チケット完売につき、追加します。6/5発売です。Additional tickets for the event and CAMPING on 5th Jun.





追記: 2018/05/31

  • 増枠の対象: 「A 一般チケット」、「D キッズチケット(一時預かりあり)」「BBQ + テント泊チケット」
  • 増枠チケット数:
    • A 一般チケット: 20
    • C Tシャツ付きチケット: 10
    • D キッズチケット(一時預かりあり): 2
    • BBQ + テント泊チケット: 15
  • 増枠チケットの販売日時: 6月5日(火) 12:30 (お昼休みです)


The confenrence and after-party registration started at noon 20th, May. Conference tickets, General Admission with a T-shirt ticket, Students ticket, real-camping tickets and BBQ (no lodging) are sold out. We still have kids conference tickets and Takamatsu After-Party tickets left a few.

Thanks to all that bought the tickets. See you on July 15th!

In this post, we keep you updated about the ticket circumstances.

As for the kids’ tickets, we have two tickets. One is for those who need childcare professionals, another for who doesn’t. Now that we don’t have any tickets for adults, childcare tickets are suspended. We’ll reopen the childcare tickets when we have additional tickets for adults. In case the parent(s) already have their own tickets and want to register for the childcare, please contact us.

2018/05/31 added: We now know how many tickets we can add.

  • Tickets to be added: “A General Admission,” “Kids (with child care) ,” and “BBQ + Camp with tent” tickets
  • Number of additional tickets:
    • A General Admission: 20
    • C General Admission with a T-shirt: 10
    • Kids (with child care): 2
    • BBQ + Camp with tent: 15
  • The date and time of registration: 12:30, the 5th June, JPT. (Half past noon)

To add tickets, we need some time to see the number of kids and review our operation and budget. Thank you for your understanding.