Support » Plugin: Akismet Spam Protection » v4.1.8 breaks comment form

  • Resolved tyler0001


    If a form is customized in any way, the new update will break forms with the error “All fields are required”.

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  • Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    Can you give me an example of a form that this is happening to?

    Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    Or how the form was customized?

    Thread Starter tyler0001


    I cannot provide an example right now because I reverted the update.

    My hunch is that it is this commit:

    Looks like “All fields are required” is a generic error for my site passed into wp_localize_script when loading the JS.

    I’m testing locally and will post updates here.

    Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    What are you using to require that all fields are filled in? Is it a custom plugin you wrote, a plugin from, or something in your theme?

    Thread Starter tyler0001


    Not the most elegant code.. but this is from my theme and validates the comment form:

        $form.find('input:not([type="file"]),textarea').each(function () {
          if (!$(this).val()) {
            valid = false;
        // if invalid, show the "all field required" warning

    It looks like the update added a honeypot? with the extra textarea ak_hp_textarea. At any rate, refactoring the JS will fix this. Thanks for the quick reply.

    Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    Yeah, I agree with your assessment. If this proves to be an issue with more people, we might have to look at giving the Akismet textarea a default value, but thanks for the heads up about it.

    Plugin Author Christopher Finke


    The simplest fix would probably be to add :visible to the selector, so you’re only checking if visible form fields have been filled in.

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