Support » Plugin: WordPress Page Builder - Beaver Builder » Page not rendering styling

  • Hello,

    I’ve recently updated things and my pages no longer render live. They appear fine in the builder.

    I’ve done a lot of reading and tried solutions:

    Disabled all plugins
    Cleared BB cache
    Manually deleted BB cache from the server
    Disabled cache in htaccess

    The page shows errors with font awesome 4 which I have not been able to track down yet.

    I’m out of things to try. Any ideas?

    Thank you
    I don’t think there is any other cache to deal with.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Simon Prosser


    Your page loads perfectly fine if you append a random string to the url to get past the aggressive host caching

    <url_to_site>/?foo=bar for example.

    Thread Starter fatdogstudios


    Wow- Thanks for the quick responses! That’s amazing support.

    I just took another look after a half hour and seems like things work now and I have no idea why. Maybe some of the changes I made just needed some time for some cache somewhere to fully clear… If it breaks again I will try your suggestions and report back.

    Thank you.

    All the best

    Thread Starter fatdogstudios


    So it worked for a few minutes then reverted to not rendering the styling.

    I tried the /? string which worked once,
    I deleted and reinstalled which worked for a couple of minutes but then reverted back.
    The css files are all the same versions as what are installed so I didn’t overwrite them- I can if this is a known issue pls advise.

    Any other ideas?

    Thank you

    Plugin Author Simon Prosser


    Looking at <url>/?hello=world it loads fine. This is a hosting cache issue, are you clearing the host cache after editing? Do you even have access to it?

    Enabling the cache clear extension under the wp-admin beaver builder options may help, be sure to enable the varnish option there, its a sort of generic version of it to help with hosts like yours.

    FWIW the site takes ages to load, and so do the 3 other sites on that IP.

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