Dennis, Giustino and Giuseppe, supervised by Peter, send the application for WCMIL16.
Italian text is followed by English
Il team community è stato supervisionato da Peter, uno dei deputy del team Community per l’Europa. Si è dicusso a lungo su come far partire nuovi Meetup, come coinvolgere persone nuove, come gestire le aree geografiche estese ma non troppo popolose.
Mentre eravamo lì riuniti a lavorare, è stata fatta l’application per WordCamp Milano 2016, iscrivetevi alla newsletter per restare informati sul prossimo WordCamp in Italia.
The Community team was supervised by Peter, one of the deputies for Europe of the Community Team. We had a full day of dicussion about how to start new Meetups, how to encourage more people to partecipate, how to deal with vast geographic area that are very fragmented and not too populated.
While we were there, the application for WordCamp Milano 2016 was sent, sign up for updates!