Nova Blocks by Pixelgrade


Nova Blocks is a collection of distinctive Gutenberg blocks, committed to making your site shine like a newborn star. It is taking a design-driven approach to help you made the right decisions and showcase your content in the best shape.


Clear and obvious, exciting and not afraid to take risks, distinctive, forward thinking.

  1. Obvious, not confusing
  2. Exciting, not dull
  3. Distinctive, not common


  1. Decisions not options
  2. Purpose-driven
  3. Distinctive
  4. Cross-themes oriented

Tested with the following WordPress themes:

Made with love by Pixelgrade


The proposed value of Open Source is that by freely sharing the code with the community, others can use, improve and contribute back to it.

It’s great if you’re willing to use your skills, knowledge, and experience to help further refine this project with your own improvements. We really appreciate it and you’re 💯 welcome to submit an issue or pull request on any topic.

How can you help?

  • Discovered an issue? Please report it here.
  • Fixed a bug? Send a pull request.
  • Need a feature? Propose it here.
  • Have you made something great? Share it with us.


You can translate Nova Blocks on


Unless otherwise specified, all the plugins files, scripts and images are licensed under GNU General Public License v2 or later.

The Nova Blocks plugin bundles the following third-party resources:


  • Hero of the Galaxy block options
  • Media Card Constellation block options
  • Slideshow Me the Way block options


Installing “Nova Blocks” can be done either by searching for “Nova Blocks” via the Plugins → Add New screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:

  1. Download the plugin via
  2. Upload the ZIP file through the Plugins → Add New → Upload screen in your WordPress dashboard.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.


Can I use the Nova Blocks with my own theme?

Yes! The editor blocks in Nova Blocks are build to inherit your theme style as much as possible.

Is Nova Blocks free?

Yes! Nova Block’s core features are free to use.


There are no reviews for this plugin.

Contributors & Developers

“Nova Blocks by Pixelgrade” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Better handling of block configuration.


  • Fix migration to the new Matrix Alignment control


  • Escape data attributes on blocks that were messing up layout.


  • Added Space and Sizing controls for the Group, Hero and Slideshow block
  • Enhanced Hero block content layout
  • Fixed Color Signal component logic for nested blocks
  • Fixed styling conflicts with menu items inside the Customizer


  • Improved selection of Header Row and Sidecar blocks inside the block editor
  • Improved Header Row blocks layout when Site Logo is missing
  • Fixed Block Alignment Matrix toolbar control
  • Fixed blocks layout inside the Widget Editor


  • Fixed spacing inside Conversations block.
  • Fixed Food Menu label color.
  • Fixed OpenTable Block preview.
  • Add palette shifted class on frontend when Use Color as Reference is checked.
  • Fixed a bug in Advanced Gallery that was preventing the block from being inserted.
  • Improved OpenTable styling inside the Editor.
  • Removed theme related styles for Site Logo.
  • Update logic for Scroll Button.
  • Removed Header Row background on mobiles.


  • New Color Signal component for an enhanced experience editing block colors
  • Updated Hero, Media and Slideshow blocks to use core Matrix Alignment component
  • Extended core List block for more flexibility on the block’s appearance


  • Improved reading progress bar.
  • Updated default pull value for Group block.
  • Use novablocks_medium image size for Posts Collection thumbnail.


  • Fixed error caused by missing sidebar element.


  • New Block: Sidecar that will help users to create layouts with sidebar.
  • Extended Header block with new features inside articles (reading progress bar, current article, next article, sharing buttons).


  • Conversation System: Style properly message shown after a discussion has been closed.
  • Card: Use class added by the user inside Additional Class field.
  • Header: Fix header remaining open when navigating between pages.
  • Cards Collection: Fix layout with 4 columns inside the editor.


  • Enhance Header block to allow multiple rows layouts
  • Improve frontend performance by reducing scripts size
  • Fix Separator block selection inside the block editor
  • Fix display of scrolling indicators


  • New Block: Conversation System to display an improved comments list and comment form
  • New Block: Sharing System to display a popup with multiple ways of sharing the page it is used on
  • Added proper video support for the Cards Collection block
  • Fixed templates for Hero and Media Card block which weren’t working with WordPress 5.6


  • Fix spacing inside block areas on pages that aren’t built with the block editor


  • Add colour variations for the Media Card, Posts Collection and Cards Collection blocks
  • Add “Reading time” option to article meta source for the Posts Collection block
  • Improve frontend performance by better handling scripts and styles loading
  • Improve user experience by making the active controls tab persistent when navigating between blocks
  • Improve the experience of editing galleries in the Media Card Constellation and Gallery of the Stars blocks
  • Improve the organization of controls for various blocks
  • Improve display of Media Card blocks that have no inner blocks
  • Fix display of the Cards Collection block


  • Add card placeholders when loading posts for the Posts Collection block in the editor
  • Improve alignment and spacing for the Posts Collection block in the frontend


  • Fix gallery display in the frontend for Gallery of the Stars block


  • Add parametric layout generation controls for the Posts Collection block
  • Add video support for the Media Card Constellation block
  • Improve performance by splitting and enqueueing only for blocks that are used on a page


  • Fix Media Card Constellation block Image Resizing and Image Position options
  • Fix buttons alignment inside Cards Collection when using Content Alignment option
  • Reduce size of placeholder images fetched from Unsplash on Slideshow Me the Way
  • Load Posts Collection block only for themes which support this block
  • Allow the accent colour of the map to be updated after the a block was saved to a page


  • Add caption and description to Media Card and Gallery of the stars images
  • Add toggle to hide content of the Hero block
  • Improve Slideshow gallery creation UX
  • Fix Announcement Bar vertical alignment
  • Fix Focal Point picker guides in WordPress 5.5
  • Fix automatic Slideshow height in the block editor


  • Fix Slideshow Me The Way block display in the block editor


  • Fix Media Card Constellation block deprecation method


  • New Block: Posts Collection for displaying posts
  • Added placeholder images for most blocks
  • Added an advanced vertical alignment system for the Media Card block
  • Added new controls for the Media Card block
  • Added new controls for the Food Menu blocks
  • Improved usability of blocks by reorganising sidebar controls in sections


  • Add video support for Slideshow Block
  • Fix video background autoplay for Hero block on mobile devices
  • Fix alignment and display for Slideshow Block in editor


  • Improved labels for Map block options in the editor
  • Improved Cards Collection block alignment
  • Fixed display of Media Card block on small devices
  • Fixed Map controls in the frontend


  • New Block: Gallery of the Stars for creative gallery layouts
  • Enhanced block: Media Card Constellation’s gallery can also use creative layouts


  • Fix Hero block minimum height attribute


  • Fix fatal error


  • New Block: Open Hours to display businesses open hours
  • New Block: Cards Collection to display related items in a coherent layout
  • Added a new style for the Food Menu block
  • Fixed parallax scaling and overflow issues
  • Fixed block toolbar positioning for full width blocks
  • Fixed Media Card block images attribute parsing
  • Improved controls display and copy for the Headline block


  • Fixed parallax scrolling for Safari browser


  • Quick fix for blocks crashing after some class name changes in the block editor in Gutenberg 7.5


  • New: Implemented Doppler scrolling effect for the hero block
  • New: Added video support for the Hero Block
  • Improved accessibility by taking into consideration the user’s prefers-reduced-motion setting and disabling parallax
  • Fixed style controls and display for Map Block
  • Fixed a few visual issues for the Food Menu, Headline and Media Card blocks


  • Fixed customized map style.
  • Quick fix to avoid “Undefined index” PHP notice.
  • Fixed Scroll and Position Indicators on the latest version of Gutenberg.


  • Added anchor links for creating a one-page site.
  • Allow themes to declare support for more complex blocks.
  • Fix for Hero block background logic and focal point missing.
  • Bug fix for Slideshow block.
  • Minor refactoring and cleanup.


  • Improved parallax performance on mobile devices.
  • Removed script dependencies and reduced bundle size.
  • Fixed Media Card display in the editor.


  • Quick, but very important fix for the latest version of the Gutenberg plugin (v6.6.0). This is a temporary fix until the situation in Gutenberg gets fixed.


  • Quick fix for parallax on Safari 13.


  • Minor fix for the Media Card block.


  • New block: Headline
  • New block: Map (Google Map)
  • New block: Food Menu
  • New block: Announcement Bar
  • Significant improvements to block controls and behavior.
  • Updated translation file.


  • Initial release