This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

.html for all url


Adds .html to pages, post, custom post type
1) Login your wordpress account

2) Activate .html for all plugin

2) Now go to settings->.html For All

3) Select the Post type you want to have .html extension in it and save them.

Thats all, Now just refresh your page, post or CPT and see the magic.

This Plugin closely related with rewrite rules so if anything problem seem in loading page with .html, refresh the permalink once
Go to settings->.permalink and update it.



  • Setting tab for .html for all by BuddyDeveloper[]
  • Setting screen of .html for all post, page, custom post type


1) Upload html-for-all-url to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

2) Activate the plugin

3) Login your wordpress account

4) Now go to settings->.html For All

Soon this plugin coming with some more feature to make .html in all WordPress URL

Enjoy the feature of 1st version and support with your review and rating.


Installation Instructions

1) Upload html-for-all-url to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

2) Activate the plugin

3) Login your wordpress account

4) Now go to settings->.html For All

Soon this plugin coming with some more feature to make .html in all WordPress URL

Enjoy the feature of 1st version and support with your review and rating.

is it compatible with WordPress 4.7?

Yes, It is Tested and compatible for WordPress 4.5 < greater versions.

can we change category archive link with .html at the end?

No, Still this feature is not included in this plugin.


November 2, 2017
Thanks 4 this awesome plugin! thats totally what i needed to get .html to my forum, category and similar urls. thanks a lot mate!! hope this plugin is still working with further updates. thanks a lot! great work!
July 28, 2017
I have Tested and found it work for me with all version from WordPress 4.5 It make work very easy to add .html in post, page, custom post url in WordPress. Make URL SEO specific with this plugin. increase your WordPress post, page ranking with .html in all url.
Read all 4 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“.html for all url” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Translate “.html for all url” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


1.0 [July 28, 2017]

  • Allow to manage and change post, page, custom post type url.
  • Provide a handle in setting to enable and disable .html for different custom post type.

1.1 [July 29, 2017]


    • Warnings on add new page screen
    • Issue with URL not found for new pages.

1.2 [August 3, 2017]


    • Fixed issue for post Permalink