
WordPress Plugin Competition Started

June 1st, 2007
Blogging News, WordPress Plugins

As announced, today is the first day of the WordPress Plugin Competition. Plugin authors should register at the Plugin Competition Blog and start posting their ideas, future plugins and everything else about the competition. I have already received a bunch of requests for sponsorships and prizes. So here is a list of resources for the competition:

  • Plugin Competition Prizes: If you have promised a prize or have paid already, it should show up on this page, more details to follow
  • Plugin Competition Blog: This is where all the announcements and code should be posted.
  • Contact Form: Use this form for sponsorship questions and submissions.
  • Preliminary Rules: Most of the rules are listed here. More to follow on a separate page.
  • All competition entries must be submitted with the final version of code to mark at wltc dot net. This can and should be done towards the end of the competition

Here is to good code and a great competition!

[EDIT] Sincere thanks to Matt and others that have helped to publicize the competition and to the prize sponsors that have helped to make it that much sweeter!




  1. Traffic Trader (1 comments.) says:

    Really looking forward to the submissions, especially some new SEO plugins!

  2. Ozh (88 comments.) says:

    Mark / Ajay, I think you should make some cleaning on the old pluginblog, it’s confusing to see all those entries from 2005 :)

  3. Mark Ghosh (386 comments.) says:

    Ozh, that is a good idea. I will get that done ASAP. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. Ilya V. Azarov (2 comments.) says:

    I have ported wordpress+gallery2 chain to nginx webserver + php fastcgi server.
    Would you treat that as new plugin? :)

    All works much more faster than apache webserver.


  1. […] Source:Weblog Tools Collection As announced, today is the first day of the WordPress Plugin Competition. Plugin authors should register at the Plugin Competition Blog and start posting their ideas, future plugins and everything else about the competition. I have already received a bunch of requests for sponsorships and prizes. So here is a list of resources for the […] Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

  2. […] have sponsored a 8 GB iPod Nano for the WordPress plugin competition. Mark has posted my name in the plugin competition prizes page . It gives me a good feeling that I […]

  3. […] weblogtoolscollection blog has an interesting plugin competition kicking off right around now, head over there for a look around. The prize list seems to be growing, and the competition blog should start […]

  4. […] Zeit, Lust und das nötige Können hat, der könnte sich bei dem neuen Plugins-Wettbewerb für WordPress versuchen. Neben Ruhm winken auch diverse Preise. Momentan ist Liste etwas übersichtlich, aber aus […]

  5. Pluginų konkursas: dar daugiau Å¡viežių idÄ—jų WordPress sistemai… birželio 1-Ä… dienÄ… pradÄ—jo naujÄ… konkursÄ… programuotojams. Per du vasaros mÄ—nesius jie turi suprogramuoti naujÄ… pluginÄ… ir patalpinti jį pristatantį straipsnį konkurso bloge. Labai vertinu Å¡iÄ… iniciatyvÄ…, nes to…

  6. […] If you code for WordPress, you might wanna submit a plugin to this competition. […]

  7. […] WordPress competitions are taking place simultaneously one is for WordPress Plugins and another for WordPress themes. There is more than $1000 in Prizes to be won, more than the prize […]

  8. […] Si es la primera vez que nos visitas, te puedes suscribir a nuestro feed RSS aqui. Gracias por tu visita![Entrada traducida. Original] […]

  9. […] WordPress Plugin competition. Brought to us by Weblog Tools Collection. Their blog tracks all the entries, and if you plan to participate, go to the Plugin directory to submit your code. Share It Please: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

  10. […] our friends at Weblog Tools Collection are running a WordPress Plugin competition. They have a blog to track all the entries, but if you’re participating don’t forget to […]

  11. […] que si te ves con ganas y posibilidad de participar no lo dejes pasar. También hay que destacar la competicion de plugins por parte de otros conocidos colaboradores de wordpress como es Weblog Tools Collection, que están […]

  12. […] WordPress Plugin competition […]

  13. […] Sandbox theme και το βραβείο είναι $1500, ενώ ο δεύτερος αφορά plugins για το WordPress , για τον οποίο υπάρχει ήδη blog στο οποίο καταγράφονται […]

  14. […] El segundo, enfocado a los programadores , es un concurso de plugins para wordpress, está organizado por el famoso blog de herramientas para blogs de wordpress, Weblog Tool Collection, y tenéis más información en la entrada en la que anuncian el concurso. […]

  15. […] lugar US$500, segundo lugar US$300 e o terceiro lugar US$200. O segundo concurso é do blog Weblog Tools Collection que premia o melhor plugin com 6 meses de hospedagem em um servidor dedicado para o primeiro lugar, […]

  16. […] de la competición de Weblog Tools Collection de tambien tenemos la SandBox Design Competition asi que pueden comenzar a […]

  17. […] our friends at Weblog Tools Collection are running a WordPress Plugin competition. They have a blog to track all the entries, but if you’re participating don’t forget to submit […]

  18. […] Plugins Competition  also ends in July, 29th […]

  19. The Esylum says:

    […] lack of updates. I’m working on a plugin for WordPress. I’m going to enter it in the Weblog Tools Collection plugin contest. The plugin’s purpose is to confuse email harvesters (computer programs that crawl along the […]

  20. […] WordPress Plugin competition gives you a chance to win prizes for sharing your work. The rules are here: […]

  21. […] birželio 1-Ä… dienÄ… pradÄ—jo naujÄ… konkursÄ… programuotojams. Kiekvienas dalyvis per du vasaros mÄ—nesius turi suprogramuoti naujÄ… įskiepį ir patalpinti jį […]

  22. […] second est un concours de plugin organisé par Weblog Tools Collections. Un blog dédié a même été créé pour l’occasion afin de centraliser toutes les […]

  23. […] our friends at Weblog Tools Collection are running a WordPress Plugin competition. They have a blog to track all the entries, but if you’re participating don’t forget to […]

  24. […] our friends at Weblog Tools Collection are running a WordPress Plugin competition. They have a blog to track all the entries, but if you’re participating don’t forget to […]

  25. […] Plugin competition on alkanut ja osallistujat ovat saaneet oman […]

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