Support » Plugin: Grids: Layout builder for WordPress » Option to select if tablet should be grid og collapse to single column

  • bjaxelsen


    I have a question about breakpoints:

    When I enable the plugin, it will by default apply grids to tablet and desktop. And mobile will collapse to one column (using CSS flexbox instead of grid).

    Sometimes I need a page to be displayed as grid on tablet (this is what the plugin does out-of-the-box), but on other pages on the same website I may need to collapse a complex grid to one column on tablet also. So that the grid is only shown on desktop.

    Is there any way to reach this goal?

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  • Plugin Contributor Andrea Gandino


    Hi @bjaxelsen,

    thank you for using Grids!

    At the moment what you’re asking is not possible. However we have a roadmap to tackle the responsiveness of grids built with the plugin.

    One thing that we want to do is the ability to redefine breakpoint widths: in this scenario, mobile and tablets would always fall back to single-column layouts, but you could be able to increase the tablet level.

    The other thing that we have in mind to do is to let users be able to choose the visualization on a breakpoint-basis, which would mean that you could be able to re-arrange areas on a grid also on tablet and mobile devices.

    I’m sorry the plugin doesn’t do this just yet, but I hope that the ideas we’ve shared can shed a light on how Grids will ultimately behave on the responsive level.

    Stay tuned for updates to the plugin 😉

    Thanks again,

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