
Huge Changes in CVS

Posted June 13, 2003 by Mike Little. Filed under Development.

For those of you following the CVS tree closely, be warned some huge changes have just been commited by your truly.

b2config.php is gone! CVS will try to delete yours (it should fail if you have modified it). This is replaced with a very small amount of configuration in wp-config.php. A sample file is in cvs (no more over-writing your settings). The rest of the configuration is done on the all new option screens. All these options are now stored in the database. New stuff includes default settings (category, draft, etc.) for new posts.

Unless you really like living on the bleeding edge, you would do well to wait until I have written the upgrade script for all this stuff.

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  1. Sounds impressive Mike! What I can see in the CVS so far looks great … waiting patiently for that upgrade script now 😉

    Comment from Tracey on June 13, 2003

  2. Woohoo! More updates soon. I can’t wait to get the update and see what new stuff has been implemented. I also look forward to the MT import. This may be the ultimate move that convinces me to switch.

    Comment from Rayne on June 13, 2003

  3. Great work! Last night I switched my weblgo over to WordPress because I became so annoyed of it regenerating my pages. I’ve used b2 before, but WordPress is looking much better. Presumably, are you slowly fading out all the b2 files and replacing them with wp?

    Comment from Totally on June 22, 2003

  4. too late XD .. I already upgraded from b2 to WordPress using the CVS version.. I did not note a deleted file on my tree. So far soo good… I am impressed with WP so far.

    Comment from myrddian on July 24, 2003

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