Support » Plugin: Easy Table of Contents » One problem and one suggestion.

  • Resolved tudogz


    I’d prefer to have the table of contents below my first heading, however, when I set that it cuts my first sentence into two parts and displays the first part down the side of the table. The result is virtually unreadable.
    Could we be able to specify the table be first shown in collapsed form? That way the integrity of my layout is maintained, but readers will be able to optionally show the contents table.
    Other than that, I love this plugin, and would love to give a positive review. (When these issues are resolved)

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @tudogz, I have been trying out this plugin myself.

    Have you tried the Float:None (Default) setting in Settings > Table of Contents for the first problem, then changing position to After first heading?

    For the second issue, have you tried checking the box “Initially hide the table of contents.”? That collapses the TOC. It works across all TOCs, in case you have more than one.

    Thread Starter tudogz


    Hi, and thanks for replying.

    I tried the setting as you suggested for the 1st issue and it seems to have eliminated the problem.
    As for the second point, I’ll go and check that out right away.
    Thanks again.

    PS: I must have missed the option to collapse the TOC when first showing the articles. Once I’ve checked that option I’m very happy with the results.
    I appreciate your replying.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by tudogz.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by tudogz.
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