Support » Plugin: Avatar Manager » get_avatar_url getting gravatar, not the uploaded image

  • rebelord


    the new uploaded avatar shows up both in right top “Howdy….” and in profile editing, but when i call get_avatar_url in my own plugin, it still returns a link to gravatar that was default before the upload. Seems it’s the same with get_avatar.
    Thanks for help/fix

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  • Plugin Author Cătălin Dogaru


    Hey rebelord,

    Thank you for reporting! This is something I’ve omitted (unintended) from the current release. I’m sorry for this, I’ll fix it with the next release. get_avatar_url should return the image URL (but currently gives the Gravatar until fixed), while get_avatar returns the img HTML element (this should work as expected). I’ll let you know about any updates.


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