Health Check & Troubleshooting


This plugin will perform a number of checks on your WordPress installation to detect common configuration errors and known issues, and also allows plugins and themes to add their own checks.

A secção de depuração permite-lhe reunir informações sobre o seu WordPress e a configuração do servidor, que poderá partilhar com os representantes do suporte dos temas e plugins, ou no fórum de suporte oficial em

Troubleshooting allows you to have a clean WordPress session, where all plugins are disabled, and a default theme is used, but only for your user until you disable it or log out.

The Tools section allows you to check that WordPress files have not been tampered with, that emails can be sent, and if your plugins are compatible with any PHP version updates in the future.

Para mais detalhes sobre como usar o plugin Health Check, consulte o manual do plugin criado pela equipa de suporte em

Feedback is welcome both through the forums, the GitHub project page, or on Slack in either #forums or #core-site-health.


  • O ecrã de verificação após decorrerem os testes automáticos do sistema.
  • A informação de depuração, mostrando o campo para copiar e colar.
  • A selection of tools that can be ran on your site.
  • Troubleshooting mode enabled, showing your website Dashboard

Perguntas frequentes

I am unable to access my site after enabling troubleshooting

If you should find your self stuck in Troubleshooting Mode for any reason, you can easily disable it by clearing your cookies.

Are you unfamiliar with how to clear your cookies? No worries, you may also close all your browser windows, or perform a computer restart and it will clear this specific cookie automatically.

The PHP compatibility says this plugin only work with PHP version X?

The plugin is made to be a support tool for as many users as possible, this means it needs code that is written for older sites as well.

Tools that check for PHP compatibility do not know how to separate this code from the real code, so it will give a false positive response.

At this time, the plugin has been tested with every version of PHP from 5.2 through 7.3, and works with all of these.


10 de Outubro, 2021
I like this plugin a lot and I'm not sure how it's not part of core WordPress - the ability to troubleshoot a live site without affecting user experience is extremely valuable. I leave it installed and active on all my development/testing sites while only installing it as necessary on production sites and then removing it when troubleshooting is finished. I've seen a lot of reviews here stating that troubleshooting mode broke the website - I did have an issue once where I enabled troubleshooting mode on a caching plugin - this would be expected behavior for a plugin like this especially if one uses a caching plugin that modifies .htaccess since troubleshooting mode would not undo that change.
15 de Setembro, 2021
Good approach, but it stopped working. The plugin can get stuck in troubleshooting mode (which you can get out of by deleting browser cookies), but in my installation, even enabling or disabling plugins stopped working permanently. Support is of no help, they just don't answer.
10 de Setembro, 2021
I had some issues that I knew had to do with a plug-in I updated, but as I had updated about 12 of them, it was pretty tedious to troubleshoot manually. This plug-in made the process easy. Thanks.
10 de Agosto, 2021
I love it and use the troubleshoot feature quite frequently to test new themes and features
2 de Agosto, 2021
This plugin is a good tool but unfortunately it gets stuck in "TROUBLESHOOTING MODE" The troubleshooter button does not have a REVERSAL!! Then, the dashboard TROUBLESHOOTING controls do not work. Hence I had to uninstall it 🙁
27 de Julho, 2021
After an update my theme was causing an error. Using the troubleshooting mode saved me time having to turn everything off manually and allowed me to find the culprit quickly.
Ler todas as 132 avaliações

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Registo de alterações


  • Fix Troubleshooting Mode throwing errors in frontend on WordPress 5.5


  • Fixed hidden JavaScript warning when using troubleshooting mode on the Dashboard
  • Fixed plugin and theme lists staying hidden in troubleshooting mode on the Dashboard


  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.4


  • Fix missing headers for a loopback request in the debug section


  • Fixed SQL version checks for various MariaDB installs.
  • Fixed a warning being generated in logfiles for first-time users with no existing Site Health history.
  • Added missing translation function for the new PHP compatibility tool.


  • Fix a bug when viewing the Site Health page if enabling the Health Check plugin in troubleshooting mode.
  • Fix an inconsistency with how database versions are checked.
  • Fix the file comparison view on Windows systems if there are modified core files.
  • Fix a bug where some premium plugins could not be enabled in troubleshooting mode
  • Improved styles for older browsers.
  • Improved the PHP module checks to allow for constant checks as well. Should help with some edge case tests.
  • Improved the core file integrity checker.
  • Improved testing of WP_cron, now works properly for those running a “real cron” outside of WordPress.
  • Improved the htaccess rule test to only run if using an Apache server that supports these.
  • Modify the Site Health grading indicator.
  • Modified strings to make them clearer.
  • Added server headers to the Debug information.
  • Added polyfills for core features from WordPress 5.2 so they work for older sites.
  • Added a link to the Site Health page from the plugin overview.
  • Added a custom capability, view_site_health_checks for the plugin.
  • Added support for parent/child theme output in the Debug screen.
  • Added system user information to the Debug information.
  • Added a Site Health test for timezone localization.
  • Added mbstring and json (again) as requirements to the list of PHP extensions.
  • Added a missing toggle to the list of plugins/themes to the troubleshooting dashboard widget.
  • Added bulk actions to enable or disable plugins when troubleshooting, or to initiate troubleshooting mode.
  • Added plugin compatibility checker ot the tools section.
  • Added a dashboard widget to show your Site Health status at a glance when logging in.
  • Added filters for Site Health test results.
  • Added WP-CLI support, you can now run wp health-check status for a list of test and their status.
  • Moved compatibility functions out of primary files and into a compat.php so they can be conditionally loaded.
  • Disable the Fatal Error (WSOD) protection in WordPress while in troubleshooting mode.