Planet MariaDB

Everyone wants performance. Speeding up the insert into empty InnoDB tables and partitions is a common enough use case to optimize. Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani from the MariaDB Corporation wrote this improvement to the bulk inserting into InnoDB tables that is available as a preview for testing. … Continue reading "10.7 preview feature: InnoDB Bulk Insert" The post 10.7 preview feature: InnoDB Bulk Insert appeared first on…. Read more
By Daniel Black
MySQL Terminology Updates This page reproduces the blog post “MySQL Terminology Updates” from the defunct web site The original page—written by Kenny Gryp on July 1, 2020—is quoted below. It’s been 20 years since MySQL Replication was introduced in MySQL 3.23.15 (Released in May 2000). Since then, virtually every MySQL Database deployment in production has been using Replication in order to achieve high availability, disaster recovery, read scale out and various other purposes…. Read more
Source: Hack MySQL
As per the glossary, Disaster Recovery (DR) protocols are an organization’s method of regaining access and functionality to its IT infrastructure in events like a natural disaster, cyber attack, or even business disruptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. When we talk about data, storing backups on remote servers is enough to pass DR compliance checks […]… Read more
By Sergey Pronin
Source: Percona
As part of my ongoing focus on MySQL 8 user and password management, I’ve covered how using the new dual passwords feature can reduce the overall DBA workload and streamline the management process. I’ve also covered how the new password failure tracking features can enable the locking of an account with too many failed password […]… Read more
By Brian Sumpter
Source: Percona
Don’t miss the great overview of PostgreSQL 14 that Umair Shahid recently put together, PostgreSQL 14 – Performance, Security, Usability, and Observability! Range data types have been in Postgresql for some time now, however, as of PostgreSQL 14, we have seen the introduction of multi-range data types.  Before we cover that, let’s cover the basics […]… Read more
By Matt Yonkovit
Source: Percona
There are plenty of ways to run ProxySQL in Kubernetes (K8S). For example, we can deploy sidecar containers on the application pods, or run a dedicated ProxySQL service with its own pods. We are going to discuss the latter approach, which is more likely to be used when dealing with a large number of application […]… Read more
By Ivan Groenewold
Source: Percona
In this short blog post, we are going to review how to avoid using credentials in the Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) client command line when adding new exporters. We will use an example with the MySQL exporter, but it is extensible to others (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.). In the online documentation we can see the […]… Read more
By Agustín
Source: Percona
As we’ve communicated in our blog post in May, the TokuDB Storage Engine has been marked as “deprecated” in Percona Server for MySQL 8.0. It will be removed in a future version (Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.28, expected to ship in Q1 2022). With the release of Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.26, the storage engine will […]… Read more
By Lenz Grimmer
Source: Percona
Slides from my talk at MariaDB Server Fest 2021, “Improving MariaDB’s query optimizer with better selectivity estimates”, are here: Direct link: pdf.More… Read more
By spetrunia2
Source: Sergey Petrunia
As part of my ongoing focus on MySQL 8 user and password management, I’ve covered how the new dual passwords feature can reduce the overall DBA workload and streamline the management process (see MySQL 8: Dual Passwords). This wasn’t the only change to user/password management in MySQL 8; one of the more security-focused changes was […]… Read more
By Brian Sumpter
Source: Percona
As previously mentioned here on the blog, PostgreSQL 14 was just released. Need a primer? Umair Shahid recently put together a great overview, PostgreSQL 14 – Performance, Security, Usability, and Observability. I recently did a deep-dive into using JSON from within PostgreSQL in a two blog post series titled Storing and using JSON within PostgreSQL, […]… Read more
By Matt Yonkovit
Source: Percona
As a DBA, it is important to monitor a database to help us troubleshoot or to understand the health of an instance. Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM v2) is open-source and does a great job in monitoring the databases like MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. In this blog post, we will see how to configure a […]… Read more
By Vinodh Krishnaswamy
Source: Percona
It is a common use case to synchronize data in two tables inside MySQL servers. This blog post describes one specific case: how to synchronize data between two different tables on the same MySQL server. This could be useful, for example, if you test DML query performance and do not want to affect production data. […]… Read more
By Sveta Smirnova
Source: Percona
From 25 to 29 October 2021 (calendar week 43) we will have another MariaDB / MySQL advanced training in the Linuxhotel in Essen (Germany). The training is in German and will take place on-site (3G!). There are still some places free! More details about the training you can find here…. Read more
Source: FromDual
Complete the 2021 Open Source Data Management Software Survey to share your knowledge and experience, and help inform the open source database community. In 2020 we ran our second Open Source Data Management Software Survey. This resulted in some interesting data on the state of the open source database market.  Some key statistics: 41% of […]… Read more
By Rachel Pescador
Source: Percona