Accessibility Widget


Adds a sidebar widget to change text size in your WP site.
Always go back to the Widget settings after each version update to Save your settings.
Demo at


Automatic installation

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, select Plugins / Add.
  2. Search for Accessibility Widget, and select Install.
  3. Go to Appearances / Widgets.
  4. Drag the Accessibility Widget to your widget area and select Save.

Manual installation

  1. Upload accessibilitywidget.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Place <?php do_action('widget_accesstxt'); ?> in your templates.


How do I use this plugin?

Follow the Installation instructions. Below are options you can set in the widget:-

Resize the following HTML/CSS tags:
Specify all the HTML or CSS tags you want to resize in this section. By default, the HTML tag body, p, li and td is set.
Different WordPress theme may have different and unique stylesheet classes and IDs. You can switch on your browser’s built-in Developer Tools and use the Inspect Element option to detect what HTML/CSS codes to use.

Set to these sizes:
This is where you set the font-size you want to enable for the users to use (read up on the CSS font-size property at W3Schools). The simplest font-size group you can use are smaller, inherit, larger. By default, the size are set as 90%, 100%, 110%, and 120%.

Set controller text:
By default, the widget displays the letter “T” depending on the number of font sizes you use; that is, if you set only two font-size, then only two letter T appears, and so forth. Starting with version 1.2, you can set it to use more meaningful words, like Small, Normal, Large for each size you specify. By default, the controller texts are set as 90%, 100%, 110%, and 120%.

Set tooltip text:
By default, the widget displays the letter “T” depending on the number of font sizes you use; that is, if you set only two font-size, then only two letter T appears, and so forth. Starting with version 1.2, you can set it to use more meaningful words, like Small, Normal, Large for each size you specify. By default, the tooltip texts are set as 90%, 100%, 110%, and 120%.

Can I use this on a non-widgetized website / theme?

Not tested, but theoretically yes, you can. Follow the Manual installation steps in the Installation section for details.


February 8, 2017
Hi Lorna Your plugin works perfectly on this site: I put it in the footer as well as in the sidebar. Thanks Graham
Read all 11 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Accessibility Widget” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Updated widget to remove deprecated functions.


  • Added a new function to display tooltip on mouse hover (HTML title tag).
  • Modified default settings for font sizes and controllers.


  • Debugged controller text to allow a single character/word or multiple character/word (but multiple characters MUST match the amount of font-size used).


  • Added option to customise controller text, i.e. the words you click on to change the text size.


  • Added HTML tags p, li and td options by default for first-time installation.


  • Added options into the widget form for easy customisation.


  • First release.