually anecdotal and that, because of the self-selecting nature of the positive reports, as well as the subjective nature of any results, these reports are susceptible to confirmation bias and selection bias.[46] Physicist Ali Alousi, for instance, criticized it as unmeasurable and questioned the likelihood that thoughts can affect anything outside the head.[1]

The mantra of The Secret, and by extension, the Law of Attraction, is as follows: positive thoughts and positive visualization will have a direct impact on the self. While positivity can improve one's quality of life and resilience through hardship,[47] it can also be misguiding. Holding the belief that positive thinking will manifest positivity in one's life diminishes the value of hard work and perseverance, such as in the 1970s pursual of "self-esteem-based education".[48] The belief was that for students to succeed academically (and largely, in life), they must develop a positive sense of their own self-worth. The rationale behind this theory comes from the perspective that people who are successful are also generally positive when discussing their success (e.g., motivational speakers), therefore one's success must be related to how they view themselves. Thus, the American education system received a complete reconstruction to ensure students felt valued in their academic efforts. Grading curves were implemented so that fewer students were held back, honour rolls were removed to prevent lower-achieving individuals from feeling disappointed in themselves, and teachers could no longer grade assignments using red ink as this was viewed as "stigmatizing".[48] Students were no longer held to the same standard of achievement. It was later realized that this system was ultimately unsuccessful in promoting success; lower-achieving students who were advanced further into higher-level grades were unable, or unwilling to, garner an understanding of the curriculum. Thus, in spite of having grandiose self-value, student academic achievement was unable to match it. While empirical research has shown that there is an existing relationship between student self-worth and school achievement,[49] the motivation of students to work hard and achieve based on their own academic merit cannot be discounted.

Prominent supporters[edit]

  • In 1891, Californian author and humorist Prentice Mulford used the term Law of Attraction in his essays Some Laws of Health and Beauty and Good And Ill Effects of Thought.
  • In 1897, Ralph Waldo Trine wrote In Tune with the Infinite. In the second paragraph of chapter 9 he writes, "The Law of Attraction works unceasingly throughout the universe, and the one great and never changing fact in connection with it is, as we have found, that like attracts like."[50]
  • In 1902, English New Thought writer James Allen (best known for writing As a Man Thinketh) wrote a series of books and articles between 1901 and 1912, after which his wife Lily continued his work.
  • In 1904, Thomas Troward, a strong influence in the New Thought Movement, gave a lecture in which he claimed that thought precedes physical form and "the action of Mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form."[51]
  • In 1906, Emmet Fox wrote about metaphysics and the power of prayer in essays and books. His teachings are founded in Christianity and bible stories. He cites Jesus Christ as being the greatest teacher of metaphysics who ever lived and explains that thoughts are our most important emanation, more important than what we say or what we do. In the books Power Through Constructive Thinking and Find and Use your Inner Power Fox speaks about "building the mental equivalent of what you want and to expunge those that you don't".
  • In 1906, in his New Thought Movement book William Walker Atkinson used the phrase Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World, stating that "like attracts like".[52]
  • In 1907, Bruce MacLelland's Prosperity Through Thought Force', a prosperity theology book, summarizes the principle as "You are what you think, not what you think you are." It was published by Elizabeth Towne, the editor of The Nautilus Magazine, a Journal of New Thought.[53]
  • In his 1910 The Science of Getting Rich. Wallace D. Wattles espoused similar principles — that simply believing in the object of your desire and focusing on it will lead to that object or goal being realized on the material plane (Wattles claims in the Preface and later chapters of this book that his premise stems from the monistic Hindu view that God provides everything and can deliver what we focus on). The book also claims negative thinking will manifest negative results.[54]
  • In 1915, Theosophical author William Quan Judge used the phrase in The Ocean of Theosophy'.[55]
  • In 1919, Another theosophical author Annie Besant discussed the 'Law of Attraction'.[56] Besant compared her version of it to gravitation, and said that the law represented a form of karma.[57]
  • Napoleon Hill published two books on the theme. The first, The Law of Success in 16 Lessons (1928), directly and repeatedly references the Law of Attraction and proposes that it operates by use of radio waves transmitted by the brain. The second, Think and Grow Rich (1937), went on to sell 100 million copies by 2015.[58] Hill insisted on the importance of controlling one's own thoughts in order to achieve success, as well as the energy that thoughts have and their ability to attract other thoughts. He mentions a "secret" to success and promises to indirectly describe it at least once in every chapter. It is never named and he says that discovering it on one's own is far more beneficial. Many people have argued over what it[59] actually is, some claim it's the Law of Attraction. Hill states the "secret" is mentioned no fewer than a hundred times, yet reference to "attract" is used less than 30 times in the text. He further claims that people can obtain what they desire through thought of definite purpose.[60]
  • Israel Regardie published books with the Law of Attraction theme as one of his prevailing Universal Laws. In, The Art of True Healing: A Treatise on the Mechanism of Prayer and the Operation of the Law of Attraction in Nature (1937), he taught a focused meditation technique to help the mind to learn to heal itself on a physical and spiritual level. Regardie claimed that the Law of Attraction was a valid method for attracting good physical health and for improvement in any aspect of one's life.[61]
  • In 1960, W. Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill co-wrote Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude.[62]
  • In his 1988 The American Myth of Success, Richard Weiss states that the principle of "non-resistance" is a popular concept of the New Thought movement and is taught in conjunction with the Law of Attraction.[63]
  • The 2008, Esther and Jerry Hicks' book Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness appeared on the New York Times Best Seller list.[64]
  • Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret, The Power and The Magic, was influenced by Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich.[65]
  • Norman Vincent Peale[66][further explanation needed]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ a b c Whittaker, S. Secret attraction Archived 4 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine, The Montreal Gazette, 12 May 2007.
  2. ^ Redden, Guy, "Magic Happens: A New Age Metaphysical Mystery Tour", Journal of Australian Studies: 101
  3. ^ Taylor, Travis S. (2010). The Science Behind the Law of Attraction. ISBN 978-1-4391-3339-2.
  4. ^ Cheung, Valen. The LOA Skeptic: How to Think Scientifically About the Law of Attraction.
  5. ^ Radford, Benjamin (3 February 2009). "The Pseudoscience of 'The Secret'". Live Science. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  6. ^ Shermer, Michael (1 June 2007). "The (Other) Secret". Scientific American. 296 (6): 39. Bibcode:2007SciAm.296f..39S. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0607-39. PMID 17663221.
  7. ^ a b Stenger, Victor J. "Cosmic Mind" (PDF). University of Colorado. pp. 8–19. Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 September 2015.
  8. ^ a b Leon Lederman; Dick Teresi (1993). The God Particle: If the Universe is the Answer, What is the Question. Houghton Mifflin Company. pp. 189–198. ISBN 9780395558492.
  9. ^ a b Hansson, Sven Ove (26 August 2021). Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University – via Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  10. ^ Hughes, n. "Phineas Parkhurst Quimby". Retrieved 5 December 2017.
  11. ^ "The Quimby Manuscripts". New Thought library. Retrieved 1 June 2015.
  12. ^ "Isis Unveiled". Theosophical University Press, page 340. Retrieved 2 July 2015.
  13. ^ Your Forces and How to Use Them, Vol. 1. New York, F.J. Needham. 1888.
  14. ^ God's Image in Man, Ch. 6, "The Universality of Law". Lee and Shepard Publishers, 1892.
  15. ^ What All the World's A-Seeking. New Canaan, Conn., Keats Pub. 1973.
  16. ^ "In Tune With The Infinite". New Thought Library. Retrieved 13 June 2015.
  17. ^ "THE GOD IN YOU". Cornerstone Publishing, 2001. Retrieved 2 July 2015.
  18. ^ "The Law of Attraction: Real-Life Stories -". Retrieved 8 November 2010.
  19. ^ "Go Beyond 'The Secret' -". Retrieved 8 November 2010.
  20. ^ NANCE-NASH, SHERYL (18 August 2010). "The Secret Is Out: Megahit Writer Says Power of Love Will Fill Your Bank Account". ABC News. Retrieved 29 August 2018.
  21. ^ "The Master Key System. Chapter 8, part 18" (PDF). New Thought Library. Retrieved 25 June 2015.
  22. ^ "In Tune With The Infinite, by Ralph Trine". New Thought Library. Retrieved 18 June 2015.
  23. ^ Henry, Juliette. "How can it possibly be that the law of attraction works?". Transformation guide. Retrieved 3 December 2016.
  24. ^ Redfield, James (1993). The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure. New York: Warner Books. ISBN 9780446518628.
  25. ^ Chabris, Christopher F.; Simons, Daniel J. (24 September 2010). "The Pseudoscience of 'The Secret' and 'The Power'". The New York Times. Retrieved 13 August 2017.
  26. ^ Melanson, Terry. "Oprah Winfrey, New Thought, "The Secret" and the "New Alchemy"". Conspiracy Archive. Retrieved 27 November 2015.
  27. ^ D'Aoust, Maja (2012). The Secret Source. Process. p. 19. ISBN 978-1-934170-32-8.
  28. ^ Zink, Robert (2014). Magical Energy Healing: The Ruach Healing Method. Law of Attraction Solutions, Llc. p. 299. ISBN 978-0990825036. Retrieved 20 November 2015.
  29. ^ Donker, Gerald (2008). Exposing the Secret Law of Attraction. p. 27. ISBN 978-1409236146. Retrieved 6 November 2015.[self-published source]
  30. ^ Harrold, Glenn (2011). The Answer: Supercharge the Law of Attraction and Find the Secret of True Happiness. Orion. ISBN 978-1409112716. Retrieved 27 November 2015.
  31. ^ James, William (1902). The Varieties of Religious Experience. Longmans Green & Co. p. 94. ISBN 978-1439297278. Retrieved 12 November 2015.
  32. ^ D'Aoust, Maja (2012). The Secret Source. Process. p. 16. ISBN 978-1-934170-32-8.
  33. ^ a b c d Braden, Charles S. "A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE NEW THOUGHT MOVEMENT.(1963)" (PDF). Retrieved 13 November 2015.
  34. ^ Hedesan, Georgiana D. (July 2014). "Paracelsian Medicine and Theory of Generation in 'Exterior homo', a Manuscript Probably Authored by Jan Baptist Van Helmont (1579–1644), ref 52". Medical History. 58 (3): 375–96. doi:10.1017/mdh.2014.29. PMC 4103403. PMID 25045180.
  35. ^ Hedesan, Delia Georgiana (2012). "'Christian Philosophy': Medical Alchemy and Christian Thought in the Work of Jan Baptista Van Helmont (1579-1644)" (PDF): 31. Retrieved 19 November 2015. Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  36. ^ "PHINEAS PARKHURST QUIMBY 1802 - 1866 Father of New Thought". phineasquimby. Retrieved 20 November 2015.
  37. ^ Mikics, David (2012). The Annotated Emerson. Belknap Press. p. 6. ISBN 978-0674049239. Retrieved 19 November 2015.
  38. ^ "Mark 11:24". Bible Gateway. Retrieved 5 November 2015.
  39. ^ "The Master Key System, by Charles Haanel (1912). Chapter 11, section 17" (PDF). The New Thought Library. Retrieved 5 November 2015.
  40. ^ Byrne, Rhonda (2006). The Secret. Beyond Words. p. 54. ISBN 978-1-58270-170-7.
  41. ^ D'Aoust, Maja (2012). The Secret Source. Process. p. 61. ISBN 978-1-934170-32-8.
  42. ^ Woodroffe, John (1918). Shakti and Shâkta, Chapter 24, 12th paragraph. Luzac & Co. ISBN 978-1595479204. Retrieved 13 February 2016.
  43. ^ Byrne, Rhonda (2006). The Secret. Beyond Words Publishing. ISBN 978-1-58270-170-7.
  44. ^ a b Mary Carmichael; Ben Radford. "CSI | Secrets and Lies". Retrieved 16 May 2012.
  45. ^ Shermer, Michael (June 2007). "The (Other) Secret". Scientific American. 296 (6): 39. Bibcode:2007SciAm.296f..39S. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0607-39. PMID 17663221.
  46. ^ Kaptchuk, T., & Eisenberg, D.; Eisenberg (1998). "The Persuasive Appeal of Alternative Medicine". Annals of Internal Medicine. 129 (12): 1061–5. CiteSeerX doi:10.7326/0003-4819-129-12-199812150-00011. PMID 9867762. S2CID 24942410.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  47. ^ Mousavi, E; Esmaeili, A; Saless, S (2015). "The effect of positive thinking on quality of life and resiliency of cancer patients". International Journal of Medicine. 3 (3): 24–28. doi:10.17795/rijm27122.
  48. ^ a b Salerno, S (2009). "Positively misguided: The myths and mistakes of the positive thinking movement". Skeptic. 14 (4): 30–38.
  49. ^ Pullmann, H; Allik, J (2008). "Relations of academic and general self-esteem to school achievement". Personality and Individual Differences. 45 (6): 559–564. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2008.06.017.
  50. ^ Trine, Ralph (1949). In Tune With The Infinite. London: G Bell and Sons, LTD. Published 1911. p. 174.
  51. ^ Judge Thomas Troward, The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science, 1904.
  52. ^ William Walker Atkinson. Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction. Advanced Thought Publishing. 1906. Out of Copyright version
  53. ^ MacLelland, Bruce, Prosperity Through Thought Force, Elizabeth Towne, 1907
  54. ^ "The Science of Getting Rich - Wikisource". Retrieved 18 December 2011.
  55. ^ Judge, William Quan (1915). The Ocean of Theosophy. United Lodge of Theosophists. p. 103. ISBN 978-0-7661-0544-7.
  56. ^ "POPULAR LECTURES ON THEOSOPHY". anandgholap. Retrieved 2 July 2015.
  57. ^ Annie Besant (1895). "Karma" (First ed.). Theosophical Publishing House. Retrieved 16 May 2012.
  58. ^ "Think and Grow Rich". Napoleon Hill Foundation. 2015. Retrieved 3 August 2018.
  59. ^ "Why The Law of Attraction has been a Secret". Positive Inspiration. 6 April 2016. Retrieved 15 May 2016.
  60. ^ Hill 2010, pp. 23–24.
  61. ^ Regardie, I. (1974). The Art of True Healing: A Treatise on the Mechanism of Prayer and the Operation of the Law of Attraction in Nature. Retrieved 3 August 2018.
  62. ^ Hill, N.; Stone, W.C. (1991). Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. Pocket Books. ISBN 978-0-671-74322-2. Retrieved 3 August 2018.
  63. ^ The American Myth of Success. Illini Books. p. 169.
  64. ^ "New York Times Bestseller information August 31, 2008". The New York Times. 31 August 2008. Retrieved 18 December 2011.
  65. ^ Jerry Adler (21 August 2007). "Decoding The Secret". Newsweek. Retrieved 3 August 2018.
  66. ^ "Prosperity Attraction – you create your own reality » Norman Vincent Peale". Prosperity Attraction – you create your own reality. 22 September 2008. Retrieved 3 August 2018.

External links[edit]