Support » Plugin: WP Job Manager » REST API Content issue

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  • Hello there!

    The response you’re seeing there is expected, as the content field is outputting the post_content, which is simply an HTML string and not JSON.

    Could you clarify why you expect the post_contentto be delivered in JSON format or what are you willing to create with that? Which sort of JSON response are you expecting from this?

    Thread Starter vhenriques


    Im trying to leverage this response on my android mobile client.

    Plugin Contributor Jen H. (a11n)


    Hi @vhenriques,

    Thanks for the clarification. At this point, we’re outside of the scope of the support that we can offer, per our Support Policy:

    If you need it, you can search for development help in a variety of places — here are a few to start:

    I’ll leave this open for a few days in case there’s someone else in the community who would like to chime in and lend a hand.

    Best of luck.

    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    I’m marking this thread as Resolved as it’s been more than a month since the last reply. If you still need help, please do reply again and mark the thread as Unresolved!

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