Yoast SEO


Yoast SEO: Jednotka medzi WordPress SEO pluginmi

Since 2008 Yoast SEO has helped millions of websites worldwide to rank higher in search engines.

Yoast’s mission is SEO for Everyone. Our plugin’s users range from the bakery around the corner to some of the most popular sites on the planet.

Yoast SEO Free contains everything that you need to manage your SEO, and the Yoast SEO Premium plugin and its extensions unlock even more tools and functionality.


To rank highly in search engines, you need to beat the competition. You need a better, faster, stronger website than the people who sell or do the same kinds of things as you.

Yoast SEO is the most-used WordPress SEO plugin, and has helped millions of people like you to get ahead, and to stay ahead.


Yoast SEO is packed full of features, designed to help visitors and search engines to get the most out of your website. Some of our favourites are:

  • Automated technical SEO improvements, like canonical URLs and meta tags.
  • Advanced XML sitemaps; making it easy for Google to understand your site structure.
  • Title and meta description templating, for better branding and consistent snippets in the search results.
  • An in-depth Schema.org integration that will increase your chance of getting rich results, by helping search engines to understand your content.
  • Full control over site breadcrumbs, so that users and search engines always know where they are.
  • Faster loading times for your whole website, due to an innovative way of managing data in WordPress.
  • [Premium] E-mail support for our Yoast SEO Premium users.
  • [Premium] The possibility to expand Yoast SEO with the News SEO, Video SEO, Local SEO and WooCommerce SEO extensions.


We know content is king, that’s why Yoast SEO is famous for its state-of-the-art content and SEO analysis. Yoast SEO gives you:

  • SEO analysis: an invaluable tool while writing SEO-friendly content with the right (focus) keyphrases in mind.
  • Readability analysis: ensures that humans and search engines can read and understand your content.
  • Full language support for: English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese, Arabic, Swedish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Turkish, Czech, Norwegian and Slovak.
  • A Google preview, which shows what your listings will look like in the search results. Even on mobile devices!
  • Innovative Schema blocks for the WordPress block editor, so that your FAQ and HowTo content can be shown directly in the search results. Plus a breadcrumbs block to guide your users.
  • [Premium] Internal linking blocks to easily improve the structure of your content. Easily add a table of contents block, a related links block, a subpages block, or siblings block! Plus, we’ll keep adding these easy-to-add blocks to improve your site structure.
  • [Premium] Social previews to show you how your content will be shown on Twitter and Facebook. Plus: Social Appearance Templates to guarantee a consistent look.
  • [Premium] Nástroj Prehľady, ktorý vám ukáže, na čo sa váš text zameriava. Týmto spôsobom môžete udržiavať váš článok v súlade s vašimi kľúčovými slovami.
  • [Premium] Optimize your content for synonyms and related keyphrases.
  • [Premium] Optimize your article for different word forms of your keyphrases, as the singular and plural. But also different verb forms, synonyms, and related keyphrases. This makes for more natural content!
  • [Premium] Automatic internal linking suggestions: write your article and get automatic suggested posts to link to!
  • [Premium] An orphaned content filter to detect posts that have no links pointing towards them!
  • [Premium] SEO workouts to make working on your site as easy as ABC. These SEO workflows will get your site into shape in no time!


Whether you are an online entrepreneur, blogger or content creator, a developer, a (WordPress) SEO expert or a business owner, Yoast SEO helps you keep your website in perfect shape by:

  • Tuning the engine of your website, so you can work on creating great content!
  • Giving you cornerstone content and internal linking features to help you optimize your site structure in a breeze.
  • Translating your content to structured data where possible, to help search engines understand your website.
  • Helping you manage your team: with our SEO roles you can give colleagues access to specific sections of the Yoast SEO plugin.
  • [Premium] Automatically creating redirects when URLs change or when pages are deleted, and providing tools to manage or create redirects.
  • [Premium] Showing you social previews to manage the way your page is shared on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.


Yoast is powered by a team of expert developers, testers, software architects, and SEO consultants. They work constantly to stay at the cutting edge of WordPress SEO, and to improve the plugin with every release.

Yoast SEO is the only WordPress SEO plugin made by world-renowned SEO experts.


The Yoast team offers regular support on the WordPress.org forums. But we hope you understand that we prioritize our Premium customers. This one-on-one email support is available to people who have purchased Yoast SEO Premium.

Did you know that Yoast SEO Premium contains a lot of extra features:

  • A redirect manager that prevents “404: page not found” errors
  • Optimize without worrying about over-optimization with intelligent word form recognition available in multiple languages.
  • Internal linking blocks to structure your site easily.
  • Internal linking suggestions while you’re writing.
  • Preview your content to see what it will look like in the search results and when shared on social media using the Google preview and social preview.
  • Cornerstone content checks that point search engines to your most important pages.
  • Connect Yoast SEO to Zapier to easily create zaps that instantly share your published posts with 2000+ destinations like Twitter, Facebook, and much more.

If you are serious about your WordPress SEO, install the Yoast SEO Premium plugin! Costs a little, saves a lot of time!


Check out these SEO add-ons by Yoast:

  • Yoast Local SEO optimizes your website for a local audience.
  • Yoast Video SEO ensures that Google understands what your video is about, increasing the chances of ranking in the video results.
  • Yoast News SEO for news websites that want to improve their visibility and performance in Google News.
  • WooCommerce SEO for all online shops that want to perform better in the search results and social media.

These extensions work fine with the free version of Yoast SEO. Of course, the premium extensions also include 24/7 support.

Oh, don’t forget: our Yoast Academy is for all entrepreneurs, bloggers, and anyone who wants to learn more about optimizing websites, improving your WordPress SEO, and if you want to take your content to the next level!


Yoast SEO integrates seamlessly into a range of themes and plugins. We work particularly well with:


Do you want to report a bug for Yoast SEO? Best to do so in the WordPress SEO repository on GitHub. Please note that GitHub is not a support forum and issues will be closed if they don’t meet the bug requirements.


Want more information on search engine optimization and Yoast SEO? Have a look at:


  • Hlavné meta polia pluginu Yoast SEO. Toto uvidíte na stránke upravovania pre články, stránky a vlastné typy príspevkov.
  • Príklad fungovania analýzy SEO.
  • Príklad fungovania analýzy čitateľnosti stránky.
  • Prehľad SEO problémov na celej webovej stránke a možné zlepšenia.
  • Majte kontrolu nad tým, ktoré funkcie chcete využívať.
  • Jednoduché importovanie údajov SEO z ostatných SEO pluginov ako All In One SEO pack, HeadSpace2 SEO a wpSEO.de.


Zavedenie Yoast SEO sa skladá z dvoch krokov: inštalácia a nastavenie plugine. Yoast SEO je navrhnutý tak, aby sa prispôsobil špecifickým potrebám vašej stránky a preto nezabudnite prejsť Sprievodcom konfiguráciou Yoast SEO ako je uvedené v kroku ‚Po aktivácii‘!


  1. Na hlavnom paneli navštívte stránku pluginov a vyberte možnosť ‚Pridať nové‘;
  2. Vyhľadajte ‚Yoast SEO‘;
  3. Aktivujte Yoast SEO na stránke pluginy;
  4. Prejdite do sekcie ‚po aktivácii‘ nižšie.


  1. Nahrajte súbor ‘wordpress-seo’ do adresára /wp-content/plugins/;
  2. Aktivujte si plugin Yoast SEO cez menu ‚Pluginy‘ vo WordPress;
  3. Prejdite do sekcie ‚po aktivácii‘ nižšie.


  1. Mali by ste vidieť (upozornenie na spustenie) Sprievodcu konfiguráciou Yoast SEO;
  2. Prejdite sprievodcom konfiguráciou a nastavte plugin pre vašu webovú stránku;
  3. Hotovo!

Časté otázky

Ako fungujú XML mapy stránok v plugine Yoast SEO?

Mať XML mapu stránok môže byť pre SEO užitočné, pretože Google dokáže veľmi rýchlo načítať dôležité stránky webovej stránky aj v prípade, že interné prepojenie stránky nie je bezchybné.
Index mapy stránok a jednotlivé mapy stránok sa automaticky aktualizujú pri pridávaní alebo odstraňovaní obsahu a budú obsahovať tie typy príspevkov, ktoré majú vyhľadávacie nástroje indexovať. Typy príspevkov označené ako noindex sa v mape stránok nezobrazia. Viac informácií o mape stránok XML.

Ako môžem pridať moju webovú stránku do Google Search Console?

It is straightforward to add your website to Google Search Console.
1. Create a Google Search Console account and login into your account.
2. Click ‘Add a property’ under the search drop-down.
3. Enter your website URL in the box and click ‘Continue’.
4. Click the arrow next to ‘HTML tag’ to expand the option.
5. Copy the meta tag.
6. Log in to your WordPress website.
7. Click on ‘SEO’ in the dashboard.
8. Click on ‘General’.
9. Click on the ‘Webmaster Tools’ tab.
10. Paste the code in the Google field and click ‘Save Changes’.
11. Go back to Google Search Console and click ‘Verify’.

If you want more details steps, please visit our article on our help center.

Ako môžem nastaviť navigáciu breadcrumbs Yoast SEO?

Kroky uvedené nižšie sú dočasným riešením, pretože ručné úpravy súborov témy môžu byť prepísané budúcimi aktualizáciami témy. Pre trvalé riešenie sa obráťte na vývojára témy. Napísali sme článok o dôležitosti navigácie breadcrumbs pre SEO.

Na zavedenie funkcie navigácia breadcrumbs v Yoast SEO budete musieť vašu tému upraviť. Pred akoukoľvek úpravou súborov témy odporúčame urobiť zálohu. Váš poskytovateľ hostingu vám so zálohovaním môže pomôcť.
Skopírujte nasledujúci kód do vašej témy na miesto, kde chcete navigáciu breadcrumbs umiestniť. Ak si nie ste istí, budete musieť s umiestnením experimentovať:

if ( function_exists( 'yoast_breadcrumb' ) ) {
    yoast_breadcrumb( '<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>' );

Bežné miesta, kde by ste mohli umiestniť kód navigácie breadcrumbs, je vo vnútri vášho single.php a/alebo page.php súboru priamo nad nadpisom stránky. Ďalšou možnosťou, ktorá je v niektorých témach jednoduchšia, je vloženie kódu do header.php na úplnom konci.

In most non-WooTheme themes, this code snippet should not be added to your functions.php file.
Alternatively, you can manually add the breadcrumb shortcode to individual posts or pages: [wpseo_breadcrumb]

Ak potrebujete viac podrobností alebo sprievodcu krok za krokom, prečítajte si našu Príručku na zavedenie Yoast SEO.

Ako označiť adresy URL ako noindex?

Yoast SEO ponúka viaceré možnosti na nastavenie adresy URL alebo skupiny adries URL ako noindex. Viac informácií o tom, ako to urobiť, nájdete v tejto príručke.

Google zobrazuje nesprávny popis, ako to môžem opraviť?

Ak ste pre vaše blogové príspevky vytvorili vydarené meta popisy, nie je nič nepríjemnejšie, ako keď v úryvku výsledkov vyhľadávania Google zobrazí pre vašu stránku úplne iný popis.

Možné príčiny sú:
1. nesprávny popis v kóde
2. Google cache je zastaralý
3. manipulácia s vyhľadávaným výrazom
4. Google ignoroval meta popis

Tu si môžete prečítať viac o tom, ako riešiť problém s nesprávnym popisom.

Ako často je plugin Yoast SEO aktualizovaný?

Yoast Yoast SEO je aktualizovaný každé dva týždne. Ak chcete vedieť prečo, prosím prečítajte si tento článok, v ktorom vysvetľujeme, prečo aktualizácie vydávame každé dva týždne!

Ako získam podporu?

As our free plugin is used by millions of people worldwide, we cannot offer you all one on one support. If you have trouble with the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin, you can get help on the support forums here at wordpress.org or by checking out our help center at yoast.com/help/.

Pluginy, ktoré si zakúpite na Yoast sa nazývajú „prémiové pluginy“ (aj keď sa slovo Premium nenachádza v ich názve) a zahrňujú rok bezplatných aktualizácii a prémiovej podpory. To znamená, že v prípade otázok môžete kontaktovať našu podporu.

Prečítajte si viac o tom, ako získať podporu

Mám inú otázku než je uvedené

Your question has most likely been answered on our help center: yoast.com/help/.


18. septembra 2021
Unfortunately, Yoast SEO does not seem to recognise German conjunctions. Thus, it shows a red "smiley" for readability, even if one uses many conjunctions such as "dennoch", "während", "wenn-dann", "und", etc. etc. Furthermore, it seems to recognise the different German articles as one word and says: Do not use the same word three times in a row at the beginning of a sentence even if the articles are different from one another. Please fix that as it is very annoying and upsetting during the process of writing. Moreover, you are simply wrong. My style has not changed at all since you introduced your apparently altered rating system. The results, however, are different. Thank you.
13. septembra 2021
Overall I love what Yoast does but the support has simply been disappointing. I don't have the premium version and I had incompatibility problems with another plugin. Yoast simply refused to help me unless I purchased the premium version despite the other plugin being willing to send over a copy of the plugin and offer anything that they needed to investigate the issue. It's really a shame, and I lost my respect for the company. Money-centric doesn't look good on you, Yoast.
Prečítať všetkých 27 391 recenzií

Prispievatelia a vývojári

“Yoast SEO” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.


„Yoast SEO“ bol preložený do 51 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.

Preložiť „Yoast SEO“ do vašho jazyka.

Máte záujem o vývoj?

Prehľadávajte zdrojový kód, preskúmajte SVN repozitár, alebo sa prihláste na odber vývojárskeho logu cez RSS.

Zoznam zmien


Release Date: September 7th, 2021

Yoast SEO 17.1 is out today! In this release, you’ll find a couple of small changes that’ll help you write great titles that stand up to Google’s scrutiny. It also includes some behind-the-scenes improvements, including several fixes for our indexables data management. For now, please enjoy Yoast SEO and write the best possible content in the language of your choice! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 17.1 in our release post!


  • Improves the performance of saving posts by excluding unchanged items, especially noticeable on posts with many links.
  • Stops showing the SEO Optimization notification on non-production sites.
  • Improves the filtering of function words in Dutch, English, Indonesian, Russian, and Spanish by including time-related words like ‚minute‘.
  • Updates the styling of our Google preview, to reflect the updated styling of the Google search results.
  • Stops warning users when they have short titles, because concise, specific titles are less likely to be altered by Google.
  • Removes the | and ~ separator options from titles, because Google frequently replaces these in search results.


Release Date: August 24th, 2021

Say hello to Yoast SEO 17.0! This release includes some behind-the-scenes improvements, including several fixes for our indexables data management. For now, please enjoy Yoast SEO and write the best possible content in the language of your choice! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 17.0 in our release post!


  • Speeds up load times of admin pages by preventing unnecessary counts of unindexed objects.
  • Cleans up items from the database that are not used anymore, thereby reducing the size of many sites‘ database.
  • Improves the overall performance and responsiveness in Gutenberg.

Opravy chýb:

  • Fixes a bug where the Save all button in the bulk editor did not work.
  • Fixes a bug where the Existing column in the bulk editor did not update after save.


  • Updates the message that recommends you to install WooCommerce SEO when WooCommerce is installed.

Earlier versions

Zoznam zmien starších verzií nájdete v zozname zmien na yoast.com.