
WordPress Meetup!

Posted June 17, 2004 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Development.

To clarify, there are meetups happening all over the country, not just in San Francisco. Go to the site and enter your zip code to see one near you.

As you may have heard, you can now meet up with people in your area also cool enough to use WordPress, an activity that is being coordinated at wordpress.meetup.com. Be a part of history as the very first WordPress meetup ever is not this Saturday but the one after that, the 26th. Saturday, June 26 @ 4:00PM, mark your calendars!

As fate would have it I will be in the San Francisco Bay area and I’ve signed up for that city for this meetup. (I voted for the Borders.) I’ll be happy to talk about super-secret future WordPress plans, Pingomatic, GMPG, anything you guys want, but more importantly I’d love to meet SF WordPress users and hear what you have to say. I’ve opened up comments on this post, so leave one if you’re in the area and coming to the meeting and I’ll add your link to this post.

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  1. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend, however, I am very much psyched to hear about it and see what others thought. I will be waiting patiently while you guys do that =)

    Comment from Ian Gordon on June 18, 2004

  2. When will this come to Europe 🙂

    I’m still biting myself in the … that I used another blog software before I cam across this one. Now I have to switch …

    Comment from Dirk on June 18, 2004

  3. we’ll be basking in all your glory, Matt… in Barnes ‘n’ Noble sipping coffee. we’ll just collect the questions for when you get back.

    Comment from waterlily on June 18, 2004

  4. This is on like Donkey Kong….I’ll bring the duct tape!

    Comment from Unteins on June 18, 2004

  5. I’m a new convert to wordpress, but its amazing and I’ll try to be there.

    Comment from Jason on June 18, 2004

  6. I agree with Dirk—this should come to Europe.

    Comment from MaThIbUs on June 19, 2004

  7. I can’t make it but I’ll be having a wordpress meetup in Austin and swim party on the same day. Details will be here.

    Comment from w on June 19, 2004

  8. I signed up and voted, but then got this:

    Unfortunately, fewer than 3 voted for a venue. Our experience
    shows, too often, only a single person might show up if so few
    people vote for a venue.

    As a result, your Meetup has been officially cancelled this

    Comment from Elliot Lee on June 19, 2004

  9. You SF people better give up the goods that Matt gives you … remember, the ICBM was largely developed in Huntsville, Ala., in a place just a few miles down the road from me. I mean bidness! 😉

    Too bad I’ll be out of Huntsville this weekend, or I’d arrange one here. I have enough friends that are WP users that I could populae it easily.

    Comment from Geof on June 21, 2004

  10. Are you guys having a get together in santa cruz, CA. I am at UCSC and i am sure there are a lot of wordpress users around in this area. If some thing is planned or there is sufficient interest send me a couple of emails and i will be more then happy to take care of some of the small arrangements that need to be made.

    The stevenson cafe at UCSC seems to be a great place to hang out. they are open for the summer so there wont be too much crowd editer

    Comment from sysadmin on June 22, 2004

  11. How exciting…I hope you have a huge attendence…and am only sad that you won’t be hosting the meeting here in Houston.

    Comment from Erica on June 22, 2004

  12. Thanks Erica. Even if just a few people show up it’ll still be a blast. I’m really looking forward to it.

    Comment from Matt on June 23, 2004

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